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Episode Guest Reviews

Reviewer : Chris Brown
Ave Rating : 1.0000 for 1 reviews
Title : Star Trek Rating : 1
Writers : Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci Year : 2258
Review : Hated it. now before the spamming starts let me explain. Im a long time fan of science fiction and star trek. i grew up on the star trek movies then TNG. I lived my childhood fed by the STOS reruns, movies 4-6 then 1-3 (was born in 1980). shatner IS kirk. Nimoy IS spock. when the movie previewed, i gave it a chance. didnt even mind the drastic changes in the enterprise's appearance. but there were some lines i had to draw. First: Kirk's father died to protect him. this was a nice action packed start but i believe it started the downward spiral of the movie. Kirk became an attention starved orfan who destroyed what would of been and old vintage car in OUR time! im a car guy who dares someone to point of a good movie where the car was destroyed in the first ten mins. jkjk. Second: Spock, a man from an emotionless people, is sleeping with and having a PASSIONATE relationship? WTF?! spocks lack of emotions what a part of who he was! a part of what made the humorus moments concerning him funny! and it was the first thing this movie had thrown out the window! the fact that Nimoy himself had anything to do with it disturbs me still. third: red matter. need i say more? forth:they destroyed vulcan. WTFWTT?!?!? Vulcan and earth were the main founding worlds of the UFP! i honestly would of like it a lot more if they did fix the timeline back. too many things were changed. i understand a big change IS what they were going for, but i think i lot more of the original material should of been kept. this movie rewrites ALL of star trek from its setting time on-ward. the movie was ok, it just shouldnt of had the "Star Trek" name.

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 7,030 Last updated : 17 Mar 2025