Exactly. Tyyr's point wasn't that the French should bow and scrape before us mighty Americans, just that they shouldn't be assholes... to anybody.
<em>Cpl Kendall</em> wrote:I'm not saying you should be grateful, I'm responding to your mention that NZ hadn't done anything for you. The war was a team effort, so even NZ's tiny contribution was helpful, to all the Allies.
Even if they accomplished sweet F. A., I'd be grateful for the attempt. I guess I should have added, "Within the confines of this discussion," or "Using Teaos' own yardstick," or something like that.
<em>Cpl Kendall</em> wrote:Now we're laughing (uneasily) and going "wonder if those crazy Yanks will get us all killed?".
Funny. We say the same thing, only we're facing Washington, D.C. when we say it.
<em>Cpl Kendall</em> wrote:I know most Americans aren't crazy.