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Episode Guest Reviews

Reviewer : James Hill
Ave Rating : 4.6667 for 3 reviews
Title : Yesterday's Enterprise Rating : 4
Writers : Trent Christopher Ganino, Eric A. Stillwell Year : 2366
Review : Stunning ep from start to finish!! This episode still make my hairs stand on end even now after all these years! For me there are plenty of reasons to like this ep: 1. We get to see the Enterprise C (+ the new class of ship) 2. Tasha is brought back in a believliable way! 3. Watching the Enterprise D fight to the Death. 4. The draker themed Federation and the highten conflict between Picard and Riker. 5. The reveloation that the Federation would fall within 6 month was especially cool! Any complaints?? Well would have been nice to see Worf on the Klingon ships but apart from that it is a perfect episode and for me marked a turning point in TNG!
Title : Yesterday's Enterprise Rating : 5
Writers : Trent Christopher Ganino, Eric A. Stillwell Year : 2366
Review : Stunning ep from start to finish!! This episode still make my hairs stand on end even now after all these years! For me there are plenty of reasons to like this ep: 1. We get to see the Enterprise C (+ the new class of ship) 2. Tasha is brought back in a believliable way! 3. Watching the Enterprise D fight to the Death. 4. The draker themed Federation and the highten conflict between Picard and Riker. 5. The reveloation that the Federation would fall within 6 month was especially cool! Any complaints?? Well would have been nice to see Worf on the Klingon ships but apart from that it is a perfect episode and for me marked a turning point in TNG!
Title : The Measure of a Man Rating : 5
Writers : Melinda M. Snodgrass Year : 2365
Review : Again agree with many of the points made in the review. This is definatly one of my favourite TNG eps which only gets better when re-visting. Why? well the epsiode focus's on a plot which I beleive will become very relevent to our own lives soon. It is very concevable that in the new future AI advanced as Data's will be invented and when it does we may face many of the same questions prestented in this show. I simply love how the focus switches from whether Data is a machine (which he is of coyrse) to whether he has a soal and what would happen if Maddox were to succeed and create an army of Data's! The scene in Ten Forward, is for me, one of my favourite Trek momments which Picard realises this. A++++ simply Trek at its best for me.

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 5,922 Last updated : 16 Mar 2025