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TOS Crew Manifest

Senior Staff

Name Description
James T. Kirk [1] Kirk enlisted in Starfleet Academy with the help of a man named Mallory, whose son would later serve under Kirk on the USS Enterprise. [2] Kirk gained a reputation as a hard worker at the academy - his close friend Gary Mitchell would later refer to him as "a stack of books with legs". Whilst at the Academy Kirk was assigned to teach some classes. Upperclassmen often warned new cadets that in Kirk's class "you either think or sink". [1] Possibly Kirk's most notorious incident came when he took the Kobayashi Maru scenario which was designed to test the character of a cadet faced with a "no-win" situation. Kirk stubbornly refused to admit that any situation had no resolution, and after failing twice he reprogrammed the simulation so that it was indeed possible to succeed, becoming the only person in Starfleet history to beat the no win scenario. Kirk's daring action earned him a commendation for original thinking. [3]

During his time at the academy Kirk served as an Ensign on the NCC-1371, USS Republic. On one occasion he was forced to log a mistake made by his friend Ben Finney, earning his friend a reprimand. Finney would long harbour a grudge against Kirk over the incident. [4]

Kirk's first post after graduation was as a Lieutenant under Captain Garrovick on the NCC-1547 USS Farragut, where he served as tactical officer. On Tycho IV a dikironium cloud creature killed 200 of the Farragut's crew, including Garrovick. Kirk would long blame himself for the incident because he hesitated to fire when faced by the creature. However, the Farragut's first officer noted that Kirk was "a fine young officer who performed with uncommon bravery". [5]

As a Lieutenant Kirk surveyed the planet Neural, becoming a personal friend of the leader of the Hill People, Tyree. Kirk recommended that the Federation fully enforce the policy of non-interference on the planet. [6]

By 2264 he had been promoted to Captain and assigned command of the NCC-1701 USS Enterprise, replacing Captain Christopher Pike. [7] His exploits on board the Enterprise made his a legend within Starfleet. He made more first contacts than any other captain in Starfleet history, a record even Captain Janeway did not equal in her time aboard Voyager. [8] Kirk's first contacts included those with the First Federation [9], the Thasians [10], the Gorn, the Metrones [11], the Melkotians [12], Miri's people [13], the Horta [14], the Organians [15], the Platonians [16], the Kelvans [17], the Vians [18], the Scalosians [19], the Cheronians [20], the Excalbians [21] and others. His five year mission was regarded even a century later as one of the greatest chapters in Starfleet history. [22]

Although often a stickler for the rules, Kirk was not afraid to violate them when he believed the cause justified it. Over his career he saved at least three entire civilisations from extinction - the Pelosians, Baezians and Chenari - despite having to violate the Prime Directive to do so. [22] In 2267 he refused to attend the inauguration ceremonies on Altair VI despite direct orders to do so, instead going to Vulcan so that Commander Spock could fulfil his pon'farr. [23] In the same year Kirk was suspected of causing the death of one his crewmembers, Ben Finney, through negligence and of committing perjury to cover this fact up. He became the first Starfleet Captain ever to stand trial, angrily refusing any deal offered by the prosecution so as to get his day in court. A spirited defence by attourney at law Sam T. Cogley proved Kirk's innocence beyond any possible doubt when Finney was discovered to still be alive, having staged his own death. [24]

Kirk regarded himself primarily as a soldier rather than a diplomat [25], but he was trained in diplomacy. [26] Kirk would rarely use force except as a last resort, but when required he could demonstrate tremendous personal bravery. A skilled and determined hand to hand fighter who mixed and matched various fighting styles as needed, Kirk rarely lost anything remotely approaching a fair fight. [27] On one occasion he was able to gain the upper hand over an entire room full of Eminians despite the fact that several of them were armed - much to Spock's chagrin when he arrived with a rescue party a few moments later! [28] His engagement of the Gorn on the surface of on Cestus III and subsequent one-on-one duel with the Gorn Captain after the attack became famous and was an inspiration to Captain Sisko over a century later. [29] When battling Doctor Soran on Veridian III Kirk rapidly gained the upper hand, something which Captain Picard had proved singularly unable to do shortly before. [30]

Kirk was also a highly capable in Starship combat. His skilled battle against the Romulan warship which invaded Federation space in 2266 resulted in victory against a vessel with the advantage of stealth and greatly superior firepower, convincing the Romulans to abandon their plans for a full scale war with the Federation. [31] Kirk frequently used misdirection and bluff against opponents with stunning success; on one occasion he bluffed a vastly superior First Federation vessel into believing that the Enterprise was fitted with a secret system which rendered it invulnerable to attack. [9] He used a similar bluff against the Romulans in 2267. [32] In 2285 He was able to trick Kruge into sending the majority of his crew to capture the Enterprise, which Kirk had set for self destruct. [33]

In 2268 Kirk began to display increasingly erratic behaviour, leading many of his crew to believe that he was suffering from a mental breakdown. On stardate 5027.3 he took the Enterprise into Romulan territory and was quickly surrounded. In fact this incident was part of an elaborate ruse which Kirk had agreed to undertake on Starfleet's behalf, faking a breakdown in order to provide the Federation with plausible deniability for his actions. Kirk was able to steal a Romulan cloaking device, giving the Federation a chance to counter this technology. [34]

So great did Kirk's reputation become that by 2287 the Klingon Captain Klaa believed that defeating Kirk in battle would automatically bring him regard as the greatest warrior in the entire galaxy. [35] In 2293 Starfleet believed that Kirk's mere presence alongside the Klingon peace mission to Earth would prevent any attempted attack. [36]

Several of Kirk's missions involved time travel, and his actions in the past would later earn him infamy with Starfleet's Temporal Investigations agency. In all Kirk amassed no less than seventeen separate temporal violations, the biggest file on record as of 2373. One Temporal Investigations agent summed up the organisation's attitude towards Kirk when he claimed "the man was a menace". [29] However, his actions in the past saved Humanity from extinction on at least one occasion. [37]

After the five year mission of exploration ended the Enterprise returned to Earth. Kirk was promoted to Rear Admiral and became Chief of Starfleet Operations. On his recommendation Captain Decker replaced him as captain, supervising the extensive refit which the ship underwent at this time. In 2271 Kirk claimed the Captaincy back to deal with the V'ger crisis personally, over Decker's objections. [38] He eventually retired, but missed the service and returned to Starfleet again. [30] He took command of Starfleet Academy for a time, but did not find this a terribly fulfilling post. Kirk was again thrust into action in 2284 when Khan Noonian Singh attempted to steal the Genesis Device whilst the Enterprise was in the area on a training mission. Despite having to cope with a ship full of trainees, Kirk was able to thwart Khan's plans and ultimately left him to be killed when the Genesis Device was detonated. Captain Spock was killed on the mission, sacrificing his life to save the ship. [3]

Spock's death had a profound impact on Kirk and his subsequent discovery that his friend had implanted his katra within Doctor McCoy before his death led him to commit his gravest violation of regulations. With the assistance of some of his former officers Admiral Kirk stole the Enterprise from Spacedock and took it to the newly formed Genesis planet, hoping that the use of the device may have somehow regenerated Spock's body. This proved to be the case, and Kirk was able to return Spock's body to Vulcan to be reunited with his katra. Unfortunately the Enterprise itself was destroyed during the mission. [33]

After a time on Vulcan Kirk returned to Earth in a captured Bird of Prey. His return coincided with the arrival of an alien probe of immense size and power which was seeking to establish contact with the long extinct humpbacked whales of Earth, inflicting environmental devastation on the planet in the process. Kirk once again travelled into the past to capture a pair of suitable whales so that they could respond to the probe. He was ultimately successful, and the probe duly left the planet in peace. For their actions in saving the planet most of the charges against Kirk and his crew were dropped, and he was demoted to Captain and assigned command of the NCC-1701-A, USS Enterprise. [37]

Kirk once again faced retirement in 2293. For his last mission he was sent to escort the Klingon chancellor, Gorkon, to a peace conference on Earth. Kirk was opposed to the mission, and was suspected of involvement in the assassination of Gorkon when it appeared that Enterprise personnel beamed aboard the Klingon ship and murdered him. Kirk was tried and convicted of the crime and sentenced to life on Rura Pente. He promptly escaped and returned to the Enterprise, uncovering the true conspirators and rushing to Khitomer to prevent yet another assassination. Kirk finally retired from Starfleet for good shortly after this mission. [36]

