We are aware that the Ferengi, in a last act of annoyance, attempted to cancel debts that were owed to them. The Cardassian Union is now the legal governing authority of the Ferengi and as such we are taking on all debts and contracts previously held by the Ferengi. Provided there is a simple continuation of previous debt payments there will be no change in terms and all previously agreed upon contracts will continue without interruption. Should any party attempt to shirk your debt payments all contracts will be immediately nullified and future loans or contracts will be impossible until the debt is repaid.
Quiet Evening at the Jacorn National Institute, one of the most prestigious institutes on the capital world, known especially for it's programs in political science. A small crowd of about seven hundred are in attendance, however billions are watching through holo news feeds across Jacorn Space and much of the Quadrant.
Question: Mr. President, your opponents have been critical of your policy of resuming relations with the Tholians, particularly after ending the alliance with the Federation. The later was justified by claiming a move to a more isolationatory form of government, but that seems to counter with the former. Can you explain?
President: We can remain isolationist on internal policy issues and security while still maintaining a policy of healthy interactivity with the surrounding region. With the collapse of the Klingon Empire, and subsequent issues, we cannot afford to sit by as the Tholian Empire collapses as well. Allowing them extremely limited passage through our space helps to prevent economic disaster in the Empire and requires no action on our part outside of our borders.
Liberal Front Candidate: The President talks boldly of streatching outside of our isolation to preserve the Stability of the Quadrant, yet we should examine more closely the things that have gone on: The Klingon Empire Collapses, undermining one of the strongest alliance blocks that exist in the Quadrant, and one that has helped guarantee a stable environment, it was an alliance block we were part of. When the Klingons fell rather than sticking with our allies, we stepped away, leaving the Federation alone. The Federation has since worked to maintain a stable Quadrant. They have called up reserves to contain the Klingons Clans. They shut down Tholian access to their space only as a last resort when the Emperor himself cut all political ties to the Federation, shutting down any official dialogue between the two. Rather than joining them to help encourage stability the President has encouraged the Tholians by allowing them access to our space, with ARMED transports. I simply cannot understand how running to the Tholians while maintaining distance from the Federation can work in the best interests of Quadrant wide Security and stability.
President: After the collapse of the Klingon Empire, the Federation took steps to secure their own borders, as we ourselves have done. Their decision to close their borders to the Tholians was not an act of last resort, but a punitive measure for diplomatic disagreement. None of this changes the situation: a Tholian empire in civil war will bring war to our borders. We remain isolationist, but we cannot be fools. We must moderate our responses based on the security of our Alliance, and not on past predjudices. As to the Federation, we remain on good terms, and have not distanced ourselves at all.
Question: The Liberal Front's response brings up the interesting point that in the terms of the deal between the Tholians and the Jacorn the Tholians were, without prompting or questionging, given rights to have lightly armed ships patroling Jacorn Space with no mention of escorts. Given the recent events between the Jacorn and the Tholians, most notably a war that ended less than five years ago that saw the deaths of many thousands of Jacorn to stop the Tholians Territorial Advance, does it seem wise to allow them unguarded access to our space with weapons of any kind?
President: As a gesture of trust, they have been allowed defensive weapons for protection from raiders beyond our space. They are not wandering about our space; they are being monitored, and any deviation will result in reprisals. More importantly, why would they risk any deviation, let alone outright attack? They would lose their only trade route, and face a war against us at a time when they are severely weakened. The Tholians are prideful, but we have not seen them as fools.
Republic Party: Interesting that the word fools get's brought up for use regarding the Tholians. They aren't fools, yet their Emperor demands compensation for an illegal Federation Blockade, that does not exist. He has openly critisized the Federation for interfearing in the matters of other states such as when they stepped in to save the Ferangi Alliance the first time the Cardassians attempted to invade, yet without Federation intervention, the Empire would most likely have collapsed with no Ferangi capital available to ease the impact of their economic shortfall. It is my belief that it will only be a matter of time before our association with them will become an international political nightmare. Look at the Cardassians. For a while they too allied with the Tholians, they were repayed with the sale of over a thousand warships that were used to destroy the orbital shipyards over Cardassia. Can we expect a similar "accident" in the future. Perhaps shortly before a "lightly armed" transport group gets close enough to realize it's an invasion force
President: My opponent from the Republic Party seeks to stir fear in an attempt to seed doubt in the leadership's policy regarding the Tholians. A policy of fear and distrust is no way to govern a nation. We must broker our own security through peaceful negotiations, while preparing a strong defense. Thanks to this administration, no invasion force the Tholians can muster on trade ships could hope to invade our space. My opponent seeks to draw comparisons with the Cardassian Union where there are none.
