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Episode Guest Reviews

Reviewer : Jason Conroy
Ave Rating : 1.0000 for 1 reviews
Title : Star Trek Rating : 1
Writers : Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci Year : 2258
Review : I am ambiguous to this new and "improved" Trek. I saw the movie in the theatre but now it is coming out on DVD soon I thought I would throw in my two cents. First of all I will say I was a little worried about these young guys and girl playing characters that are so ingrained in my childhood but I was sorely mistaken, they were wonderful in their portrayals and they are great actors to boot. Ok, down to the dirt. This story has plot holes you could ram a sun through. From the very beginning I was confused. A supernova threatening to destroy the galaxy? Did someone not even bother to talk to a first year university science student? They happen all the time, natural life and death cycle of stars of a certain size, anyway, it destroyed Romulus so it HAD to be Romulus' own star that exploded. This is impossible, only certain stars of a certain size at the end of their life would go supernova. These don't just HAPPEN, they take centuries to end their lives, the ancient Romulans even with primitive technology wouldn't have colonized Romulus knowing that in a few centuries it would explode. Like it or not the director threw 40 years of Trek out the window and start new, and to explain this huge change? Time travel 20 year ago (movie time) changed history. But did it? Or at least that much? So we are to believe the destruction of one starship (space is a dangerous place and bad things can and do happen to ships all the time) and the death of really only a few crewmen (most got away) would change technology and the history of Starfleet that much? Certainly changes on a more personal level would happen especially to Kirk who's father was killed saving everyone. I would buy that, but everything else? The changes to the Enterprise? it being build in Iowa? the fact that Engineering looks like a concrete warehouse? Et al? That brings me to the set? AHHH, I'm blind, I'm blind! What is that? Looks like an old eposide of Buck Rogers! Completely white and touchscreens? What? Sure, I would expect touchscreens in the 22nd century since we already have them but in the 1960s they couldn't imagine that and so they weren't in the original Trek, hell, they look more advanced then TNG, DS9, Voyager. How could blowing up one starship change things so much? I might be able to accept it better if everything was so shiny and bright :S I won't go into all the plot holes but I think you have understood my basic objections to the movie. Now, what I really liked, obviously I spoke of the characters and actors they were great. The CGI of the Kelvin battle sequence was truely stellar, amazing more like it. The Kelvin looked great (perhaps too large for a ship of that time?) and I liked the fact that they seemed to do some tie in to have it as a stepping stone between the original Star Trek, the bridge, etc was more like I was expecting (technology wise) from this movie until they went all Buck Rogers on me. Even through the Romulans were in the previous movie they didn't have the starring role and I really like that they finially became the bad guys they deserved to be, how many Klingon movies can you do? (Without throwing God in there somewhere :P) Great fight sequences and I absolutely LOVED the hand phaser and how it rotated to red and blue, very fun. One last complain, I promise, Vulcan is gone? only a few thousand Vulcans left? Wow, they were my favorite! How can they do that? Sigh Anyway, so they really used this to introduce the characters and set the "tone" but they didn't have the essience of Trek in there with the moral subtitles we have all known and which made ST great, it's a summer action movie for the masses. I hope they make more of both this new Trek but I still want more Next Generation era movies. I like all Trek, and I DO like things in this movie but I refuse to give up 40 years of Trek so Abrams can "Re-imagine" Trek, it's a rest, lets not play on words here. So that is my take, I am sure people will argue it or make up explainations to justify my complains and sure, please go ahead, that is what is great about Trek but this is just my opinion. Enjoy!

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