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Strange New Worlds

TimelinePreviousNextYour ViewSeason 1
Title :
Strange New Worlds
Series :
Rating :
Overall Ep :
First Aired :
5 May 2022
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
Writers :
Season Ep :
1 x 01
Main Cast :
Guest Cast :
Byron Abalos as Trainee #1
Carla Bennett as Palion aide #2
Jon Blair as Kiley guard #2
Peter Bou-Ghannam as Palion leader
Marienne Castro as Shuttle pilot
Bessie Cheng as Eldredth aide #2
Ruth Chiang as Kiley scientist
John Chou as Kiley scientist #1
Olivia Croft as Trainee #2
Joseph Daly as Eldredth aide #1
Myles Dobson as Vulcan waiter
Rong Fu as Jenna Mitchell
Chandra Galasso as Lieutenant
Jaimee Joe Gonzaga as Terminal jockey #2
Jason Gosbee as Kiley guard
Adrian Holmes as Robert April
Dan Jeannotte as George Samuel Kirk
Sandy Kerr as Lieutenant Key
André Dae Kim as Chief Kyle
David Kirby as Palion aide #1
Joel Lacoursiere as Kiley guard #1
Dana Levenson as Newscaster
Andrew Locke as Terminal jockey #1
Jennifer Murray as Trainee #3
Etan Muskat as Ensign Hadad
Daniel Pagett as Kiley scientist #2
Gia Sandhu as T'Pring
Melanie Scrofano as Captain Batel
Rachel Sellan as Woman in elevator
Samantha Smith as Eldredth leader
Shannon Widdis as Enterprise navigator


Christopher Pike, Captain of the USS Enterprise, is recalled from shore leave after his first officer goes missing. They travel to the planet Kiley 279, which is at a similar technology level to Earth in the 20th century. It is on the brink of civil war and one side have managed to construct a weapon based on a warp drive that they witnessed in nearby space. Pike and his crew must rescue Number One and break General Order One to allow them to convince the natives of the planet not to use the weapon. As a result Starfleet tightens General Order One, changing its name to the Prime Directive.


Ok, a great first episode.

I'll come to a point of analysis, when is this episode set. A lot of people would have it as 2259, which is more than a year after the events of Star Trek Discovery, season 2. While that could be the case given the refit of the Enterprise, there are actual in episode dates that prove that it must be 2258. The first is in this episode where Spock says that Pike requested the new crew "Three months, ten days, four hours, five minutes" ago.

If we move forward into episode 2 we have 5 children from Pike's vision and are provided with ages and dates of birth for them. An example of this is "T'Quiel Dawn" who is stated as being "aged 10 years, with a date of birth 6 February 2247." which makes the year 2257 or 2258, depending on if he has had his birthday that year or not. It cannot be 2259 and still fit in with this data. We also have four other children with similar dates and ages, only one is not consistent with 2258 and that one suggests 2257. Indeed only one child is consistent with 2259 as a possibility.
© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 6,374 Last updated : 1 Feb 2023