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Broken Bow

TimelinePreviousNextYour ViewSeason 1

Prime Timeline

Year Event
 [1] The Warp 5 complex is founded on Earth, dedicated to building a warp engine capable of reaching over one hundred times the speed of light. Zefram Cochrane, now a resident of Alpha Centuri, departs on a trip into deep space afterwards. He vanishes, and is eventually presumed to have died in space. [2]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Admiral Forrest, Ambassador Soval, Zefram Cochrane
  Species :  Humans
Picture from 2121  [3] Warp specialist Henry Archer enjoys a day at the beach with his son Jonathan, teaching him to fly a remote controlled model spacecraft. Archer imparts the lesson that Jonathan must not be afraid to take on the elements when flying, advice that he would remember as Captain of the NX-01 thirty years later. [2]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Henry Archer
  Species :  Humans
Picture from 2151  [2] Archer becomes captain of Enterprise, NX-01, the first Human warp 5 capable vessel. His crew includes Trip Tucker as Chief Engineer, Reed as Armoury Officer, Mayweather as Helmsman, T'Pol as Science officer, Phlox as Chief Medical officer, and Hoshi as Linguist and Communications officer. [2]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox, Admiral Forrest, Ambassador Soval
  Species :  Humans
 [4] Enterprise embarks on its maiden voyage, returning the Klingon Klaang to his home world. This marks the first contact between Humanity and the Klingons. Although apparently successful at the time [2], the contact ultimately proves disastrous and leads to decades of hostilities between the two powers. [5]
  People :  Charles Tucker III, Admiral Forrest, Ambassador Soval, Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Klingons, Humans
 [2] Trip becomes the first Human male to become pregnant after an encounter with a Xyrillian woman. [4]
  People :  Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, T'Pol, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather, Hoshi Sato, Phlox
  Species :  Humans

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

● - Shows the canon status and reference of the year for this event


# Series Season Source Comment
1 ENT 1 Broken Bow At the Enterprise launching ceremony in 2151 the complex was stated to have been founded 32 years ago
2 ENT 1 Broken Bow
3 ENT 1 Broken Bow Stated to be thirty years prior to the episode date of 2151
4 ENT 1 Unexpected
5 TNG 4 First Contact
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Broken Bow
Comment : At the Enterprise launching ceremony in 2151 the complex was stated to have been founded 32 years ago
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Broken Bow
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Broken Bow
Comment : Stated to be thirty years prior to the episode date of 2151
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Unexpected
Series : TNG Season 4
Episode : First Contact

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 10,039 Last updated : 15 Mar 2025