Question: In Regards to the Cardassian Union and their recent conquest of the Ferangi Alliance, much of the Quadrant, including this administration has remained silent on the issue. What is the Official Position of the Administration on the attacks, and why have they been so restrained in declaring them
President: We are disturbed at the nature of the invasion, and the Federation's seeming inability to act in any meaningful way to prevent it. Through this attack, the Cardassians have proven themselves to be the same adversarial threat they were during the Dominion War, and will likely use the invasion as a stepping stone to build their military into a threat to the entire quadrant. We intend to work with the Federation to determine the best course of action in this matter. We have refrained from comment because we did not wish to obstruct Federation plans about the situation.
Question: Concerning no specific Recent Event. What is teh responsibility of other international powers when hostile actions occur. Particularly, what is the responsibility of Democratic governments in the changing international envoronment we find today?
President: If possible, diplomatic engagements should be enough to discourage agressive behavior such as that seen in recent weeks. The policy of this government is to stay out of foreign matters unless it threatens the safety of our citizens. If threatened, we will back up our diplomatic responses with those of a less subtle nature.
Liberal Front Candidate: Aggression with no provocation is the source of instability in the Quadrant. It is the responsibility of the International community to pressure those who would engage in such activities into refraining. The Democracies must lead the challenge. We stand as democracies that have stood the test of time to move into the stars because we value or principles of democracy. Of Freedom and Self-Determination of all Peoples, and species. In the equality of all life, a notion not necessairily shared by others. therefore the duty falls to us to be strong enough not only to save ourselves, but to save thos around us. For they like us, deserve the rights of the living.
President: My opponent in the Liberal Front suggests that we insert ourselves into foreign matters under what circumstances? We agree that all beings have the right to self-determination, and believe subjugation, such as that suffered by our people is wrong in all forms, but at what point do we cease keeping the peace and begin enforcing our policies on others? When does it become acceptable to intervene? After an invasion? Before one? What if we simply believe a nation is going to attack another? When does it become acceptable for us to intervene?
Question: what steps can the challenging Candidates suggest to make our nation more secure without relying on outside assistance to preserve the security we deserve? We can make a difference without risking the lives of our citizens, through responsible policy decisions, and not allowing predjudices and fear to rule our choices.
Liberal Front Candidate: Security Starts within the Politics. Resuming an Alliance with the Federation would not be relying on them to fight our battles for us. That was part of the nature of the Tholian Conflict. We proved, even when allied with them. We can defend ourselves, but much as the Federation-Klingon Alliance created security for the whole Quadrant, so too could an alliance between our States. From this Alliance we must make sure we don't become complacent and lapse on matters of Security. Thus the Fleet must be made strong and secure, able to repel an invasion or intervene in any situation. This doesn't mean more firepower, this means more armor, more shields, so that if we must send our sons and daughters into battle, they will come home. Lastly It comes down to political dealings. We openly deal and trade with those who do not threaten the safety of the Jacorn or of the Quadrant. Those who do should be quarantined, if they are going to devolve into violence and turmoil to do it on their own grounds away from the rest of the Quadrant.
Republic Candidate: Security does not depend on catering to our nearby states to keep them safe. Security depends only on making sure we can keep the chaos out. Do the Tholians deserve to cross our space, when they have open access to Federation routes that would carry no trade prophet reduction if they would simply mature and say "Okay, lets sit down and talk" to re open the Federation Embassy and return their Ambassador to Earth?
Question: In closing I would ask both parties to summarize their position on the international world. The adminsitration has expressed dissapointment with the Federation for not stopping the invasion of the Ferengi Alliance while admitting that it would not take action in a similar situation. The opposition seems to indicate it would take a more interventionist role alongside the Federation, possibly exposing the Jacorn to conflicts not in their interest as the Federation has many enemies. Can both sides justify their approach with the administration explaing the dichotomy of its views on responsibility and the opposition explaining why the Jacorn people should consider taking on more risk internationally.
