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Critical Care

TimelinePreviousNextYour ViewSeason 7
Series :
Season Ep :
7 x 05
Title :
Critical Care
Rating :
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First Aired :
1 Nov 2000
Stardate :
Director :
Year :
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Your Rating :
4.0000 for 1 reviews
Reviewer : Indefatigable Rating : 4
Review : Most of the way through this, it looked as though it was a TOS-style 'evil computer' episode, and the Doctor would end up talking it to death. Luckily, it was a lot more imaginative. As someone whose life was once saved by the NHS, this strikes me as an indictment of both the American health system and the class system. However, I do feel some sympathy for the administrators. Not everywhere has a huge surplus economy like the Federation, and some rationing might be essential if resources are short. The Doctor himself had to choose between saving Ensign Kim and Ensign Jetal in "Latant Image". If that had been Captain Janeway and Crewman Redshirt, then I think I know which one he would have chosen to treat first. This isn't exactly hypocrisy, but the Doctor did succeed in trampling all over the Prime Directive and judging these people by Human/Federation values. Still, it doesn't detract too much from the real message. As ever, Robert Picardo put in a good performance, and the guest cast around him backed him up very well. The side plot provided some amusing moments, in contrast to the somewhat grim main plot, although I wouldn't have minded knowing what they did with Gar, or even whether Janeway paid the miners for the Iridium or gave it back. Overall, it was eminently watchable, and made me think a little.
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© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 7,723 Last updated : 16 Mar 2025