Shortly after his retirement he was a guest of honour at the launch of the NCC-1701-B USS Enterprise. He was able to lend a helping hand when the badly unprepared ship was involved in the rescue of some El-Aurian refugees shortly after launch. Unfortunately he was feared killed in the mission when the part of the ship he was in was destroyed by an anomaly known as the nexus. In fact Kirk was alive and well in the Nexus, a realm where normal time and space did not apply. Kirk ultimately left the Nexus to lend assistance to Captain Picard in thwarting the plans of Doctor Tolian Soren. Although successful, Kirk was killed when a damaged bridge collapsed whilst he was on it. Captain Picard buried Kirk's body on a mountaintop on Veridian III under a simple stone cairn. Kirk's final words were "it was... fun. Oh my..." [30]
Spock [39] Spock graduated from the Academy in 2253. [40] Like many of the Enterprise crew Spock became famous throughout the Federation, and amongst Vulcans became thought of as a legendary figure. [41] In his final year of the Academy he served on board the USS Enterprise; [42] he participated in the mission to Talos IV which resulted in the planet being placed under quarantine. [39]

After graduation Spock continued to serve on board the Enterprise. He would return to Talos in 2267, taking the badly crippled Fleet Captain Pike there so that he could live out the remainder of his life with the Talosians. [7] Although Spock's actions were in direct violation of regulations, and could even have brought the death penalty for him, Commodore Mendez chose to waive all charges in recognition of the historic importance of Captain Pike to space exploration. [43]

Spock retired from Starfleet in 2270 [44] after the five year mission of exploration was completed, returning to Vulcan to pursue Kolinahr, the highest level of Vulcan non-emotionalism. He returned the following year to assist with the V'Ger crisis, and subsequently chose to remain in active service. [38]

Although Spock sought command in his early career [45], he later came to dislike the idea of his own captaincy. Nevertheless, he became Captain of the Enterprise when the ship was assigned to Starfleet Academy to serve as a training ship. When the Genesis crisis arose in 2285 Spock turned command over to Admiral Kirk; during this crisis Spock entered an engineering compartment which had become heavily contaminated with radiation in order to make repairs to the main energiser. Spock died shortly afterwards from radiation poisoning and was buried on the Genesis planet. [3]

Unknown to the crew of the Enterprise at the time, Spock had used a Vulcan mind meld to transfer a copy of his consciousness to Dr McCoy. David Marcus subsequently discovered that the Genesis effect had regenerated Spock's body, and Admiral Kirk took this body to Vulcan to allow Spock's mind to be rejoined with his body in the fal-tor-pan ceremony on Mount Seleya. This was a success, and Spock lived again. [33]

Spock subsequently participated in Admiral Kirk's journey to 20th Century Earth to pick up a pair of humpback whales. Once the Enterprise crew returned to Starfleet he was appointed as science and executive officer of the Enterprise-A, [37] a post which he continued to fill for a further eight years. In 2293 Spock's father, Sarek, made peace overtures to the Klingon Empire after the Praxis disaster. Spock volunteered the Enterprise to take part in the talks; when the Klingon Chancellor was assassinated by two Enterprise crewmembers, Spock uncovered a conspiracy of Starfleet and Klingon personnel to sabotage the peace conference. Spock rescued Kirk from the surface of the Rura Pente asteroid in time to go to Khitomer and save the peace conference. [36]

After this Spock again retired from Starfleet. He became a diplomat, following in his father's footsteps. Although he would frequently argue with his father, the debates were generally kept within the family. But when the debates over the Cardassian war began, Spock chose to attack Sarek's position publicly. Sarek's wife, Perrin, took this to indicate a complete lack of loyalty on Spock's part, something she found offensive. [46]

In 2368 Spock vanished from the Federation completely. He was subsequently seen on Romulus. Abduction was feared, but Spock had carefully put all of his affairs in order before vanishing, indicating that he had planned to leave. Starfleet sent Captain Picard a covert mission to Romulus to contact Spock. [46]

The mission was successful, and Spock revealed that he had contacted a Romulan dissident movement was was working to build links between the Romulans and Vulcans in order to facilitate an eventual reunification between the two peoples - a process that he regarded as a historical inevitability. He remained on Romulus to continue with the mission after Captain Picard departed. [47]

In 2387 Romulus was threatened with destruction by a Supernova explosion. Spock raced to acquire a sample of red matter in order to create a black hole to contain the supernova, but he arrived too late and the planet was destroyed. Spock's ship vanished into the black hole and was never seen again. Unknown to Starfleet his ship emerged in 2258 on the alternate timeline created by Nero's arrival in 2233. Spock assisted in the defeat of Nero. Afterwards, he committed himself to assisting in the rebuilding of the Vulcan race after the destruction of their home planet by Nero. He had the rare experience of meeting the alternate version of his younger self, and the two remained friends. [48]

In 2259 the alternate version of Spock contacted his elder self for assistance in dealing with Khan Noonien Singh. Spock was able to provide valuable advice. [49]

Spock died in 2263 Although this was just 33 years after his birth, thanks to time travel he was in fact 162 years old. [50]
Leonard H. McCoy [1] One of the longest-serving officers in Starfleet history, it is rather ironic that Doctor McCoy never actually intended to join the service in the first place and frequently expressed his dissatisfaction with the entire service! Born in 2227, [51] McCoy always wanted to be a GP in a quiet, rural area where he could build a personal relationship with his patients. He joined Starfleet medical school in order to gain medical training, planning to retire after the mandatory five years service. After a brief marriage and bitter divorce McCoy decided to change the direction of his life, remaining in Starfleet for seventeen years after graduation. He became an acknowledged expert in surgery and several fields of space medicine, publishing many papers on the effects of extended service in space on the human body and other subjects.

An outspoken individual, McCoy was never afraid to voice an opinion or tell others when he thought they where wrong - even those in authority over him. With many Captains this would have made for a disastrous situation, but under Captain Kirk, McCoy became an invaluable member of the crew. [27] Kirk even joked on occasion that his CMO was the ships self-appointed conscience. Although McCoy did not always get along with all of his shipmates on a day to day basis, he was capable of an incredible level of loyalty and self-sacrifice when the situation called for it. [27] When both Kirk and Spock left the Enterprise in 2270, McCoy retired rather than serve under another Captain. He rapidly settled into civilian life, and had no plans to return to Starfleet.

When Kirk returned to take command of the Enterprise in 2271 during the V'Ger emergency, he used the reserve activation clause to forcibly draft McCoy back into the service. [38]
After the V'Ger situation was resolved Kirk retained command of the ship, with Captain Spock once again as his science and executive officer. McCoy elected to stay with his friends, and continued on board the Enterprise as CMO.

In 2285 the Enterprise was attacked and badly damaged during the Genesis crisis; Captain Spock was mortally injured while conducting repairs on the ship. Before dying, Spock transferred his Katra - a copy of his 'soul' - to McCoy. [3] When Spock's regenerated body was recovered from the Genesis planet, McCoy offered to allow the Katra to be moved back into Spock despite the great personal danger this entailed - once again showing the selflessness he was capable of when his friends needed it. [33]

McCoy retired again in 2293, [36] but after some years in civilian life he elected to return in 2300 in order to become a teacher at starfleet medical school. He remained a member of starfleet for over sixty four years after this decision, bringing his total service time to an incredible one hundred and eleven years. By 2364 [52] McCoy was nearly one hundred and forty years old, but he still remained an active member of Starfleet - he even travelled to Farpoint Station on the USS Hood in order to make an inspection tour of the USS Enterprise-D, then making her maiden voyage. [51]
Montgomery Scott [1] A native of Scotland on Earth, [27] Montgomery Scott displayed a talent for engineering from his earliest days. As a child he enjoyed constructing scale models of engineering systems of all kinds; as a teenager he secured a job assisting in the servicing of shuttlecraft for a transport company. In 2240 he entered Starfleet Academy, [53] specialising in starship engineering.

