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Episode Guest Reviews

Reviewer : Captain 8472
Ave Rating : 2.8182 for 11 reviews
Title : ...Nor the Battle to the Strong Rating : 2
Writers : Brice R. Parker Year : 2373
Review : While one can easily argue as to the quality of the plot line, it is in the development of Jake Sisco's character that truly deserves a mention. In the early seasons, he would take the initiative, think on his own, possessing what was needed to follow his father's example by joining Star Fleet. In '... Nor the Battle to the Strong', Jake is forced face some of the true horrors of war. In this roll, Cirroc Lofton performed exceptionally well. The best part being when he had to explain his cowardice to a dying Star Fleet officer why he left a doctor behind. Jake tried to rationalize it with fate and/or spirituality, but in the end could not hide the fact he panicked in the face of danger. As a whole, not bad, not good. As a major character development for Jake, a harsh splash of cold water that makes you 'wake up' as to the nature of war and death.
Title : These Are The Voyages... Rating : 0
Writers : Rick Berman, Brannon Braga Year : 2370
Review : I beg to each, and every deity that has ever been prayed to that Berman and Braga get tossed out on their ass from every convention from now on. By all that is holy, no show, movie, play or any other piece of art I know of is so insulting to it's concept UNLESS you want to do only that. What ever happened to Trek's great history of moral and ethical message? Anthony Montgomery came in as a main character only to become scenery. Gene Roddenberry is probably crying in the afterlife over this episode. [ /br]I never watch this episode after the one and only time that I did. Moore and Coto have far more respect. Look at the re-make of Battlestar Galactica. Moore had the story structured, planned out and did not contradict past episode. Coto does the exact same thing. He references past episodes to make sure statements, actions, story, and expectations are the same and consistent. Berman and Braga did anything they wanted just because they had the power. Utter failure.
Title : Move Along Home Rating : 0
Writers : Michael Piller Year : 2369
Review : Question: What was to point of this episode?
Title : Menage a Troi Rating : 1
Writers : Fred Bronson, Susan Sackett Year : 2366
Review : Nothing really stood out for me in this one. The one shining moment was Picard quoting Shakespear as his confession of love for Luwaxanna. I could not stop laughing. For years he had been doing his best to run and hide from her, now he must profess loving her, and in front of the entire bridge crew! Patric Stewart was spectacular at this, starting off slow, but picking up pace as he got into the 'acting role' of the scorned lover. A truly classic moment in Trek. I thought I could hear Q in the back ground laughing too.
Title : Duet Rating : 5
Writers : Jeanne Carrigan-Fauci, Lisa Rich Year : 2369
Review : I absolutely loved this episode. For me, the best part of the story is that you can truly see how diverse the Cardassians. They are not all arrogant, self assured killers who view themselves as superior to others. They can be as humble, moralistic and ethical as the steriotypcal Federation Officer. It is Miritza that demonstrates this to no end. He cries, begs for forgiveness and even tries to use himself as a martyr in order to force his people to realize the horrors they visited on the Bajoran people.
Title : Afterimage Rating : 4
Writers : Rene Echevarria Year : 2375
Review : Yet another great performance by Andrew J. Robinson as Garak suffering from severe emotional problems. His display of Garak's clostraphobia was simply flawless, followed by the revelation as to why he is having these problems. Each transmission he decodes means more of his own people are going to die. Helping to kill your own when you know they are just misguided as opposed to evil would be truly hard for so many people. A true, Roddenbery style classic.
Title : Star Trek Rating : 3
Writers : Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci Year : 2258
Review : There is one thing that keeps bugging me to no end. It aggravates me as I am a trained mechanical engineer. The designs for the engineering hulls of both the Kelvin and the new Enterprise. First: rivets. There is no point to use something so out dated, inefficient and useless as rivets on a vessel meant to go into space when compared to welding. They are an extra part you have to manufacture, require two people to install and don't create an air tight seal. Lets not even discuss the fact they ran along the beams, connecting nothing to the beams. Second: the web of I-beams. They made the entire engineering section look like the ceiling of a warehouse. There was no reason to have those every where like that. Exposed, no walls, nothing but grating style deck plates. Third: bulk heads. The ENTIRE hull looked like it had no compartmentalization. This means that one rupture or breach to the hull exposes all of the primary hull to hard vacuum. No one there lives (same goes for Nero's ship). Fourth: warp core. Where was it? All I saw looked like liquid storage, plumbing and water filtration. Where was the matter-anti-matter reaction chamber? Where is all the power coming from. All in all, decent plot, excellent acting, death-trap ships.
Title : Legacy Rating : 4
Writers : Joe Menosky Year : 2367
Review : A very well done episode. Nothing truly wrong with it, but not the best. For me, the best part was when was when Ishara was phasered. Watch closely, she fires her own weapon, flailing it as she goes down and it carves a path in the wall!
Title : The Undiscovered Country Rating : 5
Writers : Lawrence Konner, Leonard Nimoy, Marc Rosenthal Year : 2293
Review : A true classic. A fitting and fulfilling end for the original cast. If there is one aspect of this movie that truly sets the emotional state of affairs it has to be the original actors, in their characters, not wanting to be 'decommissioned' yet understanding that their time has come. This is best demonstrated when Spock states "If I were Human, I would tell them: Go to hell. If I were Human." As for the actual fighting, Shatner displayed that which makes Kirk great. Diving onto the Federation President to shield him with his own body before calmly saying "Kirk, Enterprise." Then there was the scene where we had McCoy and Spock modifying the torpedo. You could feel the mutual respect, trust and even a sense of family between the two. If there is any true down side to the film, it would be the rather short trial of Kirk and McCoy. So much could have been done there if the movie was 10 to 15 minutes longer. Heck, even 30 minutes more spent on the trial could have shown you what everyone was thinking about the whole 'Assassination of the Chancellor' event. Even with this small problem, the overall effect was spectacular.
Title : Jetrel Rating : 5
Writers : Scott Nimerfro, Jim Thornton Year : 2371
Review : A truly superb episode. I can't help but draw personality comparisons between Jetrel and Einstein. Both were scientists, pacifists who were opposed to war only for fate to come along and compel their efforts to create a weapon of mass destruction. For Jetrel, the Metreon Cascade, for Einstein, the Atom Bomb. With this in mind, I can only wonder as to how Einstein himself would react to the idea that the people who were killed by his creation could be brought back to life. I can easily see him doing what Jetrel was trying to do in order to atone for what they saw as an act of pure malice. It is this psychological aspect that makes this episode the best of Voyager.
Title : Manhunt Rating : 2
Writers : Terry Devereaux Year : 2365
Review : I give this episode 2 points for the pure character interplay. Much of the plot was shallow, but the acting was superb. Majell Roddenberry and Patric Stewart performed like they actually felt the way their characters do. Luwaxanna always had an 'eccentric' flair to her that Majell played up very well with Picard utterly terrified to be her focus. This episode brought that to the fore so well that I giggle even now as I write this review. So, all-in-all, rather poor story, but truly entertaining in re-guards to the character personalities. One I can watch over and over again.

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 11,066 Last updated : 15 Mar 2025