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by mlsnoopy
Wed Feb 11, 2009 1:27 pm
Forum: TNG
Topic: You're a Captain,you get to pick your starship. Which class?
Replies: 1053
Views: 39352

Re: You're a Captain,you get to pick your starship. Which class?

You mean, you guess only one remained, but can't really back that up.

Hm. One designe is seen only once. Where the other is seen one every othe ocasione.
We know that the WP offers several advatages.
We don't know if the Sp- offers any advatages. Infact we even don't know if that was realy a ...
by mlsnoopy
Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:51 pm
Forum: TNG
Topic: You're a Captain,you get to pick your starship. Which class?
Replies: 1053
Views: 39352

Re: You're a Captain,you get to pick your starship. Which class?

[quote"Mikey"]Consider it what you want - whether variants or interchangeable, the difference really doesn't affect anybody's point.[/quote]


Do you read things before you click "submit?" Tsu was talking about the possibility of ships being outside the scope of the episodes; you're talking ...
by mlsnoopy
Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:30 pm
Forum: TNG
Topic: You're a Captain,you get to pick your starship. Which class?
Replies: 1053
Views: 39352

Re: You're a Captain,you get to pick your starship. Which class?

So you think that they're actualy three different, yet almost identical, designs?

No I think that three designes (WP, SP, 4 neccels) were builed tested and only one went into full scale production.
Kinda like the F-22 amd the F-23.

The modularity is supported by the fact that the "core" of the ...
by mlsnoopy
Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:01 pm
Forum: TNG
Topic: You're a Captain,you get to pick your starship. Which class?
Replies: 1053
Views: 39352

Re: You're a Captain,you get to pick your starship. Which class?

[quote"Deepcrush"]Thats your choice but the interchange is a rather simple thing for the Neb.[/quote]

Maybe but wheres the evidence for that.

If it wasn't designed that way then why have multiple ships of the same class with different designs.

I belive I explained that before. Diffrent ...
by mlsnoopy
Tue Feb 10, 2009 8:05 pm
Forum: TNG
Topic: You're a Captain,you get to pick your starship. Which class?
Replies: 1053
Views: 39352

Re: You're a Captain,you get to pick your starship. Which class?

I was under the impression that the pods were, um, modular, and could be swapped out.

That is based on what. There is no evidence for such interchangability. Even the pylons are diffrent.
I consider that a myth with no real base.

Just because we don't see a sensor pod Nebula in a battlefleet ...
by mlsnoopy
Tue Feb 10, 2009 7:29 pm
Forum: Books / Games / General
Topic: GCS Vs 12" Cannons
Replies: 234
Views: 7314

Re: Cardassian Ship Technology

Don't try and pull that tactic.

That basicly means that it had none.

Wrong, idiot, it means that we don't know. It might have been unarmed. It might also have had a canon capable of one-shoting shuttles.

No evidence of any kind of weapon. He is welcome to prove otherwise but basicly my ...
by mlsnoopy
Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:43 pm
Forum: TNG
Topic: You're a Captain,you get to pick your starship. Which class?
Replies: 1053
Views: 39352

Re: You're a Captain,you get to pick your starship. Which class?

Considering that in the ds9 fleets we didn't see any other designe as the WP, its nothing unusual to suggest that other designes were builed in limited numbers. Considering that the maine phaser array is probably as storng as the GSC, there is no reason to hold them back during the war.
The lack of ...
by mlsnoopy
Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:24 pm
Forum: VOY
Topic: OVEG: Threshold Is Up
Replies: 94
Views: 3017

Re: OVEG: Threshold Is Up

The force applied to a lever multiplied by its distance from the lever's fulcrum, the length of the lever arm, is its torque. A force of three newtons applied two meters from the fulcrum, for example, exerts the same torque as one newton applied six meters ...
by mlsnoopy
Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:01 pm
Forum: TNG
Topic: You're a Captain,you get to pick your starship. Which class?
Replies: 1053
Views: 39352

Re: You're a Captain,you get to pick your starship. Which class?

Which subtype?
Didn't only the WP designe survive. Others were seen only once.
by mlsnoopy
Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:55 pm
Forum: DS9
Topic: Cardassian Ship Technology
Replies: 178
Views: 6463

Re: Cardassian Ship Technology

The phasers of a type-9 shuttle (they're the strips on the front of the nacelles):

I know how it looks from the out side. But how its made on the inside.

About the same size, give or take.


Wrong, idiot, it means that we don't know. It might have been unarmed. It might also have had ...
by mlsnoopy
Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:15 pm
Forum: VOY
Topic: OVEG: Threshold Is Up
Replies: 94
Views: 3017

Re: OVEG: Threshold Is Up

Care to explain how "subspace torque" isn't just more technobabble BS, like he pointed out?
Well as I pointed out you don't need that someting spinns in oder to have torque. Indicating that he doesn't know what he is talking abaut.
by mlsnoopy
Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:08 pm
Forum: DS9
Topic: Cardassian Ship Technology
Replies: 178
Views: 6463

Re: Cardassian Ship Technology

You mean the cannon that was considerably larger than anything we've seen on a shuttle?

You seen the inside of a phaser bank how its constructed do show me some pictures.

Evidence? Not that you'll be able to prvide any, given that we never saw the vehicle, nor were given any details of its ...
by mlsnoopy
Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:07 pm
Forum: VOY
Topic: OVEG: Threshold Is Up
Replies: 94
Views: 3017

Re: OVEG: Threshold Is Up

Elementry school phisic.

I couldn't get past that part. If he is going to criticise something he should atleast know what he is talking abaut.
by mlsnoopy
Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:58 pm
Forum: DS9
Topic: Cardassian Ship Technology
Replies: 178
Views: 6463

Re: Cardassian Ship Technology

Look at the mountings - at their largest they fill the front end of the nacelle, at smallest they're the size of an A4 sheet of paper and about an inch thick. There's no reason why the couldn't be fitted to a ground vehicle.

Of course there is no reason, but all the evidence points to ground ...
by mlsnoopy
Sun Feb 08, 2009 12:30 pm
Forum: DS9
Topic: Cardassian Ship Technology
Replies: 178
Views: 6463

Re: Cardassian Ship Technology

Not if you give your APC type-IV or V phasers.

We know what kind of weapons can be put on a shuttle. We have no idea what kind of weapons can be put on any ground vehicle.

Not if you give your APC shuttle-grade shield generators.

And how will the shield interact with the ground.

And a ...