Figured as much. Though failing that, this guys Insurrection could be just as enjoyable.
Well most of them certainly did grow.....around the waistlineDeepcrush wrote:He seemed to talk a fair bit about the growth of the characters........
My mom was watching a movie the other day with Shatner in it, and she asked what year it was made. Rather than look it up I glanced at the screen and said, "Production values, film quality and Shatner's hairpiece and waistline say 1990."Atekimogus wrote:Well most of them certainly did grow.....around the waistlineDeepcrush wrote:He seemed to talk a fair bit about the growth of the characters........!
Agreed completely. My friends and I all loved Solaris; the general public was expecting stuff to blow up every ten seconds.GrahamKennedy wrote:I find that I've come to like TMP more and more as I get older. I get why people call it slow - even agree with that criticism to an extent. But in part it's down to the fact that Trek is just a very different type of movie to most sci fi. After Star Wars, sci fi became to a large extent cowboys and indians in space. It's almost automatic these days to think of sci fi movies as action movies. TMP is not and is not intended to be an action movie. It's not Star Wars, it's 2001 : A Space Odyssey, or Silent Running, or Close Encounters, or Solaris. 2001 is slower than TMP by far - hell, nobody even says anything until more than half an hour in. Yet it's considered one of the greatest sci fi movies ever made.
I wouldn't say TMP is necessarily up there with 2001, but that's the league it's batting in and it's a mistake to expect it to be something it isn't. Whilst I don't think it's a perfect film by any means, when I'm in the mood for it I do find it well worth watching.
I think that's the crux of it. A slow paced movie isn't a problem. A slow paced movie because the editor couldn't make cuts is a problem.Deepcrush wrote:I think the biggest problem is that while TMP may not have been meant to be a fast paced film. It had times where it was drawn out for no good reason.
Well I am not sure I agree here. From todays perspective it is probably right that same scenes - like sfdebris mentioned with the klingons - seem to be drawn out but let us once more compare it to 2001 where you watch almost half an hour a spinning wheel space station with classical music.Deepcrush wrote:I think the biggest problem is that while TMP may not have been meant to be a fast paced film. It had times where it was drawn out for no good reason.