President: We believe that nations should take on responsibility locally, based on need, rather than playing galactic police. We believe that role is best left to those with the resources and motivation to do so, while we focus on the security and prosperity of our own people.
Liberal Front Candidate: Are we, as a state, as a people, any better than the evils that inspire the conquest of worlds, and entire civilizations, if we sit back and do nothing. If we can, do we not have the responsibility to stand up for our principles and prevent acts of conquest, and violence wherever they may occur. The President asked me when is it proper to intervene: the answer is quite clear. Intervention will occur for those states, under the pressure of unjust military action by another, when they ask for it. I do not inted to play a god, nor does the Federation. Simply parading our ships in to stop conquests with no invitation. We will go as we did to help the Yrridians, as the Federation did to help the Ferangi, we will go when help is asked and we are firm in our stance against such evils.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
::State Visit between the Federation and Jacorn: Federation President Q&A::
Summer evening at the University of Jacora, at the President's request a larger venue was found, and nearly 2,500 Jacorn are in attendance, mostly students from the University. The Political Science Department Chair sits on a stage across from the President for a short Q&A session. The Event is being broadcast throughout the Jacorn Alliance and Federation as well as into billions of other homes region wide.
Q: Why did you want to be President?
I stood for election because the idea of the Federation, and democratic government uniting multiple races into one nation, is important even if we as citizens were not always aware of it. I had long served as part of my political party back home and I believe strongly in its ideals that the Federation must be prepared and can never afford to be caught in the same situation it was at the outset of the Dominion War. When I was asked to stand for election by others in my party I took it as a small personal honor and a great responsibility to those who came before me.
Q: Is being the President of the Federation a Difficult Challenge?
*laughs and smiles* Well, there have certainly been simpler moments in time in which to govern a nation. I would not say difficult so much as I would say it can be lonely. The people I work with every day are fantastic people and they do everything they can to take every minor worry out of my way.
At first one can be almost seduced by the pageantry of being a head of state. But I quickly came to realize that all this was done for me because there are times where I must make a decision that impacts millions or billions of lives. I have some of the smartest people I know there to advise me through decisions but when you go to bed at night it was your decision alone. I have spent many nights staring out onto the streets of Paris contemplating decisions I have made. I know that decisions I have made have caused suffering as well. We lost three starships defending formerly Klingon worlds that voted to join the Federation and whom I agreed to accept. Writing those letters to the surviving family members is something you carry with you forever.
But the job has its own rewards at times. Our decision with the Klingons has added billions of citizens to the Federation who would otherwise be subject to the ravages of civil war. Those citizens lead safe lives now. Their children will grow up with education, shelter and nearly limitless opportunity. When you meet those people and see the good the Federation can and does do…well on those nights you get to sleep well.
Q: What motivates you to run again every year for the position?
I will be honest. I don’t like the term “run for office”. I prefer to think I have stood for election. I have made little secret of what I stand for and I allow the citizens of the Federation to vote for me or against me on the basis of those issues. In my view I have been lucky to serve a nation which I love dearly and I will continue to make myself available in whatever capacity the citizens feel best serves their interest be that president, defense minister or even ambassador to the Tholian Empire.
Q: Anything that has happened in your terms that you wish you could get a second chance at?
That is a very difficult question to answer well…I wish we had worked with the Klingon Empire on political reforms before they collapsed. Those citizens who joined the Federation have been exemplary additions. Many probably thought that democratic government did not suit the Klingons but in retrospect I would have to disagree. They have a proud warrior culture which many feared would not fit into the Federation but we have other similar cultures such as the Andorians. We have found that mostly these new citizens wish the opportunity to serve their nation and better their lives. Indeed in most circumstances we have found this to be a nearly universal truth among all species.
The collapse of the Klingon Empire was a sad and unnecessary event for which we were unprepared. In retrospect had the political system there been stabilized the loss of their leader would have generated an orderly transition of power.
Q: How do you handle the criticisms that have been laid against the Federation by many other nearby nations?