Graduating in 2244, [53] Scott rapidly began to rise through the ranks. He became Chief Engineer of the Enterprise in 2266; [53] it was here that his abilities really began to show themselves. 'Scotty', as he became known, showed a genius for seat-of-the-pants improvisation, often under the most difficult of circumstances. [27] Perhaps the highest tribute to Scotty's ability is that during the 28 years that he was Chief Engineer of the Enterprise, no matter what level of battle damage the ship suffered she never once failed to make it home under her own power. It is little wonder that Montgomery Scott acquired the nickname of 'the miracle worker' among his crewmates. [35]

In 2294, [53] Scotty retired from Starfleet. [54] He bought a boat, and was looking forward to retirement. [36] Shortly after his retirement he was pressed into service one last time when he attended the launch of the Enterprise-B along with Captain Kirk and Commander Checkov. Scott briefly acted as a bridge officer on the ship when it responded to a distress call from some El Aurian refugee transports. Although Captain Kirk was apparently killed during this mission, many of the refugees where rescued thanks in large part to Scott's idea to use the main deflector to simulate an antimatter burst. [30]

Shortly after retirement, Scott decided to move to the Norpin V colony. He secured passage on board the USS Jenolan, but while on route the ship was brought violently out of warp when it encountered the gravitational well of a Dyson Sphere; the ship crashed on the sphere, killing most of the crew. Scott, ever resourceful, rigged a transporter to hold him in stasis until rescue could arrive. Unfortunately, the Jenolan was not discovered for another eighty years. Nevertheless, Scotty was still stored safely within the pattern buffer of the transporter.

Scotty at first found it difficult to fit in to the twenty fourth century; he regarded himself as being out of place, and something of a burden on others. However, his actions in assisting the USS Enterprise to escape from the Dyson Sphere convinced him that he still had a contribution to make. When Captain Picard 'loaned' him a shuttlecraft, Scotty once again set out into the unknown. [54]
Hikaru Sulu [1] A member of the most famous crew in Starfleet history, Sulu served on board the original Constitution class USS Enterprise [27] for a total of twenty one years. [53] He joined the ship as a physicist [1], but later transferred to the helm position. [9] Sulu proved to have an exceptional talent for this job, and was renowned as being one of the best combat pilots in the fleet. Off duty Sulu's interests included botany [55] and fencing; he considered himself something of a swashbuckler and was a keen swordsman. [56] His interest in ancient weaponry also extended to firearms, and he was able to acquire a 1900s police special revolver which on the amusement park planet visited by the Enterprise in 2266. [57]

After completing his time on the Enterprise-A, Sulu was promoted to Captain of the USS Excelsior. He spend three years charting gaseous anomalies, a relatively routine mission which was livened up when the ship encountered the shockwave from the Praxis explosion whilst on the way home. Sulu and the Excelsior subsequently played an important part in the success of the Khitomer peace conference, [36] evading a Klingon vessel captained by Captain Kang during an attempt to rescue Kirk from the Rura Pente prison [58] before eventually meeting up with his old captain at Khittomer and assisting in the destruction of General Chang's modified Bird of Prey. [36]

Sulu had a daughter, Demora, [30] in 2271. [53] She later followed in her fathers footsteps when she joined Starfleet Academy [30] in 2289. She graduated in 2293, [53] becoming a helm officer on the USS Enterprise-B where she served on the mission in which Captain Kirk was believed to have been killed. [30]

Sulu eventually became one of the most famous Captains in Starfleet history, and today his portrait hangs in Starfleet Headquarters. [58]
Nyota Uhura [9] Nyota Uhura was born in Africa on the planet Earth. A skilled musician and singer, [10] she was also something of a linguist and entered Starfleet in 2257 [53] in order to work with alien languages. She chose communications as it seemed the closest match for her skills, and excelled in this position. Like most of the senior officers of the original Starship Enterprise she became something of a legend in Starfleet history. She continued to serve on the Enterprise for the entire remainder of her career, apart from the short break between Starfleet's attempt to retire the Enterprise and the commissioning of the Enterprise-A, in which she served as a transporter operator on Earth's Spacedock. [33]

After leaving Starfleet in 2293, Uhura became something of a diplomat. She toured many worlds, successfully promoting greater integration between Federation members.
Pavel A. Chekov [59] Like all the members of the crew of the original Enterprise, Chekov has become something of a legend in Starfleet history. Relatively little is known about his early life; he was born on Earth in Russia in 2245 [60], an area that he would be fiercely proud of throughout his life. Indeed, Chekov had a habit of proclaiming that just about every major historical event or person was Russian. [27]

During his Academy years Chekov met and fell in love with Irina Galliulin, a fellow cadet. The two enjoyed a romantic involvement, but Irina found both Chekov and Starfleet to be too inflexible and formal for her own taste, and she eventually dumped him and dropped out of the academy. Chekov would meet her later when she was rescued from the space cruiser Aurora as part of a group led by the alternative lifestyle guru Doctor Sevrin. Chekov still had feelings for Irina, but she betrayed him in order to assist Sevrin. Despite this, the two parted on friendly terms. [61]

After ten years on the Enterprise, Chekov was promoted to Commander and assigned as First Officer of the USS Reliant. Whilst the ship was searching for a lifeless planet for use in phase three of the Genesis project, Chekov was captured by Khan Sing on Ceti Alpha Five. Khan used a native parasite in order to gain control of Chekov's mind and used him to hijack the Reliant and attempt to steal the Genesis device, but Chekov's body rejected the parasite and he was able to participate in the final battle against Khan. Acting as weapons officer on the Enterprise, it was Chekov who fired the shots which crippled the Reliant. [3]

He took part in Admiral Kirk's theft of the Enterprise in order to recover Captain Spock's body from the Genesis planet. [33] Later he served aboard the Enterprise-A; [37] like many of Kirk's crew he refused promotion or transfer in order to stay with his comrades despite having a rank and seniority far higher than his position merited. Chekov remained on the Enterprise for the rest of his career before he finally retired in 2293 [36] aged forty eight.

Shortly after his retirement Chekov was attending the launch of the Enterprise-B when the ship attempted to rescue a group of El-Aurian refugees caught up in the Nexus - the mission in which James Kirk was believed to have been killed. He acted as the ships nurse for the mission, where he briefly met Guinan and Doctor Tolian Soran. [30]
Christine Chapel [56] Originally a promising bioresearch specialist, Christine Chapel gave up her career in 2261 when her fiancĂ©, Dr. Roger Korby, vanished whilst on a research mission on Exo III. Korby's last message spoke of discovering some caves, and Chapel was hopeful that he may somehow have survived. She judged correctly that eventually a Starship would be sent to investigate the planet, and so joined Starfleet in order to become a part of that mission. [62]

Whilst in Starfleet Chapel served on board the USS Enterprise, where she met and fell in love with Mister Spock. Spock's Vulcan nature did not allow him to return the emotion, and Chapel found this a source of great sorrow. [56] Despite her feelings for Spock she remained committed to finding Korby, and in 2266 the USS Enterprise was indeed assigned to investigate Exo III. Chapel was overjoyed when the ship apparently discovered Korby alive and well on the planet's surface, but her happiness was short lived - Dr. Korby had been very badly injured when his expedition failed, and had survived by using ancient technology he discovered on the planet to transfer his personality into the body of an android. Korby's violent actions on the planet led Chapel to conclude that the transfer had been imperfect, creating only a rough facsimile of her fiancĂ©. When confronted with the reality of his existence Korby was destroyed along with the android Andrea by a phaser blast. [62]

Chapel remained in Starfleet after the incident, and by 2271 she had become a full M.D. and a physician on board the newly refitted Enterprise. [38] By 2286 she was serving at Starfleet Command, where she directed operations on Earth during the Cetacean Probe incident. [37]
Janice Rand [9] A Human, Janice Rand served a varied career covering over 27 years. She was Yeoman to Captain Kirk during his historic five year mission of exploration, [27] but eventually left the Enterprise. She later returned to the ship under the command of Captain Decker as the transporter chief. While there she was witness to the accident which killed two of the ship's crew. [38]

Rand later left the Enterprise again, serving at starfleet command [33] and later on the USS Excelsior. Here she met the young Ensign Tuvok, [58] who would go on to serve with Captain Janeway nearly eighty years later. [63]


