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TimelinePreviousNextYour ViewSeason 2
Crewman : 
"Captain Kirk, can you hear me? There is a curse on your ship. Leave this place or you will all die!"
to Kirk; Speaking despite being dead!
Spock : 
"Very bad poetry, Captain"
to Kirk; when asked for an analysis of the witches
Korob : 
"Where did your race get this ridiculous predilection for resistance? You examine any object, you question everything. Is it not enough to accept what is?"
to Kirk
Korob : 
"You are the different one, Mister Spock. You do not think like the others. There are no colours to your patterns of logic. There's only black and white. You see all this around you, yet you do not believe."
to Spock
Korob : 
"Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires. All the crystalline forms that you cherish above all things! A fortune of them for each of you if you leave here without further inquiry."
Kirk : 
"We could manufacture a ton of these on our ship. They mean nothing to us."
DeSalle : 
"All right, but it's there and it's real. If it's real, it can be affected. Engineering, stand by to divert all power systems to the outer hull. Prepare impulse engines for generation of maximum heat directed as ordered. Maybe we can't break it, but I'll bet you credits to navy beans we can put a dent in it!"
to Chekov
Sylvia : 
"I would advise you to co-operate, Captain. Forcible extraction of the information we wish from you is not complicated, but it is extremely painful and it has a certain draining effect."
to Kirk
Sylvia : 
"Don't threaten me! I can squash you... and that would be an interesting sensation, yes! I find I like these new sensations. Don't try to push me!"
to Korob
Sylvia : 
"You will be swept away. You, your men, your ship, your worlds!"
to Kirk

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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 9,062 Last updated : 27 Jul 2022