I am asked this a lot and it always reminds me of an old earth saying. “You have enemies? Good, that means you have stood up for something, sometime in your life.” So long as I am elected to represent the people the Federation will stand for the following things regardless of the conflict and agitation it inflicts upon other powers.
First, the Federation will be unflinching in its efforts to provide security for its own citizens. This is part of our social contract with our people and an issue on which we will not compromise.
Second the Federation will stand for the defense of and the rights of any democratically governed people who ask for our help and are willing to show a proportionate commitment of their own. This commitment is unlimited and ongoing to any democratic power who wishes to reciprocate it.
Third the Federation, while it can’t stop every injustice in the region, will not ignore the behavior of certain empires simply because it might be convenient to relations with another that may be larger and stronger. It would be convenient to ignore the depredations of the Tholian Empire given the threats faced in other areas. But that would be an injustice to the billions of dead Yrridians they left in their wake. If the Federation is to be a nation of principal then we must do this.
So long as the people elect me to office the Federation is going to stand for things. Because we stand for things that means we will have enemies and that is fine. We would be more concerned if we looked up and found ourselves friends with those who commit barbarities.
Q: When the Jacorn were first outed as a civilization, and you’d learned what we had done to many of your and other nations ships and crews how did you react, and what did you feel?
At the time I was serving as assistant secretary of defense. I remember the crisis very well and always thought it reflected highly on both the leadership within Starfleet and the Jacorn as a people.
First contact is always hazardous. It is among the most dangerous missions that Starfleet engages in. All the same we must be cognizant of the extraordinary risk that one Starfleet captain took in order to bridge the gap between our peoples. Faced with one of your ships many times his size he lowered his shields and powered down his weapons betting the lives of himself and his crew on establishing communication with an unknown but suspected dangerous power.
When we were informed about the previous actions against Starfleet ships we were saddened and relieved. The crews of those ships were dedicated explorers. Like those who might lose their lives in defense of the Federation these crews passed doing something they strongly believed in. Their legacy is the friendship between our two powers.
I remember the leadership of Admiral Picard at the time as outstanding. He understood the Jacorn were not a threat at all but simply a people who were at the time unsure out the outside world. There was never a moment where the Federation considered being anything but friends of the Jacorn in great part because of his leadership and understanding.
Q: You obviously were able to get over initial misgivings as we formed a cooperative alliance for many years. How did you feel about the Alliance with the Jacorn as a whole?
We found the alliance productive. We viewed, pardon me….we still view, the Jacorn almost as brothers. As allies of the Jacorn we tried our fullest to ensure that as a new power, still striving to find its strength and voice at the time, was not engulfed by others. This was always difficult to balance with our desire to see the Jacorn walk alone and make their own way in the galaxy as we believe all peoples must do.
Probably the most trying time was during the Tholian-Jacorn War. We, and the Klingons at the time, were ready to participate on behalf of the Jacorn if they requested. But we were not going to assert ourselves if not wanted. As it was we provided all the material assistance the alliance requested. We believed this conflict to be an important point for the Jacorn in regards to the international community. It proved they were able and willing to see to their own defense needs without their allies intervening.
Q: Why do you think the Alliance ended? What do you think about those reasons?
We are told that the Jacorn wish to make their own way in the world and we certainly respect that decision. We must admit we were somewhat curious as to how our alliance precluded this as, insomuch as we can determine, the Federation and Jacorn have largely similar interest, goals and value systems.
That being said we respect the decision of the Jacorn government as being the sovereign voice of its people. If at some point that stance changes the Federation’s warm feelings for the Jacorn remain.
Q: Our President has recently started opening the Jacorn back up to outside relations. How does it feel to be back in Jacorn Space?
I can’t speak for everyone but I have to say I personally feel more at home among the Jacorn people than I do anywhere else outside of the Federation. For so many years many of our citizens lived among you as part of the various technical missions and liaisons. They had told me that my reception would be warm here, but I could not have imagined just how spectacular the experience would be.
Q: What do you think of the recent relations between the Jacorn and the Tholians? Has that alienated or strained the relationship between the Jacorn and the Federation?
We would like to think the relationship between our two peoples runs far deeper than any single issue such as this. The Federation realizes the Jacorn must make their own way. We don’t see this issue as putting a strain on our relations at all.
