Correct, and they formed without anything resembling a state supported or sponsored militia. Just a bunch of angry people with a dangerous mentality.Mikey wrote: Lynch mobs are a direct violation of law... interestingly enough, they still occurred.
People COULD form a lynch mob or vigialante group right now. They even have solid access to weapons. But they aren't.
If anything forming organized militias out of these folks would reduce the odds of problems, as they likely are a mixed bunch in regards to the sort of issues you're mentioning because their rallying point seems to be deprevation of personal and/or state rights as opposed to having issues with skin color or somesuch. The larger size and state sponsorship of the group should also increase the odds there are enough reasonable people in the organization to keep the screws from coming loose.
If you have disenfranchised wackos forming mini militias than you can have problems.