Name Description
Lieutenant Alden [1] A member of the NCC-1701 Enterprise crew, Lieutenant Alden was a bridge officer in 2265. [1]
Yeoman Doris Arkins [32] A member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise, Yeoman Arkins was present on the ship in 2267 when some of the crew experienced rapid ageing after visiting Gamma Hydra IV. [32]
Lieutenant David Bailey [9] A member of the NCC 1701 Enterprise crew, Lieutenant Bailey struggled with the stress involved in Starship bridge operations. Although he performed poorly when the ship faced a First Federation vessel, Bailey ultimately managed to gain control of his fears and frustration. He agreed to stay with the First Federation ship as part of a cultural exchange. [9]
Ensign Tonia Barrows [57] A member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise, Barrows was part of the landing party which visited the alien pleasure planet in 2267. She was a friend of Doctor McCoy, and spent some time with him on the planet. [57]
Berkeley [64] A transporter technician aboard the USS Enterprise, Berkeley was aboard when the ship unwittingly beamed aboard Dr. Van Gelder from the Tantalus V penal colony. He was chided by Kirk for not being up to date on his penal colony beaming procedures. [64]
Lieutenant Boma [45] A member of the NCC 1701 Enterprise crew, Boma was one of those stranded on Taurus II when the shuttlecraft Galileo crashlanded there. He struggled to accept Spock's command of the party, to the point of open mutiny. [45]
Doctor Phillip Boyce [39] Chief Medical Officer on board the Starship Enterprise during Captain Pike's command, Boyce enjoyed a close friendship with Pike. When Pike considered resigning his commission after losing two crewmembers in the Rigel system, Boyce argued that Pike would be unhappy without new challenges to face. [39]
Lieutenant Brent [27] A member of the Enterprise crew, Lieutenant Brent was aboard the ship during the historic five year exploration mission. He served in the science department when the crew was infected by an alcohol-like water molecule in 2266. [56] He was also present when the ship took shore leave on an alien Pleasure Planet in 2267 [57]; when Khan Singh briefly took control of the ship Brent was one of those who refused to leave the bridge despite having life support cut, though unlike most present he did not recieve a commendation for his actions. [65] He was present when the ship visited Sigma Iotia II in 2268 [66], when the ship transported a Medusan Ambassador [67], when the Enterprise was stranded in a region of interphase space [68], and when the ship visited Elba II. [69]
Burke [36] Burke was a crewmember aboard the Enterprise-A in 2293. He was part of the conspiracy to prevent peace between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, and to that end he participated in the assassination of Chancellor Gorkon. Burke was later murdered by Valeris to prevent him from talking about the conspiracy. [36]
Carlisle [70] A security officer aboard the USS Enterprise, Lieutenant Carlisle served aboard the ship in 2267 when it encountered the Nomad probe. Carlisle was killed by Nomad whilst it was on board. [70]
Ensign Carstairs [71] A member of the USS Enterprise crew, Carstairs was a geologist on the ship. He was chosen for a landing party by the M-5 computer instead of Chief Geologist Rawlins, as Carstairs was more suitable. [71]
Number One / Una Chin-Riley [39] Number One was second in command of the NCC 1701 Enterprise under Captain Pike. She projected the image of a cold, unemotional woman but secretly had romantic feelings towards Pike. [39]
Cleary [38] A member of the NCC-1701 Enterprise crew, Cleary worked on the ship during the final stages of her refit. He was swapping out a faulty module in engineering when an overload caused transporter accident which killed two people. [38]
Yeoman J.M. Colt [39] Yeoman Colt was a member of the NCC 1701 Enterprise crew. She made captain Pike somewhat uncomfortable as he was unused to having a woman on board, despite the presence of his female first officer. Colt had unusually strong 'female drives'. [39]
Compton [19] Compton was a member of the NCC 1701 Enterprise crew when it encountered the Scalosians in 2268. The Scalosians accelerated him so that he could live in their timeframe; he was killed when he tried to protect Captain Kirk from Rael. [19]
Connors [72] A member of the NCC-1701 crew, Connors was in sickbay when Mudd arrived on the ship. [72]
Lieutenant D'Amato [73] A member of the NCC 1701 Enterprise crew, D'Amato was a member of the landing party which investigated the Kalandan Outpost planet. He was killed by an automated defence system in the form of Losira. [73]
Crewman Darnell [55] A member of the NCC 1701 Enterprise crew, Darnell once visited Wrigley's Pleasure Planet. He was killed by the M-113 creature in 2266. [55]
Crewman Dax [36] A member of the Enterprise-A crew, Dax was aboard the ship in 2293 when assassins beamed over to Chancellor Gorkon's vessel to murder him. [36]
Commander Willard Decker [38] Decker was to be the Captain of the USS Enterprise after it completed a major refit after Kirk's five year mission. He was forced to cede command to Admiral Kirk and accept a temporary rank reduction to Commander for the duration of the V'Ger crisis, something he was deeply unhappy with. Decker had a romantic involvement with Lieutenant Ilia, and when she was absorbed by V'Ger he chose to merge with the machine entity so as to be with her again. Decker was officially listed as missing by Kirk. [38]
Doctor Elizabeth Dehner [1] A psychologist, Dehner was on board the Enterprise during its mission to explore beyond the edge of the galaxy in 2265. She was conducting a study of crew reactions under extreme conditions. Born in Delman city, her father was Gerald Dehner. Elizabeth was 21 years old, 5 feet 2 inches tall, and weighed 116 pounds. She had an ESP rating of 088, an aperception quotient of 20/100 and Duke-Heidelburg Quotient of 258. Her EPS abilities were advanced for a human, manifesting themselves as superior performance in guessing games, reading cards, etc. Such abilities were present in both her maternal and paternal ancestry, in one case going back more than three generations. It is partly as a result of this that Dehner became interested in psychiatry - participation in tests and studies of other esper-oriented beings were the subject of her thesis at the College of Medical Science of the Tri-Planetary Academy and were the reason for her posting to the Aldebaraon colony. Contact with the energy barrier at the edge of the galaxy boosted her esper abilities massively, creating a geometric increase that threatened to give her almost unlimited power. However, shortly after these abilities began to manifest themselves Elizabeth was killed in a battle with Gary Mitchell, who had developed similar abilities. [74]
Lieutenant DePaul [11] A member of the USS Enterprise crew, DePaul served in the navigator's position during the ship's battle with the Gorn in 2267. [11] He was also on the bridge when the ship was attacked by sonic disruptors whilst orbiting Eminiar. [28]
Lieutenant Vincent DeSalle [27] A member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise, DeSalle was involved in several of the ship's most famous incidents. He visited Omicron Ceti III, where he came under the influence of mind altering plants. [75] He was also present when the ship discovered the Guardian of Forever. [76] When the senior officers were captured by a pair of aliens on Pytris III, DeSalle briefly commanded the Enterprise. [59]
Lieutenant Dickerson [21] A security officer aboard the NCC-1701 Enterprise. Dickerson was part of the honour guard which welcomed the Excalbian-created version of President Lincoln aboard the ship in 2269. [21]
Chief DiFalco [38] A member of the refitted USS Enterprise crew, DiFalco took the navigator's station to replace Lieutenant Ilia during the V'Ger crisis. [38]
Lieutenant Elliot [77] A Starfleet officer, Lieutenant Elliot was crewmember aboard the USS Enterprise during the 2260s. He was a member of the damage control party which beamed aboard the USS Constellation when that vessel was found wrecked and adrift in 2267. He assisted in various tasks aboard the ship, including assisting Scotty in cross connecting the warp engine control system to the impulse engines, allowing the Constellation to achieve a limited ability to maneuver. He returned to the Enterprise safely with the rest of the damage control party. [77]
Evans [78] A member of the Starship Enterprise crew, Evans was on board when the ship transported the Dohlman of Elas to Troyius in 2268. [78]
Lieutenant John Farrell [27] A helm officer aboard the NCC 1701 Enterprise, Lieutenant Farrell was present on the ship when it captured the renegade Mudd. Like many of the ship's male crew he was strongly attracted to the women accompanying Mudd. [72] He was also present when a transporter accident divided Kirk into two separate people. [79]
Engineer Fields [31] A member of the NCC-1701 crew, Lieutenant Ryan was aboard the ship when it engaged a Romulan Warbird. [31]
Ben Finney [24] Former close friend of Captain Kirk, Finney came to obsessively hate Kirk after he was put on report for failing to close a circuit in engineering. Finney was so consumed with revenge that he became mentally unbalanced, faking his own death and trying to blame Kirk for it. He subsequently tried to destroy the Enterprise, but was thwarted in his evil plot. [24]
Geological Technician Fisher [79] Geological Technician Fisher was a member of the NCC 1701 Enterprise crew. He served aboard the ship when it encountered the Talosians. [39] He continued aboard after Captain Pike left, and was there when Captain Kirk was divided into two by the transporter. [79]
Freeman [80] A member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise, Ensign Freeman visited Deep Space Station K-7 with Scotty and Chekov in 2267. He participated in a small incident with the Klingons who were visiting the station at the time. [80]
Lieutenant Gaetano [45] A member of the NCC 1701 Enterprise crew, Gaetano was one of those stranded on Taurus II when the shuttlecraft Galileo crashlanded there. He was killed by the natives of the planet. [45]
Lieutenant Galloway [81] Lieutenant Galloway was a member of the NCC 1701 Enterprise crew in the 2260s. He was killed by Captain Tracey on Omega IV in 2268. [82] Rather surprisingly he continued to serve aboard the ship after this, and was present when Janice Lester impersonated Captain Kirk by swapping bodies with him in 2268. [81]
Lieutenant Arlene Galway [32] A member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise, Lieutenant Galway was part of the landing party which visited Gamma Hydra IV in 2267. Like other members of the team, she suffered from the effects of extremely rapid ageing. [32]