We would like to take this opportunity to clarify one issue however. There is no Federation blockade of Tholian space. Anyone who is saying that is very much off base. This is not punishment for any action of the Tholians. It is the logical outcome of their government ending relations with ours.
The facts of the matter are this. When the Tholians killed billions of Yrridians we did not stop their trade. When they were swapping shots with our allies at the time we did not stop their trade. When they facilitated the Tzenkethi genocide against the Talarians and their attack on Cardassia we did not stop their trade.
We did however continue to speak our mind. The statement breaking relations came from the Tholian government. You will forgive my paraphrase but I believe it was along the lines of the Federation will have “no dealings with Tholia whatsoever.”
These are the facts of the situation. Other powers may feel free to flatter the Tholians about their role in the galaxy to inflate the ego of their leader. Regardless, that government has murdered on a prolific scale. They then ended relations with the Federation because we refuse to assuage the sensibilities of the imperial family by stating it was all ok and treating them as the victims.
The Tholians launched an aggressive war with caused massive destruction and lost it. For them to play the victim afterwards is despicable. If our indulgence of that position is the price of normal relations with the Tholians then the Federation, at least under my leadership, will never pay it.
Q: You have recently become involved with the Cardassians after their attack and Conquest of the Ferangi. What does the Federation think about such an attack?
We find the attack unjust and abhorrent in every way one could imagine. It reflects the serious concerns we have in dealing with any non-democratic power at this point. The Tholians have attempted expansion by force. The Cardassians are returning to their old ways. A region that had been stabilized is now looking anything but.
Q: The Attack took several months to finish, why did no Federation fleets cross the border to attempt to save the Ferangi State?
The Federation is powerful but our power has its limits. With the collapse of the Klingon Empire and the end of our alliance with the Jacorn we have had to devote more attention to this region of space. The fact of the matter is that issues here are much closer to the majority of our people.
As a result when the situation here worsened the Federation had to pull ships away from the Cardassian border. By the time the call for help no force of sufficient capacity was within range of the space and any action to remove the Cardassians would have brought about massive suffering on the Ferengi people.
In a broader sense, now without allies, the Federation and Starfleet cannot be everywhere and everything for everyone. Our intervention in the previous Cardassian attempt on Ferengi space was made possible by alliances with strong powers in other regions of space. Absent that we must be more careful in how we maneuver and deploy our forces. We had informed the Ferengi of this years before when instability began to surface within the Klingon Empire.
We now feel that democratic allies are the only ones we can trust and work with long term. For those powers we would pledge our last credit in mutual defense. However we are no longer in a position to guarantee stability and security for all powers of all types in the region.
Q: What does the Federation think of the overall silence by many states on the Cardassian Attack?
It is troubling on many levels that there have been more objections to other issues than there have to this war of aggression. However at this point the region is full of powers who have in the past engaged in similar behavior. To expect the Tholians or Breen to express regrets in this instance would be illogical. We cannot speak for other powers however. For many this is a distant problem, at least for the present time.
In short, we would hope for there to be a strong, international condemnation of such actions. We are however prepared to address such issues alone if we must.
Q: With the Ferangi having been conquered, the Klingons in a state of Civil War, the Tholians recovering from a severe economic down turn, what does the Federation think about the region as a whole?
There is no doubt that we face trying times ahead. In many places regimes of oppression seem to be on the march. The forces of freedom, self-determination and individual dignity appear fractured. It seems almost inevitable that the forces of oppression will eventually turn their eyes towards the two great democratic power that remain to resist them.
I can only speak for the Federation. We will make no deals with these aggressors. While we cannot and will not expend our children’s lives to defend all powers in the region we can and will defend ourselves. We can and will defend any allies who share our view on the world.
Thank you Mr. President, it was an honor.
Thank you.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
::Few weeks after the Q&A: Presidential speech from the Embasy on Jacora::
From Balcony overseeing a large open area for public gatherings. The Square is full and Jacorn are lining side streets. There is no holo-projectors for this speech, as it was planned just hours before. President's Speech is recorded and reproduced below by a shadowing FNN reporter:
*Waves hands down to quite crowd*
Please, Please. I and my wife thank you. We cannot help but be overwhelmed by the warmth of our reception here. I must offer you my personal thanks for I owe the Jacorn people a debt for being visible evidence of my beliefs.
