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Episode Guest Reviews

Reviewer : Tyyrlym
Ave Rating : 2.6000 for 5 reviews
Title : Precious Cargo Rating : 2
Writers : Rick Berman, Brannon Braga, David A. Goodman Year : 2152
Review : The princess and the commoner. It's been done before. Then again, what hasn't? Personally I don't knock something for being unoriginal if its done well. In this case it was done passably well. The opening was telegraphed, from the outset it was obvious that the two Retellians were up to no good. It wasn't a shock when they turned out to be up to no good. The only real contrivance seemed to be the warp 2 freighter's ability to escape the warp 5 Enterprise. Which brings up a YATI moment. The freighter was able to leave the Enterprise's sensor range in approximately ten seconds, giving the Enterprise's sensors a maximum range of about 100 light seconds. To put that in perspective, the Enterprise couldn't track a ship around Venus while in Earth orbit. It could be passed off as the side effect of what disabled the warp engines, but there was no mention of that. After that the episode followed the princess and the commoner trope rather conventionally. It was nothing spectacular but it was entertaining. It was nice to see Trip get a chance to stretch his legs outside the ship after several episodes of trying. Of course it wasn't a traditional away mission by any means. A decent episode overall.
Title : The Communicator Rating : 2
Writers : Rick Berman, Andre Bormanis, Brannon Braga Year : 2152
Review : A decent episode, mostly. On the whole its a fairly standard episode about contact with a prewarp civilization but being Enterprise its not the usual prime directive situation. Still, what ruins it for me is that they apparently have training about cultural contamination yet how does Archer avoid spilling the beans about them being aliens? Convincing them he and Reed are super soldiers flying invisible aircraft and armed with experimental beam weapons. Yes, at the end of the episode they reflect on how badly they handled the situation, but pointing out how bad they screwed up doesn't really excuse it. It wasn't handled in the worst possible way, just the second worst possible way.
Title : Impulse Rating : 3
Writers : Jonathan Fernandez, Terry Matalas Year : 2153
Review : I love zombie movies so I enjoyed this episode far more than other people might. You've got zombies, a wounded party member, another slowly going zombie, unstoppable undead, and even the last minute zombification of someone. It hits every hit point, and its Trek. The onyl thing really missing was the gradual loss of party members as time went on. A fun episode for the series. Kind of a YATI issue, aren't Vulcans supposed to be significantly stronger than humans? The Enterprise personnel seemed to do quite well wrestling with people three times stronger than they are. "15 Minutes, maybe less." Much less apparently. While none of the explosions that started to rock the ship were that tremendous they still would have easily killed the landing party if they'd been at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Title : Twilight Rating : 3
Writers : Michael Sussman Year : 2153
Review : I have to agree. Awesome visuals, great character interaction, T'Pol once again portraying a Vulcan not as emotionless but just very in control of her emotions and in the end... RESET. It got old on Voyager and it still is. Everything about the episode is great and in the end so utterly pointless.
Title : North Star Rating : 3
Writers : David A. Goodman Year : 2153
Review : A fun episode in TOS vibe. There's quite a few "wha...?" moments however. Where did Enterprise get the guns? How are there only 6,000 humans after two centuries on the planet? Why did they halt their development? Lots of very huh questions, but no more than your average Hollywood action flick. While those questions exist the episode is fun and still manages to remain a good strong Trek vibe.

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 8,252 Last updated : 15 Mar 2025