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When it Rains...

TimelinePreviousNextYour ViewSeason 7
Kira : 
"Damar and Garak... should be an interesting mission."
Odo : 
"Doctor, get to the point."
Bashir : 
"I need to borrow a cup of goo."
Odo : 
"Excuse me?"
Bashir : 
"I'll give it back!"
Ross : 
"Well, gentlemen, it seems as if the Klingon fleet is the only thing that stands between us and the Dominion."
Velal : 
"What have we come to?"
Winn : 
"Remember your place, Dukat!"
Dukat : 
"I thought my place was in your bed."
Dukat : 
"Adami, I'm not the same man I was during the Occupation. The Pah-wraiths have changed me."
Winn : 
"But they can't change what you did. Do you really think I could let myself be touched by a man whose hands are stained with the blood of my people?"
Dukat : 
"When we do release the Pah-wraiths from the Fire Caves, your hands will be stained as well."
Winn : 
"The Pah-wraiths will spare those they find worthy. The rest are of no consequence."
Winn : 
"I warned you! The text of the Kosst Amojan is for my eyes alone!"
to Dukat
Bashir : 
"Section 31 must have created the virus, infected Odo, and then used him as a carrier."
O'Brien : 
"So that when he linked with another Changeling, he'd pass it on, and eventually the entire race would be infected."
Bashir : 
"31 isn't just trying to stop us from finding a cure. They're trying to cover up the fact that they set out to commit genocide."
O'Brien : 
"Well, if they gave Odo this disease, then they must have a cure."
Bashir : 
"We have to find a way to get our hands on that cure."
O'Brien : 
"Before 31 gets their hands on us."

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 7,918 Last updated : 22 Feb 2017