The people of the Jacorn, faced from the beginning of their history with an oppression like few of the rest of us have known, built all of this. Where it would have been simpler to give into the expedience of totalitarianism, where it would have been possible to turn to aggression once freed of oppression you built instead a nation of peace.
We have much in common, our two peoples. In these trying times it is, at least in my view, those similarities that will weigh more important than our differences. It is my earnest hope that these similarities draw us together during this time. That we may stand, side by side as equals, as pillars of what is possible with a society of free citizens. Citizens free to speak. Free to choose their government. Free to make a destiny of their own. Citizens who are free from fear, both from within and without.
Our two people stand on the precipice of a historical time. Regimes that do not share our values are on the march. But make no mistake. They move out of fear. Fear of societies like ours and yours. You see, we show these leaders and their authoritarian systems for what they are, a lie. Indeed they are the most vile of lies. Lies meant to control their people. To deceive them into forgoing their liberty in the false belief that otherwise they could not be safe, secure and prosperous.
My people have asked me recently if they will come for us. Will we be forced once again into conflict? Will our sons and daughters once again have to perish to secure that which we hold dear? In my time here I have heard the same concerns about the course of events in the region.
I do not know what the future holds. But I do know this. These regimes of oppression, who maintain authority over their people through fear and lies, must come for us. Our two peoples are living proof of the morally bankrupt nature of their regimes. Our two peoples are living proof of the untruths they have told.
The fundamental nature of a totalitarian regime rest upon this bogus premise. The people are told give us your freedom and we will give you security. Give us your liberty and we will give you prosperity.
Our two peoples are living proof of the unnecessary of their oppression. We are this because our people are prosperous. We are this because our people are secure. We are this because our people are free.
This faces those oppressors with a dilemma. They can deal with us as they deal with ideas and voices at home that expose them for what they are. They can block us. They can suppress us. And eventually they will try to destroy us. We know that these regimes fear the truth. The Tholian Empire fears the truth so greatly that they have ended all relations with the Federation. They have cast out our diplomats. Why?
Because we dared to speak the truth. That regime has murdered in genocidal numbers during attempts at aggressive expansion. They have lied to other powers to facilitate it. They lie to their people daily because the truth is the enemy of that regime. Could the Gorn not have security and prosperity without surrendering their freedom? The Tholian Empire is waging a war against the truth to maintain power lest their people begin to ask why they are not free.
They know that if they do nothing, knowing that the truth of the situation will eventually destroy their regimes. The only way they will not act is if they are convinced that attempts to destroy the living proof of their lies will only lead to their defeat and fall from power even sooner.
As I said, these are sure to be historical times for both our peoples. After having spent time amongst your people I have little doubt that both our peoples shall emerge stronger for it. In parting I personally wish the Jacorn people success and strength. There is no doubt in my mind that you as a people shall prove worthy of the challenges that are likely to present themselves.
Know that the Federation stands ready to provide you whatever assistance you wish. We once were allies. We might indeed be so again. But the Federation will always look upon the Jacorn as friends. Thank you for your warmth during this visit. Know that you are not alone unless you choose to be.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
::Tholian Internal Address Picked up By Federation Communication Centers near the border and relayed by FNN::
"From the Emporer Himself
Oh my children, we know your pain. These past years have been hard, we know. The Federation has attempted to wage an economic war upon us, in retaliation for us not submitting to their demands.
My children, we know what it is you plan. We also know why it is you plan on doing so. Both the Empire and myself, speaking as your Emperor and High Clan Father, implore you to discard these rebellious plans.
My children, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We have negotiated a trade agreement which will allow us to ship our goods to market again, and thus have immedietly reduced the general tax to the people by 15% percent. Now, it is your turn. You must immedietly return the ships stolen from the Imperial Navy, and cease interference in governmental operations. Your actions with the new mine and refinery hurt my children. We must rebuild our raw materials so we can ship our goods, to alliviate our financial crisis. You have the word of your Emperor and High Clan Father that no punishment or retribution will come from your actions.
