Ankeshtan K’Til rehab centre #1
Ankeshtan K’Til Vulcan criminal rehabilitation centre on the 3rd moon of Omicron Lyrae [1]
Architecture entry
Ankeshtan K’Til rehab centre #2
Another view of the Ankeshtan K’Til Vulcan criminal rehabilitation centre on the 3rd moon of Omicron Lyrae [1]
Architecture entry
Captain Angel in her guise as counselor Aspen in 2258. [1]
People entry
Captain Aspen in 2258, after revealing her true identity. [1]
People entry
A picture of Fran showing her unusual ear decoration. [1]
People entry
A picture of Sybok in 2258 in a Vulcan rehabilitation centre. [1]
People entry
A subspace buoy. A later variant on the subspace amplifier principal. Used in 2258 by the USS Entperprise to enable faster communications with Starfleet. [1]
Sci-tech entry
Ship images
Pirate Shuttle
A view of the dorsal surface of the ship. [1]
Ship entry
Ship images
Pirate Shuttle
A view showing three of the legs folded against the body. [1]
Ship entry
Ship images
Pirate Shuttle
An aft view of the ship featuring the impulse engines. The USS Enterprise can be seen in the distance. [1]
Ship entry
Ship images
A picture of the ship in an asteroid field in 2258. [1]
Ship entry
Ship images
The ship just in front of the USS Enterprise. [1]
Ship entry
Ship internals
The engineering room on the USS Enterprise in 2258. The warp core can be seen in the far end of the room. [1]
Ship entry
Ship internals
A Jefferies tube on the USS Enterprise in 2258. [1]
Ship entry
DITL Species No. 1220
A side view of the species showing the spikes, ear and flattened nose. [1]
Species entry
Laser Grid - Image 1
A picture of the weapon initiating around the USS Enterprise. [1]
Weapons entry