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TimelinePreviousNextYour ViewSeason 3
Title :
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
13 Feb 1995
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
3 x 15
Main Cast :
Guest Cast :
Dr. Bashir states that Morn came in with a case of food poisoning after a bad glass of Kanar at Quark's. If so, wouldn't Bashir have scanned his stomachs? As we will later learn, one of Morn's stomachs contains 1,000 bars worth of liquid latinum. Why didn't Bashir spot this?
Body Count :
Factoid :
The original script included Rule of Acquisition 104 : "Faith can move mountains of inventory." It didn't make it into the final script, but Ira Behr liked it enough that he included it in his books "The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition" and "Legends of the Ferengi"

The relay satellite is a reuse of the Amargosa observatory model as seen in Star Trek Generations. Gary Hutzel adapted it for this episode by sawing the long projecting structures down and repainting it, amongst other things.

Tracy Scoggins enjoyed walking around the Paramount lot in Cardassian makeup, scaring kids on tours. Eventually security had to call the DS9 set to ask them to stop her!

This episode marks the final appearance of the Type 18 shuttlepod.

At the end of the episode Yarka tells Sisko that the fourth prophecy says that "the Emissary will face a fiery trial". This could be taken to refer to his battle against the Pah-Wraith possessed Dukat in the Fire Caves on Bajor, in the season finale.


When Bajor, the Federation and the Cardassians work together to place a communications array in the Gamma Quadrant which will allow them to talk to ships and colonies on the other side of the galaxy, a Vedek arrives on the station with prophesies of doom. Sisko dismisses it, but as the coincidences stack up it looks like the wormhole itself may be destroyed.


One interesting feature of this episode is how Gilora takes O'Brien's adversarial relationship towards her as a sign of romantic attraction. Take that, then think about how Kira usually treats Gul Dukat in later seasons. This would explain why he seems to be attracted to her - he thinks that by being openly disdainful, she's giving him a come-on!
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 43,471 Last updated : 19 Jan 2017