Know you, my children that we love you and our proud of you. Assist us in repairing the economic damage inflicted.
Your Emperor."
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
I also wanted to comment on my recent visit to the Jacorn Alliance. The Federation and the Jacorn have had good relations for many years. However one my trip there I realized that such relations could be so much more. For years, while our thoughts for them have been warm, our relations were limited to the government and military level.
I propose to change that. The Federation and the Jacorn, as the only two democratic powers in the region, should have close relations on all levels. Our people can work together to enrich one another and to know one another better. To this end we are proposing a joint economic development program with the Jacorn Alliance that will, if accepted, confer dramatic economic growth on both our peoples.
A formal proposal has been sent directly to the Jacorn president and we hope to have good news on this front shortly.
As our short conflict with the Ferengi came to a close the Grand Nagus of the Ferengi attempted to spite the Cardassian Union by preemptively forgiving all debt owed to the Ferengi. This ridiculous action mattered little to the Union, even though the Ferengi had loaned out tens of millions of credits they were charging only 1% on them. This amounted to nothing less than economic terrorism to the Grand Nagus' own people however. This insane attempt to spit in our faces by slitting his own people's wrists was the work of a traitor against the Ferengi people and he has been dealt with as such. We consider these final acts against the Ferengi people to be illegal and void. Thankfully most of those who held debt with the Ferengi have agreed to honor their obligations to the Ferengi people, but not all.
The Tholian Empire owed the Ferengi people ¥25 million credits at 1% interest with no stated repayment schedule. These generous terms supplied the Tholians with tremendous working capital for the cost of a mere quarter million in interest payments per year. As with all the Ferengi's debtors they were offered the opportunity to continue this commitment with no change in terms. They refused, preferring to honor the words of a terrorist over their commitment to the Ferengi people who so generously gave in an attempt to shore up their failed "empire."
The Union will not allow the illegal actions of the Ferengi's former leader to continue harming our citizens. As such we are announcing a blockade of the neutral trade station. Task Force 3 of the 8th Order along with Task Force 4 of the Exploration Order will be deployed between system 581 and the Federation Border. All Tholian trade ships and ships carrying Tholian goods to the trade station will be halted and their cargo's confiscated. The Tholians owe ¥25 million credits to the Ferengi people. We will be charging 5% yearly compounding interest on that debt and until sufficient goods have been confiscated to reimburse the Ferengi people for their loan as well as the accrued interest the blockade will continue. The Tholians will of course have the option to repay the loan, in its entirety along with the accrued interest, at any time and end the blockade that way. Alternately the Tholians can reaffirm their debt at 5% annual interest payments and ¥2.5 million in yearly principle payments.
For clarity's sake we will emphasize that TF3/8 and TF4/E will be operating outside system 581 and will not be crossing the Federation border for any reason. Non-Tholian ships will receive nothing more than a cursory hail so long as they are not attempting to smuggle Tholian goods to the NTS. All other nations may come and go as they please without interference. Tholian ships will be stopped, their cargo's confiscated, and will be turned back.
The Federation, as is its policy, is neutral in disputes among non-democratic powers. We must however state that we would take any attack or boarding of a Federation vessel by either party of this conflict, be that a mistaken action or not, as the most serious of issues and respond accordingly. We would also look with massive disfavor upon any conflict extending into the NTS or the system in which it is located. The risk is far too high to be contemplated if hostilities extend there and we would hope both powers would at least exercise discretion in avoiding such a breach of the peace in that system.
All Cardassian ships will remain outside system 581. We have no interests in inducing conflict on the station in direct violation of the treaty that founded it.
They say that in the Army,
the women are mighty fine.
They look like Phyllis Diller,
and walk like Frankenstein.
The Ferengi Alliance has been incorporated into the Cardassian Union, do try and keep up with current events. The actions of the former Grand Nagus are void due to his reckless disregard for the welfare of his own people. We don't care what you think of our "attitude", you will not have access to the NTS until the debt is repaid one way or another.
The Jacorn Alliance formally protests the Cardassian Union's illegal blockade of the neutral trade station; its very purpose is to allow trade in a neutral setting, free from political strife and squabbling. Surely, this dispute can be settled in a more diplomatic way?