First Crewman Garrison [39] A crewmember aboard the NCC-1701, Garrison was aboard when the ship visited Talos IV in 2254. He was present in the transporter room when the crewmembers abducted by the Talosians returned to the ship. [39]
Ensign Garrovick [5] A member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise, Garrovick's father served with Captain Kirk whilst he was aboard the USS Republic, where he was killed by the vampire cloud creature. Garrovick narrowly escaped the same fate. [5]
Lieutenant Commander Giotto [14] A member of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 crew, Lieutenant Commander Giotto worked in security. He was part of the effort to track down the mysterious creature which was attacking the miners on Janus IV in 2267. [14]
Lieutenant Grant [83] A member of the NCC-1701 crew, Lieutenant Grant was a security officer. In 2267 he beamed down to Capella IV; when the landing party encountered a Klingon agent in the Capellan's camp, grant drew his phaser and was killed by the Capellans. Kirk regarded grant as a young, inexperienced officer. [83]
Crewman Green [55] A member of the NCC 1701 Enterprise crew, Green was killed by the M-113 creature in 2266. [55]
Lieutenant Hadley [66] A member of the NCC-1701 crew, Hadley was aboard the ship when it travelled to Sigma Iotia II [66], and when it encountered the Kelvans. [17]
Ensign Haines [84] A member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise, Haines was a bridge officer who assisted Spock during his attempt to track down Captain Kirk after he was abducted by the Triskelion providers. [84]
Lieutenant Hansen [24] A member of the NCC 1701 Enterprise crew, Hansen was one one of the few officers who stayed on board the ship during Captain Kirk's court martial in 2267. [24]
Ensign Harper [71] A member of the NCC-1701 crew, Ensign Harper worked in the Engineering department and was one of those left aboard when the ship trialled the M-5 computer control system. Harper was killed by the M-5 when he attempted to disconnect it from its power source. [71]
Hendorf [2] A member of the NCC-1701 crew, Hendorf was a security crewman in 2267 when he was part of the landing party which beamed down to Gamma Trianguli VI. He was killed by a dangerous example of the local plantlife. [2]
Lieutenant Ilia [38] A Starfleet navigator, Ilia was assigned to the refitted USS Enterprise when it dealt with the V'Ger incident. She was a Deltan, and as such was required to sign an oath of celibacy whilst serving in Starfleet. Ilia had once had a romantic relationship with Commander Decker, and the two still had feelings for one another. Ilia was effectively killed by V'Ger and her body and mind used as the blueprint for a probe designed to interact with the Enterprise crew. Decker, Ilia and V'Ger all merged into a single entity shortly after V'Ger reached Earth. [38]
Jackson [59] A member of the crew of the USS Enterprise, Jackson was killed by Sylvia and Korob as part of a warning to Captain Kirk to stay away from their planet. [59]
Lieutenant Karl Jaeger [85] A member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise, Lieutenant Jaeger was serving on the ship when it encountered the entity known as Trelane. [85]
Lieutenant Johnson [86] A member of the Starship Enteprise crew, Johnson was a security officer whos erved on the historic five year mission of exploration. In 2268 he was injured when the Klingons attacked the ship. His injury was repaired by the Beta XII-A Entity as part of its effort to prolong the fighting aboard the ship. [86]
Ensign Jordan [87] A member of the USS Enterprise crew, in 2267 Jordan was manning auxiliary control when the Android Norman burst in and incapacitated him. [87]
Lieutenant Josephs [88] A member of the USS Enterprise crew, Josephs was aboard when the ship transported delegates to the planet Babel. He discovered the body of the Tellarite Ambassador, Gav, on Deck 11. [41]
Lieutenant Kaplan [2] A member of the NCC-1701 crew, Kaplan was part of the security department. He was a member of the landing party which beamed down to Gamma Trianguli VI in 2267. Kaplan was killed when a lightning bolt vaporized him. [2]
Lieutenant Commander Kelowitz [27] A member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise, Kelowitz led one of the search parties which looked for the shuttle Galileo when it was lost in the Murasaki Quasar. [45] He was also part of Kirk's landing party on Cestus III in the aftermath of the Gorn attack. [11] He visited Omicron Ceti III, where he came under the influence of mind-altering plants. [75]
Lieutenant Lee Kelso [1] A member of the NCC 1701 Enterprise crew, Lieutenant Kelso was on the ship when it penetrated the energy barrier at the edge of our galaxy. He was unaffected by the experience, but was murdered shortly afterwards by Gary Mitchell. [1]
Kyle [27] Kyle was a transporter chief on board the NCC 1701 Enterprise in the 2260s. He was English, and sported a distinctive accent. [89]
Yeoman Landon [2] A member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise, Landon was part of the landing party which visited the planet Gamma Trianguli VI and destroyed the computer-god Vaal. [2]
Lang [11] A member of the USS Enterprise crew, Lang was a tactical officer and one of the officers who beamed down to the Cestus III outpost in 2267. Lang was killed by the Gorn shortly after beaming down. [11]
Lieutenant Latimer [45] A member of the NCC 1701 Enterprise crew, Latimer was one of those stranded on Taurus II when the shuttlecraft Galileo crashlanded there. He was killed by the natives of the planet. [45]
Yeoman Tina Lawton [10] A member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise, Lawton was a young woman who Rand thought would make a suitable companion for Charlie Evans. Unfortunately Charlie was not interested. [10]
Roger Lemli [81] A security officer aboard the NCC 1701 Enterprise in the late 2260s, Lemli was present when Janice Lester attempted to take over the ship by impersonating Captain Kirk. [81]
Lieutenant Leslie [90] A member of the NCC-1701 crew, Lieutenant Ryan was aboard the ship during its three year mission of exploration. [27]
Lewis [75] A member of the NCC-1701 crew, Lewis served on the ship when it visited Janus IV. [75]
Ensign Lindstrom [91] A member of the USS Enterprise crew, Lindstrom was a sociologist who served on the landing party which visited Beta III in 2267. he was shocked at the violent festivals which the ruler Landru had instigated on the planet, and at the population's apparent willingness to take part in them. After Landru was destroyed, Lindstrom remained on the planet to help the inhabitants develop a new society. [91]
Lieutenant Lisa [81] A member of the NCC 1701 crew, Lisa served on the inquiry which Captain Kirk called into the actions of Commander Spock whilst the ship was transporting Janice Lester in 2269. [81]
Doctor Joseph M'Benga [6] A member of the medical staff of the NCC 1701 Enterprise [6], Jabilo [92] M'Benga interned on a Vulcan ward and was considered an expert on Vulcan medicine. [6] In 2265 he served on Starbase 47 (Vanguard) in the Taurus Reach. [92] He would later transfer to the USS Enterprise, where his expertise with Vulcans was invaluable when Spock was shot whilst visiting the planet Neural. [6]
Lieutenant Mallory [2] A member of the NCC-1701 crew, Mallory was part of the security department. He was a member of the landing party which beamed down to Gamma Trianguli VI in 2267. Mallory was killed when he stepped on an explosive rock. [2]
Lieutenant Marple [2] A member of the NCC-1701 crew, Marple was part of the security department. He was a member of the landing party which beamed down to Gamma Trianguli VI in 2267. Marple was killed when a native clubbed him over the head. [2]
Ensign Angela Martine [27] Martine was a member of the NCC 1701 Enterprise crew in 2266 when the Romulans made an incursion into Federation space. Her fianc», Robert Tomlinson, was killed during the incident. [31] She was also part of the shore party which visited the alien pleasure planet shortly afterwards. [57]
Lieutenant Masters [93] A member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise, Masters was aboard when the ship encountered a rift between our universe and its antimatter counterpart. [93]
Mathews [62] A member of the crew of the USS Enterprise, Mathews was a security officer who was part of the party which beamed down to assist Captain Kirk on Exo III. He was subsequently murdered by the android Ruk. [62]
Larry Matson [90] A member of the NCC-1701 crew, Matson was part of the Command department. In 2266 he was enjoying some time in the recreation centre when Kevin Riley called to complain about his posting to the night shift in Engineering. [90]
Lieutenant Marla McGivers [65] A member of the NCC 1701 Enterprise crew, McGivers was an unhappy resident of the 23rd century. A historian, she thought that the past was far more interesting than the present. She was strongly attracted to Khan Noonien Singh, and helped him to take over the uSS Enterprise after the ship picked him up. When Khan tortured the crew for information she had a change of heart and helped Kirk to overcome Khan's people. She chose to remain with Khan on Ceti Alpha V. [65] After the planet was devastated by the explosion of Ceti Alpha VI, McGivers was killed along with 19 of Khan's followers by the planet's only remaining indigenous life form. [3]
Yeoman Mears [45] A member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise, Yeoman Mears was on board the shuttle Galileo when it was lost in the Murasaki Quasar. She survived the incident. [45]
Gary Mitchell [1] A longtime friend of Captain Kirk, Gary Mitchell was the helm officer of the USS Enterprise in 2265 when the ship attempted to explore beyond the edge of the galaxy. He was born and raised in Eldman city and was 23 at the time of the mission. Mitchell was 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighed between 160 and 169 pounds. He had a very high ESP rating for a Human being - his esper rating was 091, his aperception quotient was 20/104, and his Duke-Heidelburg Quotient was 261. On Deneb IV Mitchell showed a marked ability in sensing the telepathic communication used by the natives, allowing him to carry on long telepathic communication with them on three occasions. As a child he displayed a better than average ability in guessing games and showed some and ability in elementary magician's tricks. There was a strong tendency towards esper orientation in his maternal bloodline, dating back through at least six generations. One of his female ancestors was known to be interested in spiritual readings.

