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TimelinePreviousNextYour ViewSeason 4
Ziyal : 
"When I look at my father, I have a hard time seeing a murderer."
Kira : 
"And when I look at him, I have a hard time seeing anything else."
Dukat : 
"Everything I have lost I will regain. It's only a matter of time."
to Kira
Dukat : 
"First it was Vedek Bareil, now it's the head of the Bajoran government. You do like powerful men don't you?"
to Kira
Kira : 
"Why is it when you smile I want to leave the room?"
Dukat : 
"I suppose it's because of my overwhelming charm."
Dukat : 
"I'm a much more complicated man than you give me credit for."
to Kira
Kira : 
"Ziyal, what your father wants from me is forgiveness. That's one thing I can never give him."
to Ziyal
Dukat : 
"Lately, when my mind wanders, I find myself thinking more and more about Gul Marratt. Do you know him? Very dashing. One of Cardassia's rising stars. Graduate of the Cardassian Military Academy, smooth-talking junior member of the Detepa Council, and like your friend Shakaar, quite a lady's man. Especially with other officer's wives."
Kira : 
"Including yours?"
Dukat : 
"Mmm. A year ago he wouldn't have dared, but now? I think the first thing I do when I'm returned to power is to demote him. Assign him to the Cardassian Embassy on Breen. I hear it's bitter cold on Breen. And we Cardassians do despise the cold..."
Dukat : 
"There was a time when the mere mention of my race inspired fear. And now... we're a beaten people. Afraid to fight back because we're afraid to lose what little is left."
to Kira
Dukat : 
"I am the only Cardassian left... and if no one else will stand against the Klingons, I will."
to Kira
Kira : 
"The best way to survive a knife fight is never to get in one."
to Ziyal

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 8,137 Last updated : 9 Oct 2003