Starting immediately, all Tholian trade vessels leaving Jacorn space will be escorted by Jacorn trade ships. Any attempt to board or fire upon a Jacorn vessel in neutral space will be viewed as an act of open agression, and we will respond accordingly. We echo the Federation's desire that the NTS not be involved in any conflict between any powers, as the risk of trade loss is too great for any nation, but add that we find the act of using the NTS as a means to blackmail another power highly distasteful, regardless of the motives of either party.
There is only one way of avoiding the war – that is the overthrow of this society. However, as we are too weak for this task, the war is inevitable. -L. Trotsky, 1939
I'm curious, aside from killing hundreds of thousands of Jacorn and thousands of your ships during the Yriidian war, what precisely have the Tholians done to merit the protection of the Jacorn? Is this what the glorious principles of democracy so lauded by the Federation and Jacorn produce? The Tholians slaughter hundreds of millions of Yrridians, hundreds of thousands of Jacorn and without even so much as an apology the Jacorn now take it upon themselves to see to the Tholian's well being, from a disaster they perpetrated upon themselves in their own foolish pride.
We are merely utilizing the tactics established by the Federation. Following the first Ferengi conflict the Federation utilized an economic blockade in an effort to force the Union to repay a debt to the Ferengi. We are using a blockade to force the Tholians to repay a debt to the Ferengi. Where was the Jacorn's righteous indignation then?
The neutral trade station's neutrality is not being infringed upon. Cardassians vessels will not be entering the system where it resides. Our vessels are not using it as a logistical base. Our garrison on the NTS will take no action towards the Tholian contingent. We are fully in compliance with the treaty establishing and governing the NTS.
As for the conflict being settled peacefully we publicly notified all parties that their debt commitments were still active. The Tholians ignored this. We contacted the Tholians privately so as not to make a public spectacle of things and the Tholians refused. Mind you, this is yet another instance of Tholian pride and their diminished mental capacity intersecting resulting in their prompting a major diplomatic incident over next to nothing. First trying to claim a Federation blockade when all they had to do was allow an exchange of ambassadors, now suffering an actual blockade because they refuse to pay a pittance of 250,000 credits a year on the mountain of credits the Ferengi people loaned them trying to shore up that disaster area they call an empire.
If you insist on sending your trade vessels with the Tholians then you should issue them orders to not interfere with Cardassian operations as the blockade will be enforced whether your ships insist on being present or not.
Given the Jacorn insistence on interfering in a purely Cardassian/Tholian matter the Union feels it necessary to enlist additional aid in enforcing the blockade. Starting today the Union will issue letters of marque to any and all privateers for actions against the Tholian Empire. Privateers operating under a letter of marque from the Union will abide by all rules of engagement laid forth by the Union.
Tholian vessels are to be captured and presented to the blockade force for remuneration. Their crews are to be kept intact and unmolested. Force used to secure the vessels will be minimal. Any significant, permanent damage to the vessels will be repaid to the vessels owners from the privateer's share. Upon presentation of the vessel to the Union blockade the privateer will receive 50% of the monetary value of its cargo or the ship itself at the discretion of the local commander. During the conduct of these operations privateers operating under a letter of marque will not violate the territorial space of any other powers at any time for any reason. Should the privateers violate these terms their letters will be revoked immediately.
All ships wishing to apply for their letter should report to their nearest planetary governor, ambassador, or through subspace channels.
In a completely unrelated matter, task forces 1 and 2 of the 8th Order will be conducting live fire drills on the newly established southern border of the Union periodically for the next year. The area around system 321 should be considered extremely dangerous for the next year and is off limits to all traffic.
The Cardassian Union demands an immediate explanation from the Jacorn concerning their allowing Tholian warships to pass through their space and attack Cardassian Union vessels. Such actions make the Jacorn culpable in the attacks which constitute an act of war against the Cardassian Union.
Pending a sufficient explanation of their actions the blockade of the NTS is hereby expanded to include trade ships of the Jacorn as well as Tholians. The remainder of the 8th Order has been dispatched to reinforce the blockade.
Additional, with the inclusion of the Clorans into the Union the Cardassian Union now claims systems 551 - 553, 557, 558, 560, 561, 563, 569, 571.