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Past Tense, Part 2

TimelinePreviousNextYour ViewSeason 3
Title :
Past Tense, Part 2
Series :
Rating :
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First Aired :
9 Jan 1995
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
3 x 12
Main Cast :
Guest Cast :
I love the way the characters in this episode keep pumping their pump-action shotguns to show how serious they are. You see, the pump isn't there to show people that you're serious - it's there to eject a spent round and chamber another one. If you pump a shotgun without firing it, it spits out a perfectly good round and loads the next one. Basically, the characters are gradually disarming themselves!

Okay, I want to be nice about this but it's a bit indelicate. Dax comes through the sewers to get into the sanctuary. So first, why isn't she all covered in... er... waste? And second, why can't the cops do the same thing?

When they come back from 2048, O'Brien comments about the alternate timeline that "Earth history has been through its rough patches, but never that rough." Really? The failure of social reform in Bell's time led to an America that was worse than the Eugenics wars? Worse than [i]World War III[/i]?! Worse than the 'Post Atomic Horror'?
Factoid :
The boxing poster on the wall behind Kira and O'Brien in the 1930s is the same one that was on the wall behind Kirk and Spock when they visited the same era!


As Kira and O'Brien mount a desperate search through history to find their missing friends, Sisko takes the place of Gabriel Bell to try and restore the timeline. But history records that Bell was shot dead by the police during the climax of the riots...
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 39,250 Last updated : 19 Jan 2017