1) Puked from drinking? - Yep.
2) Been in a car accident? Was it your fault? - Nope. I was a kid.
3) Been in a fight? Did you start it? Did you win? - Never started one; been in plenty. Won most, lost some. You haven't
really been to LA until you've been jumped and had people stomping on your head.
4) Been to jail? What for? - Nope.
5) Been robbed/mugged/burglerized? What did they take? - Not likely.
6) Engaged in a recreational activity that freaked you out? - Nope.
7) Sucked it up and asked out that hotty you've had a crush on? How'd it go? - Yep. Pretty well, actually.
8 ) Avoided serious injury due to pure luck? - I don't need luck; I've got skill. 8)
9) Broken a bone? How? - My pinky finger, blocking a flailing kick from an assh*le I thought was a friend.
10) Stolen? What, and from where? - Phil Collins cassette from Target.
11) Run a red light? On purpose? What was your hurry? - nope.
12) Acted on a really stupid dare? What was it? How'd it turn out? - nope.
13) Been late to work on purpose? What was your excuse? - nope.
14) Peed in the pool? - who hasn't?
15) Knew you shouldn't have, but did so anyway? What was it, and how'd it go? - Know I shouldn't trust certain people, doing it anyways, will let you know.
16) Eaten something that's been sitting out unrefridgerated over night or longer? How'd that go? - goes fine, unless you leave it out in the heat.
17) Had a lap dance? - once in a club, multiple times from friends.
18) Had a threesome? - not yet.
19) Met someone famous? Who? - nope.
20) Been on tv? What show? - I was on public access when I was a kid.
There is only one way of avoiding the war – that is the overthrow of this society. However, as we are too weak for this task, the war is inevitable. -L. Trotsky, 1939