Well, my congratulations to the US for finally nailing the bastard. Unfortunately, in the grand scheme of things, this is going to do pretty much nothing. Al-Qaeda's lost a propaganda figure. That's it. Someone else will take over (assuming, that is, that someone else hadn't really been running the ...
Good to see you back SG. Where were you? Work got a bit hectic? Something like that. A lot of things started to pile up on top of each other, so I've spent most of the last month or two running from one place to another. All sorted now, though. Good to... er, read you. You must have been preparing ...
And the predictable happens. This morning’s White House release of President Barack Obama’s long form birth certificate will, of course, do little to derail the “birther” movement, which will now analyze the document with the kind of verve previously directed toward those Texas Air National Guard me...
The problem is that this is really not going to do anything for him. Those who have been calling on him to release it aren't going to have their minds changed. They've already ignored so much that this is unlikely to make them drop the subject. They'll just start saying it's a forgery, or find some ...
I don't know about the Republic, but SF is certainly an issue in NI, given that they're the second biggest party in the province, and McGuinness is Deputy First Minister. Adams seems to have faded away in terms of public awareness in the last few years, which is probably why he's headed south. Inte...
Well, it's election time here in Ireland. Given the massive and completely justified levels of hatred being directed at Fianna Fáil, the current majority party, it'll be interesting to see how the results of this will go. I for one am predicting a Fine Gael/Labour coalition, even though the idea of ...
Indeed, its nice to see that people power still works. I'll wait until the end of the year before I start counting chickens. The last time people power "worked" in the Middle East the result was Hamas' election in the Palestinian territories. And let's not forget that Gaddafi himself orig...
Latest news is that Gaddafi has ordered the airforce to bomb oil fields in Libya. Some pilots have refused . To be honest it's starting to look less and less likely that Gaddafi is going to be able to stay in power. From what I've heard he's been facing defections from within his own government, the...
Glad to hear you're enjoying it. :) I finished The Wasp Factory about a week ago, and am currently about halfway through Inversions . TWP was a really engrossing read. Certainly an odd one, but a good one. If nothing else, I sure as hell didn't see that twist at the end coming. Inversions is pretty ...
Big PDF ahoy. A very good read, with some interesting ideas and info that never made it into the series itself. I particularly found the constant "This isn't Star Trek" feel amusing, what with the "The Cylons are not the Borg" and Moore banning any " Galactica encounters a ...
Good thing someone keeps dumping piles of hay next to giant towers. :wink: I've not picked up the second game yet, but I enjoyed the first game. My only complaint with it was that it got a bit repetetive towards the end, as the information gathering side-missions had little variation. Also, without ...