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The Last Generation

TimelinePreviousNextYour ViewSeason 3
Title :
The Last Generation
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
20 Apr 2023
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
3 x 10
Main Cast :
Guest Cast :
Majel Barrett as Enterprise Computer
LeVar Burton as Geordi La Forge
Mica Burton as Alandra La Forge
David Chan as Mechanic
Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut as Sidney La Forge
Duke Conrad as Borg drone
Michael Dorn as Worf Rozhenko
Amy Earhart as (voice) Titan Computer
Randy J. Goodwin as (voice) Jae Hwang
Walter Koenig as (voice) Anton Chekov
Mousa Hussein Kraish as Titan-A cook
Alice Krige as (voice) Borg Queen
John de Lancie as Q
Joseph Lee as Lieutenant Matthew Arliss Mura
James MacKinnon as Starfleet Officer
Jin Maley as Ensign Kova Rin Esmar
Tim Russ as Tuvok
Jane Edwina Seymour as Borg Queen Body Double
Tiffany Shepis as Doctor Ohk
Marina Sirtis as Deanna Troi
Ed Speleers as Võx
Brent Spiner as Data
Brent Spiner as Daystrom Android M-5-10


The Enterprise-D crew find the Borg Cube in the clouds of Jupiter. Picard, Riker, and Worf board it, and Picard plugs into the Borg collective to rescue Jack from the Queen's influence.

The assimilated fleet destroys Earth's planetary shields and starts targeting major cities. Data flies the Enterprise-D into the Cube and they destroy the beacon, causing a chain reaction that destroys the whole Cube. Picard succeeds in freeing Jack from the Queen and they are beamed back to the Enterprise-D with Riker and Worf.

The assimilated Starfleet personnel return to normal. Picard and his crew receive full pardons and the Enterprise-D is returned to the museum. Crusher modifies Starfleet's transporters to remove the Borg technology and expose the remaining Changeling infiltrators.

The Enterprise-D crew reminisce over drinks and a game of poker.

One year later, the Titan is rechristened the USS Enterprise-G with Seven as captain, Raffi as her first officer and Jack, now a Starfleet ensign, as special counsellor. Later, Jack is visited by the extra-dimensional being Q who says Jack's trial has just begun.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 4,924 Last updated : 18 Aug 2023