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by Picard
Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:30 pm
Forum: Books / Games / General
Topic: Does main site need rewriting?
Replies: 70
Views: 5906

Re: Does main site need rewriting?

by Picard
Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:28 pm
Forum: VOY
Topic: Starfleet size
Replies: 221
Views: 20980


In an arms race the Klingons would just implode after crossing breaking point. It's clear that virtually all their economy is in their military and it's always as good as it can be - if they tried anymore they'd pull a Russia and just go over the top and roll down the hill.
The Romulans we know ...
by Picard
Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:44 pm
Forum: Books / Games / General
Topic: Does main site need rewriting?
Replies: 70
Views: 5906

Re: Does main site need rewriting?

Right, enough of the no-numbers bullshit. Provide specific evidence, with sourcing, of the yield required to fragment an asteroid such that it leaves no fragment more than 1 cm diameter or concede the point.

60 to 80%.

Oh joy. A "torpedo glow growth" idiot. I thought so. The PT is moving ...
by Picard
Sat Nov 27, 2010 5:16 pm
Forum: Books / Games / General
Topic: Does main site need rewriting?
Replies: 70
Views: 5906

Re: Does main site need rewriting?

Except that they expected vaporization, as I already proved with quote, you so happily ignore.

I'm not ignoring anything - you're ignoring the fact that you inadvertently proved that out of two people, one expected vaporization and one expected fragmentation.

Kim never stated fragments were to ...
by Picard
Fri Nov 26, 2010 9:15 pm
Forum: Books / Games / General
Topic: Does main site need rewriting?
Replies: 70
Views: 5906

Re: Does main site need rewriting?

Kim never stated fragments were to be results of fragmentation; also incomplete vaporization, when result of explosion, will create fragments.

So get on with it or concede the point.

I just did measurements for asteroid with screenshots I took using Premiere (downloaded episode recently ...
by Picard
Fri Nov 26, 2010 7:49 pm
Forum: Books / Games / General
Topic: Does main site need rewriting?
Replies: 70
Views: 5906

Re: Does main site need rewriting?

1) It is 350 meters long
2) I measured it

I obviously wasn't clear enough.

Show your f***ing evidence you retarded little shitstain.

I can't beacouse I did not upload it anywhere. And I'm planning to do it again, this time with better-quality screenshots I captured myself. Screenshots I used ...
by Picard
Tue Nov 23, 2010 5:58 pm
Forum: Books / Games / General
Topic: Does main site need rewriting?
Replies: 70
Views: 5906

Re: Does main site need rewriting?

Do you know what happens when you heat something too much too fast? It blows up. There is no contradiction, except that you want contradiction.

EDIT: You are also wrong, Chakotay graduated from Starfleet Academy.
by Picard
Tue Nov 23, 2010 5:39 pm
Forum: Books / Games / General
Topic: Does main site need rewriting?
Replies: 70
Views: 5906

Re: Does main site need rewriting?

Why do you think the Rise asteroid was 400 m long?

1) It is 350 meters long
2) I measured it

Why do you think fragmenting said asteroid requires vaporisation?

Beacouse it was specifically stated in episode.

Tuvok: "The asteroid is fragmenting. But, most of the debris is still on a ...
by Picard
Sun Nov 21, 2010 9:18 pm
Forum: Books / Games / General
Topic: Does main site need rewriting?
Replies: 70
Views: 5906

Re: Does main site need rewriting?

First 1/3rd of page is nothing but speculation, but after that I have some calculations done.

Sure I can. You're the one who keeps claiming that the small size of the resultant fragments necessitates vaporization. This is a ...
by Picard
Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:29 pm
Forum: DS9
Topic: DS9 era series thought...
Replies: 83
Views: 3513

Re: DS9 era series thought...

It might even help to adress some things I don't like in DS9 - during entire predominantly politics- and war- oriented series, we never see fully equipped Federation ground army.

Unfortunately we did see the sort of equipment the Federation army has, in the shape of the infantry company assigned ...
by Picard
Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:25 pm
Forum: VOY
Topic: How did Janeway ever get a command?
Replies: 177
Views: 6831

Re: How did Janeway ever get a command?

Quantum torpedoes are better in penetrating Borg shields. If they're also better in penetrating shields in general, then it is advancement enough to use them over photons. Plus in "Defiant" USS Defiant was able to disable Cardassian ship by using quantum torpedoes. ...
by Picard
Sun Nov 21, 2010 3:27 pm
Forum: DS9
Topic: DS9 era series thought...
Replies: 83
Views: 3513

Re: DS9 era series thought...

I would like to see War-refit Galaxy class going throught Dominion War. It would make for diverse action... scientific-vessel-turned-battleship that kicks major ass in space and can carry entire infantry division worth of troops. It might even help to adress some things I don't like in DS9 - during ...
by Picard
Sun Nov 21, 2010 3:19 pm
Forum: DS9
Topic: How big SHOULD the Federation Fleet be?
Replies: 190
Views: 8543

Re: How big SHOULD the Federation Fleet be?

That lists seven, plus a handful of task groups.

Highest number we hear about is tenth fleet, and since fleet seem to have been formed specifically for Dominion War, there is no reson to assume gaps.

A logical deduction, perhaps, but that's neither canon nor evidence that the same rules ...
by Picard
Fri Nov 19, 2010 7:53 am
Forum: Books / Games / General
Topic: Does main site need rewriting?
Replies: 70
Views: 5906

Re: Does main site need rewriting?

Where did you get the specifications of the Eminiar shield?

It was Elba II, not Eminiar.

If you have fragments totalling x mass and the asteroid intially had x mass, then the amount of the asteroid which was vaporized is... wait for it... ZERO.

You simply can't get it right, can't you ...
by Picard
Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:41 pm
Forum: Books / Games / General
Topic: Does main site need rewriting?
Replies: 70
Views: 5906

Re: Does main site need rewriting?

It came out as 98 megatons in end when I did new calcs by using photoshop.

And photon torpedo is NOT hammer - to get 1 centimeter fragments, vast majority of asteroid (I took it as 80%) has to be vaporized.

In other words, major cities and industrial centres, as I said.

Where you saw word ...