At the academy Mitchell studied under Lieutenant Kirk, and devised a plan to lessen the demands of the class by aiming a 'little blonde lab technician' at Kirk. Mitchell claimed to have outlined her whole campaign for her, apparently with great success as Kirk recalled that he had nearly married the girl. [94]
The two would go on to serve together after the academy; on a mission to Dimorus Mitchell stepped in the way of a poison dart thrown at Kirk by the rodent-like beings which inhabited the planet. He almost died as a result.

His ESP abilities were boosted to god-like levels by the USS Enterprise's encounter with the energy barrier at the edge of the galaxy. Mitchell subsequently became more and more arrogant about his powers, considering Humans as lowly beings worthy of contempt. He was killed by Kirk with the assistance of Elizabeth Dehner, who had developed powers close to Mitchell's during the same incident. [95]
Security Guard Montgomery [77] A member of the NCC 1701 Enterprise crew, Montgomery was aboard the ship in 2267 when it faced the planet-killing Doomsday machine. Montgomery was detailed to take Commodore Decker to sickbay for an examination; despite a valiant effort on his part Decker was able to subdue him and steal a shuttlecraft to escape the ship. [77]
Crewman Moody [56] A member of the NCC-1701 crew, Moody was aboard the ship when the crew was infected by a long chain water molecules which produced symptoms of intoxication. Under their influence he insisted on serenading Yeoman rand in the corridors with the classic song "I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen." [56]
Lieutenant Marlena Moreau [96] A member of the NCC 1701 Enterprise crew, Moreau served aboard the ship in 2267. Her mirror-universe counterpart was 'romantically' involved with the mirror Captain Kirk. [96]
Doctor Ann Mulhall [97] A member of the NCC 1701 Enterprise crew, Mullhall served as a receptacle for the personality of the alien Thalassa. Thalassa wanted to keep the body to herself, but ultimately gave it up to the rightful owner again. [97]
Mulney [21] A crewmember aboard the NCC-1701 Enterprise, Mulney was aboard in 2263 when the ship encountered the Excalbians. [21]
Lieutenant Nagata [98] A member of the USS Enterprise crew [29], Nagata [98] was a junior Engineer aboard the ship in 2267. He was aboard the ship during the quadrotriticale incident at Deep Space Station K-7. During that time he was assigned by Scotty to repair a power relay. He encountered Dr. Bashir and Chief O'Brien inspecting the relay. They were able to convince him not to report their presence since Bashir claimed to be doing a study on work-related stress, with O'Brien as a patient suffering from overwork. [29]
Doctor Helen Noel [64] A psychologist aboard the NCC 1701 Enterprise, Dr. Noel was strongly attracted to Captain Kirk. She was a fan of Dr. Tristam Adams and his work treating criminal personalities. Noel accompanied Kirk to the Tantalus V facility where Adams worked, and although she was initially resistant to the idea that he was using unethical methods, she was instrumental in defeating him when he attempted to brainwash Captain Kirk. [64]
Mr Nunnely [81] A member of the Starship Enterprise crew, Nunnely was part of the security detachment aboard the ship. He was aboard in 2269 when an alien technology was used by Dr Janice Lester to switch bodies with Captain Kirk in an attempt to take control of the ship. Nunnely escorted Captain Kirk whilst he was in Lester's body aboard the Enterprise. [81]
Lieutenant O'Herlihy [11] A member of the USS Enterprise crew, O'Herilhy was killed by the Gorn on Cestus III. [11]
Lieutenant O'Neil [27] A member of the uSS Enterprise crew, O'Neil was part of the landing party which beamed down to the planet Beta III in 2267. He was absorbed by Landru's Lawgivers. When Landru was destroyed O'Neil returned to normal. [91] O'Neil was still serving aboard the ship a year later when it encountered the USS Defiant in interphase space; he was acting as a transporter chief at this time. [68]
Lieutenant Osborne [75] A member of the NCC-1701 crew, Osborne served on the ship when it visited Janus IV. [75]
Mister Painter [75] A member of the NCC-1701 crew, Painter served on the ship when it visited Omicron Ceti III. [75]
Lieutenant Carolyn Palamas [60] Palamas was a member of the NCC 1701 crew. She was one of the landing party which contacted the alien claiming to be the god Apollo. Palamas was attracted to Apollo, but remained loyal to her shipmates and helped to overpower him. [60]
Lieutenant Palmer [27] A member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise, Palmer was running communications on the bridge when the ship encountered the planet-killing Doomsday machine in 2267. [77] She was also part of the landing party which visited the supposed paradise planet Eden after the ship was taken over by the followers of Sevrin. [61]
Ensign Perez [38] A Starfleet officer, Ensign Perez was part of the security department aboard the USS Enterprise in 2171. During that year he responded to the intruder alert when the Ilea probe beamed aboard the ship. Perez questioned the probe's description of 'carbon based units' infesting the Enterprise, to be informed by Doctor McCoy that the term referred to Humans. [38]
Phillips [71] A crewmember aboard the USS Enterprise, Phillips was an astrobiologist. [71]
Captain Christopher Pike [27] Captain Pike was the captain of the NCC 1701 Enterprise before Captain Kirk. He made first contact with the Talosians during his time on the ship and recommended that Humans should avoid contact because of their immense power of illusion. [39] Pike was badly disfigured in an accident aboard a starship in 2267. [7] His former shipmate Spock returned him to Talos so that the Talosians could give him the illusion of health again. [43]
Doctor Mark Piper [1] The Chief Medical Officer of the NCC 1701 Enterprise in 2265, Doctor Piper was on the ship when it penetrated the energy barrier at the edge of our galaxy. He was unaffected by the experience. [1]
Transporter Chief Pitcairn [39] A crewmember aboard the NCC-1701, Pitcairn served in the transporter room when the ship visited Talos IV in 2254. [39]
Peter Preston [3] Nephew of Commander Scott, Preston was a cadet aboard the Enterprise when it served as a training vessel under Captain Spock. He was badly injured when the USS Reliant attacked the Enterprise during the Genesis crisis, and died shortly afterwards. [3]
Lieutenant Rahda [73] A member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise, Rhada was present when the ship was hurled nearly one thousand light years through space, leaving Kirk and a landing party stranded on the kalandan outpost planet. [73]
Rawlins [71] A member of the USS Enterprise crew. Rawlins was chief geologist during the M-5 computer test project. He was chosen by Captain Kirk for a landing party, but the M-5 selected Carstairs instead as he was more suitable for the assignment. [71]
Rayburn [62] A member of the crew of the USS Enterprise, Rayburn was one of the team which beamed down to Exo III to investigate the loss of contact with Dr. Korby. He was murdered by the android Ruk. [62]
Kevin Thomas Riley [56] A young officer on board the USS Enterprise [56], Riley was one of only two witnesses to the Tarsus IV colony massacre by Kodos the Executioner. Kodos's daughter Lenore attempted to murder Riley to hide the fact that Kodos had survived the massacre and was living under a false identity. [90]
Ensign Rizzo [5] A member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise, Rizzo was nearly killed by the vampire cloud creature. [5]
Lieutenant Esteban Rodriguez [57] A member of the crew of the USS Enterprise, Rodriguez had an interest in ancient aircraft. One of these was recreated by the alien pleasure planet which Rodriguez visited in 2267. [57]
Lieutenant Mira Romaine [99] Mira was a member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise during its visit to the Memory Alpha facility. She was posessed by an alien entity during the mission, but was ultimately freed of the influence. [99]
