Ship images
Olympic Class
An Olympic class vessel in Earth orbit. [1]
Ship entry
Ship images
Olympic Class
The Olympic Class shield system takes a hit. [1]
Ship entry
Ship images
Refit Galaxy Class
The heavy canon occupies a section of the ships underside, replacing the Captains Yacht... [1]
Ship entry
Ship images
Refit Galaxy Class
The cannon inflicts devastating damage on a Klingon vessel. [1]
Ship entry
Ship images
Refit Galaxy Class
The Klingons take more hits; the ship exploded moments after this image was taken. [1]
Ship entry
Ship images
Refit Galaxy Class
This shot shows the two phaser arrays on the port nacelle pylon. [1]
Ship entry
Ship images
Refit Galaxy Class
A good view of the three nacelles. Note the extra phaser array located on each one. [1]
Ship entry
Ship images
Voodieh Class
Two of the Klingon ships close in on the USS Pasteur. [1]
Ship entry
Ship images
Voodieh Class
A forward disrupter firing. [1]
Ship entry
Ship images
Voodieh Class
The refitted Galaxy class was able to defeat one of these ships with ease. This shot shows the heavy phaser cannon firing through the nacelle strut. [1]
Ship entry
Ship images
Voodieh Class
Another shot from the phaser cannon of a refitted Galaxy class blasts the head section. [1]
Ship entry
All Good Things
Picard and LaForge in the imaginary future. [1]
Temporal entry
All Good Things
The future version of the Enterprise-D fires its phaser lance. [1]
Temporal entry
All Good Things
One possible version of Earth, just before life was due to form on the planet for the first time ever. [1]
Temporal entry
All Good Things
The bridge of one Enteprise-D, with the other two on the screen. [1]
Temporal entry
All Good Things
Q. the architect of this mysterious event sequence. [1]
Temporal entry
Phasers - Phaser Lance - Image 1
The Enterprise-D Phaser Lance. [1]
Weapons entry
Phasers - Phaser Lance - Image 3
A Klingon cruiser feels the effect of the Phaser Lance. [1]
Weapons entry