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TimelinePreviousNextYour ViewSeason 3
Title :
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
16 Mar 2023
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
3 x 05
Main Cast :
Guest Cast :
Kirk Acevedo as Krinn
Hope Brown as Transport Officer
Vanessa Cater as Krinn's guard
Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut as Sidney La Forge
Stephanie Czajkowski as Lieutenant T'Veen
Thomas Dekker as (photo) Titus Rikka
Chris Derrick as (photo) Lurak T'Luco
Justin Dobies as Bridge Security Officer
Michael Dorn as Worf Rozhenko
Amy Earhart as (voice) Titan Computer
Michelle Forbes as Ro Laren
Andrew Franklin as Changeling security officer #3
Alessandro Garcia as Intrepid Security Officer #1
William Greenberg as Male Changeling Ensign
Grace Lee as (voice) La Sirena Computer
Joseph Lee as Lieutenant Matthew Arliss Mura
Jin Maley as Ensign Kova Rin Esmar
Phillip O'Riley as Vulcan thug
John Pope as Young Ensign
Tarina Pouncy as (first form) Intrepid Security Officer #2
Tiffany Shepis as Doctor Ohk
Aaron Stanford as (photo) Sneed
Jason Sweat as Krinn's guard


Riker returns command of the Titan to Shaw, who contacts Starfleet. The USS Intrepid arrives to arrest Picard and Riker, led by Commander Ro Laren who betrayed Starfleet and Picard years earlier but has returned from imprisonment. Ro forces Picard into the holodeck where she reveals her suspicions that the Changeling conspiracy has compromised Starfleet's highest levels. Picard reconciles with Ro and she gives him her treasured Bajoran earring.

As Ro returns to the Intrepid via shuttle, she discovers a bomb planted by Changeling saboteurs and decides to fly into the Intrepid, sacrificing herself and damaging the ship. The saboteurs attempt to transport Jack off the Titan but his visions influence him into killing them.

Picard and Riker realise the earring contains the intelligence Ro gathered on the Changelings and is also a communicator.

Worf and Raffi learn that something besides the portal technology was stolen from Daystrom Station. Worf attempts to contact his own handler, Ro, and reaches Picard and Riker. As the Titan flees the damaged Intrepid, Jack reveals his visions to Beverly.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 4,263 Last updated : 18 Aug 2023