Okay, I'm posting on behalf of my irrate mother. We've recently bought a computer for the downstairs to fill the space that would have been the Mac's position (Mam damn near cast the thing out the window. Safe to say, she isn't fond of it). Now, we've been struggling with some severe performance issues and I would like a bit of help to try and identify whats wrong with it. It takes about 5 minutes to load win7, then a further 10-15 minutes once it's logged in before any program becomes usable because it simply hangs and freezes when loading. It should perform fine, its an Intel i5 2.8ghz quad but yet it doesn't. The problem is exacerbated when you put a program like Nero or a IM program on, and it slows to the point of being unusable.
I've done a performance evaluation and came up with the following:
it's clear that the graphics card is a significant lower spec item than the others but surely that won't affect every day performance of win7. We're running 64 bit by the way.