Yeoman Teresa Ross [85] A member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise, Yeoman Ross was kidnapped from the ship by Trelane. Trelane was attracted to the Yeoman, and Kirk used this to provoke him into a duel. [85]
Chief Ross [38] A member of the Refit Enterprise crew, Chief Ross was present aboard the ship in 2271 when it responded to the V'Ger threat. She was in engineering when Kirk ordered Scotty to prepare to implement Starfleet Order 2005 - a self-destruct order which Kirk hoped would destroy V'Ger. Ross questioned whether the explosion would be big enough to destroy the gigantic machine, and was assured by Scotty that it would indeed. [38]
Lieutenant Rowe [87] A security officer aboard the NCC-1701, Rowe was aboard when the android Norman took over the vessel in 2267 and piloted it to Mudd's World. He responded to the security call when Norman took over auxiliary control. [87]
Lieutenant Russ [77] A Starfleet officer, Russ served aboard the USS Enterprise during the 2260s. He was a member of the damage control party which boarded the USS Constellation when that ship was discovered wrecked and adrift. Russ assisted in makeshift repairs to the ship, assisting Scotty in cross connecting the warp drive control system to the impulse engines. Russ subsequently beamed back to the Enterprise safely. [77]
Lieutenant Saavik [3] A cadet aboard the Enterprise when it served as a training vessel, Saavik was a promising student even though she had some difficulty dealing with the Kobyashi Maru test. She served on the ship during the Genesis crisis, helping to defeat Khan during the Motarra Nebula battle. [3] Later Saavik returned to the Genesis planet with Dr. David Marcus aboard the USS Grissom for scientific research. Whilst there the Grissom was destroyed by a Klingon Bird of Prey, leaving Saavik and Marcus marooned on the planet. She assisted the newly-regenerated Spock in passing through his first pon'farr. Dr. Marcus was subsequently killed by the Klingons when he attempted to prevent them from murdering Saavik; she escaped the planet with Admiral Kirk aboard the captured Bird of Prey and returned to Vulcan. [33] Saavik remained on Vulcan when Kirk and his officers took the captured vessel back to Earth. [37]
Sam [10] A member of the NCC-1701 crew, Sam was aboard in 2266 when Chales Evans travelled aboard the ship. Sam helped Captain Kirk to demonstrate some Judo moves to Charlie, and was greatly amused with Charlie's efforts against Kirk. Charlie caused Sam to vanish in retaliation. [10] Sam was returned along with Yeoman Rand by Charlie's adoptive parents. [100]
Samno [36] Samno was a crewmember aboard the Enterprise-A in 2293. He was part of the conspiracy to prevent peace between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, and to that end he participated in the assassination of Chancellor Gorkon. Samno was later murdered by Valeris to prevent him from talking about the conspiracy. [36]
Dr Sanchez [73] A member of the Starshp Enterprise crew, Sanchez was part of the medical department. he conducted the autopsy on Ensign Wyatt in 2268, determining that he had been killed by massive cellular disruption. [73]
Lieutenant Shea [17] A member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise, Shea was present when the ship was taken over by the Kelvans. [17]
Mister Singh [70] A member of the NCC 1701 Enterprise crew, Singh was somewhat discomfitted to find himself 'looking after' the immensely powerful Nomad probe in 2267. [70]
Yeoman Smith [1] A member of the NCC 1701 Enterprise crew, Yeoman Smith was on the ship when it penetrated the energy barrier at the edge of our galaxy. She was unaffected by the experience. [1]
Commander Sonak [38] Commander Sonak was to be the new science officer aboard the USS Enterprise after it completed the refit which followed Kirk's five year mission. Sonak was killed in a transporter accident shortly before the ship left to deal with the V'Ger crisis. [38]
Lieutenant Spinelli [65] A member of the NCC-1701 Enterprise crew, Spinelli was present on the ship when it discovered the SS Botany Bay drifting in space. [65]
Lieutenant Stiles [31] Stiles was a member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise when it responded to the Romulan incursion into Federation space in 2266. He had lost several family members in the Earth-Romulan war, and harboured a deep distrust of Romulans. His dislike extended to Spock when it was discovered that Romulans were an offshoot of the Vulcan race, but he managed to overcome this attitude somewhat when Spock saved his life during the crisis. [31]
Yeoman Tamura [28] Tamura was a member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise. She was part of the landing party which visited Eminiar in 2267, and helped to end the computer war which had been raging on that planet for centuries. [28]
Yeoman Tankris [89] Tankris was a crew member aboard the NCC 1701 Enterprise in 2267. She was part of the investigation into a series of murders aboard the planet Argelius. [89]
Yeoman Leslie Thompson [17] A member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise, Thompson was present when the ship was taken over by the Kelvans. She was murdered in retaliation for an escape attempt by Kirk and his officers. [17]
Lieutenant Robert Tomlinson [31] Tomlinson was a member of the NCC 1701 Enterprise crew in 2266 when the Romulans made an incursion into Federation space. His wedding to Angela Martine was interrupted by the crisis, and he was killed in action shortly afterwards. [31]
Lieutenant Karen Tracy [89] Lieutenant Tracey was a technician aboard the NCC 1701 Enterprise in 2267. She was called to the planet Argelius by Captain Kirk to use a psycho-tricorder on Scotty when it appeared that he had killed a native woman. Tracey was killed by the entity known as Redjac. [89]
Lieutenant Jose Tyler [39] A crewmember aboard the NCC-1701, Tyler served as the ship's navigator under Captain Pike. In 2254 he was a member of the landing party which beamed down to Talos IV and was nearby when the Talosians abducted Captain Pike. Tyler and Spock attempted to blast their way into the Talosian's underground complex to rescue the Captain, but without success. He later suggested an even more powerful assault which also failed. [39]
Lieutenant Valeris [36] The first Vulcan who graduated at the top of her class in Starfleet Academy, Valeris was a protegee of Captain Spock and the officer he hoped would replace him aboard the USS Enterprise after his retirement. Valeris feared that the end of hostilities with the Klingon Empire which came after the Praxis disaster would mean the destruction of Starfleet, and she conspired to disrupt the peace process by assisting in the assassination of Chancellor Gorkon. She personally murdered the two assassins and helped provide evidence for Captain Kirk's show trial on the Klingon homeworld. Her actions were uncovered when Kirk escaped, and she was forced to reveal the conspiracy by a mind meld performed by Captain Spock. [36]
Councillor Veselka [92] A Klingon, Veselka was a member of the ruling Council of the Klingon Empire in 2265. She was known for being a very cunning woman. [92]
Lieutenant Washburn [77] A member of the NCC-1701 crew, Lieutenant Washburn was part of the engineering crew which boarded the derilict USS Constellation in 2267 after it had been disabled by an ancient weapon system. [77]
John B. Watkins [73] An Engeineer grade 4 aboard the NCC 1701 Enterprise when it investigated the Kalandan Outpost planet, Watkins was killed by an automated defence system in the form of Losira. [73]
Watley [29] A member of the USS Enterprise crew, Lieutenant Watley transferred to the ship from the USS Lexington roughly a week before the quadrotriticale incident on K-7 in 2267. Whilst on the ship she encountered Dr. Bashir and Chief O'Brien, who were present as part of a temporal incursion. Watley seemed very taken with Bashir, and hoped that he would perform her physical exam in sickbay at fifteen hundred the following day. [29]

