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Project Daedalus

TimelinePreviousNextYour ViewSeason 2
Title :
Project Daedalus
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
14 Mar 2019
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
2 x 09
Main Cast :
Emily Coutts as Keyla Detmer
Wilson Cruz as Hugh Culber
Doug Jones as Saru
Ronnie Rowe, Jr as R.A. Bryce
Patrick Kwok-Choon as Gen Rhys
Sonequa Martin-Green as Michael Burnham
Sara Mitich as Nilsson
Anson Mount as Christopher Pike
Oyin Oladejo as Joann Owosekun
Anthony Rapp as Paul Stamets
Mary Wiseman as Sylvia Tilly
Guest Cast :
Rachael Ancheril as Commander D. Nhan
Arista Arhin as Young Michael Burnham
Avaah Blackwell as Osnullus bridge officer
Jayne Brook as Admiral Katrina Cornwell
Alisen Down as Starfleet psychiatrist
Andrea Gallo as Discovery science officer
Julianne Grossman as (voice) Discovery computer
Tyler Hynes as Stephen
Daniel Montlouis as Discovery operations crewmember
John Mucciacito as Discovery engineer
Tara Nicodemo as Admiral Patar
Ethan Peck as Spock


Starfleet Admiral Katrina Cornwell secretly boards Discovery to interrogate Spock, bringing with her video footage depicting Spock murdering the three doctors. Saru analyses the footage and discovers that it has been forged by Section 31.

Cornwell directs Discovery to Section 31 headquarters where Starfleet's "Control" artificial intelligence computer is kept. They discover that Control is behind the forgery and has been directing Section 31 to pursue Spock. Burnham, Security Officer Nahn, and Airiam beam into the headquarters to find the personnel, including Section 31's leadership, all dead. Control had turned off life-support systems leaving them to die.

Airiam is tasked with restoring Control to Starfleet's original programming. However, the virus from the future that Airiam was infected with is the same one that has infected Control itself. Instead of restoring Control she attempts to upload all of the artificial intelligence knowledge gleaned from the Sphere, into Control's database.

Unable to continue to fight the virus, Airiam asks to be ejected into space before the data transfer is complete. Burnham hesitates, but Commander Nhan jettisons Airiam before it is too late. Airiam dies reliving her favourite memory from before she became a cyborg.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 5,704 Last updated : 9 Jul 2022