Just how the fuck did that happen?SPOKANE, Wash. -Juan Zamora says a normal trip to the gas station
turned into an $81 billion mistake when he filled-up his gas tank earlier this week.
Zamora commutes from Spokane to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Richland, WA.
Making the drive 4 times per week equates to 700 miles and $100 in gas every week.
Zamora returned home to hear an automated voicemail explain his purchase
at a local gas station was approved for $81,400,836,908.
"I didn't believe the amount myself," he said. "So I played it over and over again."
Over and over again he heard the same amount: $81,400,836,908.
Zamora says it took hours of work on the phone to clear the
billions of dollars of debt, but in the end the bank realized what happened.
"All in all I lost a couple of hours of work," he said. "But I knocked a huge debt off."
And he gained an unforgettable story.