Alpha SIM IC Thread
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Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
The Government of the Gorn Hegemony has discussed the actions with the Federation government and indeed supports the Federations claim.
"All this has happened before --"
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"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
- Deepcrush
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Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
Very well, we will recognize the Federation claims at the end of the year when our ships return home.
Jinsei wa cho no yume, shi no tsubasa no bitodesu
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Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
On behalf of the Interstellar Security Alliance, we would like to make our policy clear so there can be no confusion later. Based on past experiences, the Alliance is adopting an official position on neutrality regarding the future. Barring the attack on a member state, or other dire circumstances,the ISA will maintain a general position of neutrality in the future.
"All this has happened before --"
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
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Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Due to the Cardassian Union's blatant violation of the terms of the Treaty of Cardassia the Taiidan Directorate is reverting to a state of war with the Cardassian Union.
- Deepcrush
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Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
As it is the wish of the Tiidan to hold to Treaties. The Imperium will also revert to a state of war with the Directorate for their violation of the agreement of reduced arms.
Jinsei wa cho no yume, shi no tsubasa no bitodesu
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Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

We realize that we used polysyllabic words in our declaration but we have held to all our treaties, it is the Cardassians and now you who have chosen to violate them. We do thank you for providing public corroborating evidence to our claim.Deepcrush wrote:As it is the wish of the Tiidan to hold to Treaties. The Imperium will also revert to a state of war with the Directorate for their violation of the agreement of reduced arms.
One of the private provisions of our treaty with the Cardassians is that they would ally with us and not seek an outside peace. Their negotiations with your Coalition violate that term. We do find it curious though that you would leap so quickly to the Cardassian's defense given that the Breen and Cardassians were conspiring to withhold information from the Imperium. That the Breen unilaterally decided to withhold the Cardassians' admission that they were the ones raiding your shipping so as to not derail negotiations or prevent you from providing a loan to the Union. Ten million at three percent was it? Or did they manage to weasel even more funds out of you?
Regardless, the Cardassians have violated our treaty and will pay for it.
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Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
"Private provisions?" We suppose we're supposed to take your word at that, correct?
There is only one way of avoiding the war – that is the overthrow of this society. However, as we are too weak for this task, the war is inevitable. -L. Trotsky, 1939
- Deepcrush
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Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
Tiidan lies and excuses hold no weight with the Imperium so you're better off keeping them to yourselves. You wish for war and it has been granted. We would think you at the least thankful for this rather then wasting breath protesting how much a fool you are.
Jinsei wa cho no yume, shi no tsubasa no bitodesu
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Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Of course not:"Private provisions?" We suppose we're supposed to take your word at that, correct?
Much as we think you might find the following enlightening.Treaty of Cardassia
The Taiidan Directorate and the Cardassian Union agree to the following peace terms.
Immediate Provisions
1. All hostilities will cease immediately.
2. The Cardassian Union will ask all Allied forces to leave its space forthwith and will comply with their terms to turn over their executive for trial as part of the pursuit of a general cease-fire aimed at ending the war in the short term.
3. The Taiidan Directorate will remove all warships from Cardassian space immediately.
4. The Taiidan Directorate will oversee the dismantling of the Cardassian Union dreadnought weapon system.
Private Provisions
5. The Cardassian Union will provide basing rights out of a remote system for the fleet of the Taiidan Directorate. To be determined.
6. The Cardassian Union and Taiidan Directorate will agree to an alliance in which neither will make a separate peace.
7. The Cardassian Union will provide the Taiidan Directorate with access to Union's sensor nets and long range sensors.
8. Neither the Cardassian Union or the Taiidan Directorate will discuss any aspect of the private portion of this treaty with another power.
Cardassian Union
Taiidan Directorate
To: High Thot of the Breen Confederacy
From: Chief Legat, Leader of the Union of Cardassia
I am contacting you in this manner, leader to leader, soldier to soldier to resolve some issues we have. Your government has been willing to aid us and defend us after our former democratic civillian government committed one of the greatest atrocities in galactic history.
Everything my government has said since I've assumed command of the Union is true and we need your aid. However, I cannot in good consiousnce accept it until we clear the air.
Keep in mind, I was unaware of this until informed by a senior membrer of the Joint Legats. After our ejection and abandonment by the ISA, the Tiidians offered us a treaty that would allow us to remain a soverign state, and support us. In effect, they employed our forces to serve as mercenary pirates to raid Breen shipping. This is NOT something I would have ever condoned, nor even the former civillian government. This was a decision made my an interm government, frightened of its own shadow. Now, as relations between us improve, we have been informed the Tiidians will resort to blackmail, and other military punitive measures.
Let me be frank. The new "Militarised" Cardassian Union would not be a good fit with the ISA, regardless of their offer to rejoin them. The government intends to form closer ties with the Coalition, and eventually seek admission. We do not wish to be a puppet state any longer, our internal actions dictated by the whims of anyone else, hence my discomfort with the ISA. We do not seek conquest either, and do not wish to dominate the galaxy, hence my discomfort with the Tiidians.
I am fully aware that this admission may mean war between our people during a time we are trying to form an alliance, but trust is critical, and without this level of honesty, we could never truely have that level of trust.
:::end transmission:::
You may of course verify their validity by any means you like. They are the actual missives sent between your government and the Cardassians. We did take the liberty of highlighting one of the key portions though. The Cardassians proved themselves willing to do whatever necessary to curry your favor, even trying to implicate the Directorate in their scheming.I have seen the information detailing your people's involvement in this incident, and while I am disturbed at the actions of the interim government, I am more disturbed at the Taiidan plot to hold the Cardassian people hostage using this information. The loss of a few trade vessels is an annoyance, at most, as is the loss of 4 million credits of trade income, but I will not allow such a paltry sum to derail the progress we have made diplomatically.
