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Episode Guest Reviews

Reviewer : Red(dwarf) Matter
Ave Rating : 0.0000 for 1 reviews
Title : Star Trek Rating : 0
Writers : Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci Year : 2258
Review : What can be said that hasn't been said before? Not a lot, but.... As sf/action-adventure this was so-so to ok. As ST, not so good. Not to say that there weren't good points. For one, the character of Dr. McCoy was just about spot on and Scotty wasn't too far off. Leonard Nimoy as Spock (Prime), of course. Now for the bad... no more Vulcan?? No more Ch'Rihan/Ch'Havran??? WTF?!?!?! Kirk as a hyperactive adreneline junkie?? Spock shagging Uhura?!?!? OMG!!!! The only way that any Trekiie, Trekker or Trekkist is going to take this (and susequent efforts) seriously is to say that this is a whole differnt timelime, an alternate reality, another dimension, or whatever technobabble term you choose to use. Otherwise this will drive you mad listing the plot holes and canon inconsistancies. The good news is: the sequel can only be better, right? All in all, the fan film "Of Gods And Men" is better than this. Respectfully submitted, RdM

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 6,319 Last updated : 17 Mar 2025