As the transmission was coded above top secret, no one but myself has seen this information. I intend to keep it this way, until the time is right to reveal it. Once your government is stabilized, and your defenses strengthened, the Confederacy will send a cloaked armada to defend your space, and we will reveal this information together. If the Taiidan move against you at that time, we will stand ready, and they will have violated the peace treaty with both the Coalition and the ISA.
Make no mistake, the words of the Confederacy on the matter of the Taiidan were my own. If war is joined with them again, the Confederacy will kill every last Taiidan in existence for their treachery and dishonor.
Also, do not mistake my judgment on this matter as absolution; the Union will make reparations to the Confederacy for the damages done at some point in the future. All I ask is the income lost to be repaid. But this can wait.
I understand that a confused and fragmented government was taken advantage of by warmongering tyrants. They will pay, but we must exercise patience for the time being. I will not disclose this information to the Imperium at this time either; I will have a private discussion with Kurn himself on the matter the year before we announce it.
We will move ahead as though this conversation did not take place at this time. As such, we recommend that the Union request a loan from the Imperium at once; I have already laid the groundwork for this, and have been assured that a loan of 10 million credits is available to you at an interest rate of 3%, provided you spend these funds exclusively for infrastructure improvement or the construction of new mines or refineries. This is a generous offer, and a reasonable restriction. Should you accept, do not violate the restriction.
The shipment of 1.5 million in antimatter will be delivered as promised.
Thinking back to my youth, I once authorized piracy against your own people in order to discover the location of the Dominion Shipyard you currently possess. I am somewhat amused that the situation has been reversed, as inconvenient as it is for us both, but I believe this is another issue that we can leave behind and work forward from.
May your house be blessed with many strong children, and may our future together be as clear as a crisp winter's day
After the war it would have done us no good to raid trade between the Confederacy and the Imperium. Our fleet was in mothballs so any hostilities would have found us exposed with no means to defend ourselves. The Union was serving as useful separator from the Coalition. Jeopardizing either our nation or the Cardassians would have been foolish in the extreme.
After the war we agreed to share a portion of our anti-matter and ore reserves with the Cardassians. At the time we thought this would ease their transition and buy us a measure of understanding between our peoples. However after the transfer was made all communications between our nations ceased. The Union did not return any of our missives. They began to publicly draw near to the Coalition prompting the reactivation of our fleet. Now we discover the Union has fully abrogated our treaty while trying to hand cause to go to war with Directorate to your Coalition. This is unacceptable.
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Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
Again, you produce never before seen additions to a public document, and expect us to believe it was part of the original agreement.
If the Cardassians were being untruthful in their statement about the Taiidan Directorate forcing them to piracy, why would they reveal this information to the Confederacy in the first place? It could have led to war. They chose the honorable path; something you cannot seem to grasp.
If the Cardassians were being untruthful in their statement about the Taiidan Directorate forcing them to piracy, why would they reveal this information to the Confederacy in the first place? It could have led to war. They chose the honorable path; something you cannot seem to grasp.
There is only one way of avoiding the war – that is the overthrow of this society. However, as we are too weak for this task, the war is inevitable. -L. Trotsky, 1939
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Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
Under the terms of our Neutrality policy, the Taiidan declaration does not constitute our involvement in this conflict.
"All this has happened before --"
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
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Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread

Your Coalition is long on talk of honor but you seem to be operating from a definition of it that we are unfamiliar with. What was honorable about conspiring to hide what you knew from your allies? To arrange loans under false pretenses? This is honorable conduct?
We have produced the document, you can verify the signatures. I suggest you do so. If something so simple taxes your intelligence gathering resources might we suggest someone like the Federation to verify the validity. The document is valid and binding.
The Cardassian motivation is simple, their hold on their people is not as absolute as they think. Someone in their chain of command disagreed with what has occurred and leaked information about their culpability in the piracy that plagued your trade lane. They sought to perform damage control, looking to deflect blame onto a mutual enemy of the Coalition. They may have even hoped for a war that might eliminate the Directorate completely.
They follow the politically expedient path in an attempt to save their own skins.
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Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
The Federation wishes to make clear: Our Borders are Closed to all Combat ships. We do not wish for there to be any confusion by any party. The Federation will not break the neutral stance taken by the ISA; and therefore will not allow passage for any one side. Allowing passage for both sides will eventually see their contact within Federation Space, and the Federation will not play host to a war we are not part of. Any combat vessel that approaches the Federation Border will be warned to turn back, If they cross into Federation Space our Border Fleets have orders to interpret this as hostile action and we will open fire.
We have no wish to become a part of this war at this time, and wish our decision and intention to be well known. Any questions or concerns can be directed to the Department of State.
Live Long and Prosper.
We have no wish to become a part of this war at this time, and wish our decision and intention to be well known. Any questions or concerns can be directed to the Department of State.
Live Long and Prosper.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
- Deepcrush
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Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
As it is clear to the Imperium the ISA has little care for its own treaties. The Imperium formally announces its withdraw from the Treaty of Dorzan until such time as faith can be restored in the ISA collective.
Jinsei wa cho no yume, shi no tsubasa no bitodesu
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Re: Alpha SIM IC Thread
The Breen Confederacy also withdraws from the Treaty of Dorzan, as it clearly has no real weight.
There is only one way of avoiding the war – that is the overthrow of this society. However, as we are too weak for this task, the war is inevitable. -L. Trotsky, 1939