Bashir, noting that Watley was his great grandmother's name and that nobody had ever met his great grandfather, wondered if perhaps he was encountering a predestination paradox in which he was destined to fall in love with her and become his own great grandfather. O'Brien considered the idea ridiculous. [29]

Bashir's worry that he would never be born if he failed to seduce Watley proved to be unfounded. [29]
Watson [78] A member of the Starship Enterprise crew, Watson was aboard when the ship transported the Dohlman of Elas to Troyius in 2268. He discovered one of her bodyguards, Kryton, attempting to sabotage the warp drive during the trip. Kryton attacked Watson, breaking his neck and killing him. [78]
Transporter Technician Wilson [79] A member of the crew of the NCC 1701 Enterprise, Technician Wilson was one of the operators of the transporter system which divided Kirk into two separate people. He was later assaulted by the duplicate Kirk. [79]
Ensign Wyatt [73] A member of the Starship Enterprise crew, Wyatt was transporter operator aboard the ship. He was killed in 2269 by an automated defence system on the Kalandan outpost planet. The system produced an image of one of its creators, Losira, which appeared aboard the Enterprise and touched Wyatt, causing massive cellular disruption in his body. [73]
Ensign Vaylin Zaand [101] A member of the Enterprise crew during her 2270-2271 refit, [38] Zaand [102] was a bridge officer. When Admiral Kirk took command of the ship for the V'Ger mission,  [38]Zaand [101] questioned the wisdom of replacing Captain Decker since he had worked on the ship throughout the refit. Lieutenant Uhura assured him that with Kirk in command, their odds of surviving the mission "may have just doubled." [38]
Yeoman Zahra [103] A member of the NCC 1701 Enterprise crew, Zahra was part of the landing party which investigated the planet-wide madness on Deneva. [103]

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 TOS 1 Where No Man Has Gone Before
2 TOS 2 The Apple
3 Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan
4 TOS 1 Court Martial It is at odds with present practice that Kirk would be a serving Ensign whilst still at the academy, but Obsession makes clear that his first post after graduation was as a Lieutenant on the Farragut. Presumably this post was some sort of training placement akin to Nog's time at Deep Space Nine.
5 TOS 2 Obsession
6 TOS 2 A Private Little War
7 TOS 1 The Menagerie, Part 1
8 VOY 7 Friendship One Admiral Hendricks said Janeway had made first contact with more species than anybody since Kirk
9 TOS 1 The Corbomite Maneuver
10 TOS 1 Charlie X
11 TOS 1 Arena
12 TOS 3 Spectre of the Gun
13 TOS 1 Miri
14 TOS 1 The Devil in the Dark
15 TOS 1 Errand of Mercy
16 TOS 3 Plato's Stepchildren
17 TOS 2 By Any Other Name
18 TOS 3 The Empath
19 TOS 3 Wink of an Eye
20 TOS 3 Let that be Your Last Battlefield
21 TOS 3 The Savage Curtain
22 VOY 7 Q2
23 TOS 2 Amok Time
24 TOS 1 Court Martial
25 TOS 1 Errand of Mercy Kirk specifically states "I'm a soldier, not a diplomat".
26 TOS 2 Metamorphosis McCoy remainds Kirk of this
27 Various Original Series episodes
28 TOS 1 A Taste of Armageddon
29 DS9 5 Trials and Tribble-ations
30 Star Trek : Generations
31 TOS 1 Balance of Terror
32 TOS 2 The Deadly Years
33 Star Trek III : The Search for Spock
34 TOS 3 The Enterprise Incident
35 Star Trek V : The Final Frontier
36 Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country
37 Star Trek IV : The Voyage Home
38 Star Trek : The Motion Picture
39 TOS 1 The Cage
40 Star Trek Chronology Page 43
41 TOS 2 Journey to Babel
42 Star Trek Chronology second edition
43 TOS 1 The Menagerie, Part 2
44 Star Trek Chronology Page 79
45 TOS 1 The Galileo Seven
46 TNG 5 Unification, Part 1
47 TNG 5 Unification, Part 2
48 Star Trek XI
49 Star Trek Into Darkness
50 Star Trek Beyond
51 TNG 1 Encounter at Farpoint
52 TNG 1 The Neutral Zone
53 Star Trek Chronology second edition
54 TNG 6 Relics
55 TOS 1 The Man Trap
56 TOS 1 The Naked Time
57 TOS 1 Shore Leave
58 VOY 3 Flashback
59 TOS 2 Catspaw
60 TOS 2 Who Mourns for Adonais?
61 TOS 3 The Way to Eden
62 TOS 1 What Are Little Girls Made Of?
63 Various Voyager episodes
64 TOS 1 Dagger of the Mind
65 TOS 1 Space Seed
66 TOS 2 A Piece of the Action
67 TOS 3 Is There in Truth no Beauty?
68 TOS 3 The Tholian Web
69 TOS 3 Whom Gods Destroy
70 TOS 2 The Changeling
71 TOS 2 The Ultimate Computer
72 TOS 1 Mudd's Women
73 TOS 3 That Which Survives
74 TOS 1 Where No Man Has Gone Before Much of the hard information is seen on the computer readout that Spock is studying
75 TOS 1 This Side of Paradise
76 TOS 1 The City on the Edge of Forever
77 TOS 2 The Doomsday Machine
78 TOS 3 Elaan of Troyius
79 TOS 1 The Enemy Within
80 TOS 2 The Trouble With Tribbles
81 TOS 3 Turnabout Intruder
82 TOS 2 The Omega Glory
83 TOS 2 Friday's Child
84 TOS 2 The Gamesters of Triskelion
85 TOS 1 The Squire of Gothos
86 TOS 3 Day of the Dove
87 TOS 2 I, Mudd
88 Real world
89 TOS 2 Wolf in the Fold
90 TOS 1 The Conscience of the King
91 TOS 1 The Return of the Archons
92 Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
93 TOS 1 The Alternative Factor
94 TOS 1 Where No Man Has Gone Before Many fans have speculated that the blonde lab technician could be Carol Marcus, the mother of Kirk's son David
95 TOS 1 Where No Man Has Gone Before The hard info about his vital stats and esper history come from the computer screen readout Spock was studying
96 TOS 2 Mirror, Mirror
97 TOS 2 Return to Tomorrow
98 Star Trek Customizable Card Game
99 TOS 3 The Lights of Zetar
100 Speculative This was not seen, but why restore one and not the other?
101 Ex Machina
102 Ex Machina Note that the comic series Star Trek: Untold Voyages lists this officer as Ensign Omal
103 TOS 1 Operation: Annihilate!
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Where No Man Has Gone Before
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Apple
Film: Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Court Martial
Comment : It is at odds with present practice that Kirk would be a serving Ensign whilst still at the academy, but Obsession makes clear that his first post after graduation was as a Lieutenant on the Farragut. Presumably this post was some sort of training placement akin to Nog's time at Deep Space Nine.
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Obsession
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : A Private Little War
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Menagerie, Part 1
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Friendship One
Comment : Admiral Hendricks said Janeway had made first contact with more species than anybody since Kirk
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Corbomite Maneuver
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Charlie X
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Arena
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Spectre of the Gun
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Miri
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Devil in the Dark
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Errand of Mercy
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Plato's Stepchildren
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : By Any Other Name
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Empath
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Wink of an Eye
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Let that be Your Last Battlefield
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Savage Curtain
Series : VOY Season 7
Episode : Q2
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Amok Time
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Court Martial
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Errand of Mercy
Comment : Kirk specifically states "I'm a soldier, not a diplomat".
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Metamorphosis
Comment : McCoy remainds Kirk of this
Series : TOS Season
Episode : Various Original Series episodes
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : A Taste of Armageddon
Series : DS9 Season 5
Episode : Trials and Tribble-ations
Film: Star Trek : Generations
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Balance of Terror
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Deadly Years
Film: Star Trek III : The Search for Spock
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Enterprise Incident
Film: Star Trek V : The Final Frontier
Film: Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country
Film: Star Trek IV : The Voyage Home
Film: Star Trek : The Motion Picture
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Cage
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 43
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Journey to Babel
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : second edition
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Menagerie, Part 2
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : Page 79
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Galileo Seven
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Unification, Part 1
Series : TNG Season 5
Episode : Unification, Part 2
Film: Star Trek XI
Film: Star Trek Into Darkness
Film: Star Trek Beyond
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : Encounter at Farpoint
Series : TNG Season 1
Episode : The Neutral Zone
Book : Star Trek Chronology
Comment : second edition
Series : TNG Season 6
Episode : Relics
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Man Trap
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Naked Time
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Shore Leave
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Flashback
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Catspaw
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Who Mourns for Adonais?
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Way to Eden
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : What Are Little Girls Made Of?
Series : VOY Season
Episode : Various Voyager episodes
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Dagger of the Mind
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Space Seed
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : A Piece of the Action
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Is There in Truth no Beauty?
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Tholian Web
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Whom Gods Destroy
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Changeling
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Ultimate Computer
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Mudd's Women
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : That Which Survives
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Where No Man Has Gone Before
Comment : Much of the hard information is seen on the computer readout that Spock is studying
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : This Side of Paradise
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The City on the Edge of Forever
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Doomsday Machine
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Elaan of Troyius
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Enemy Within
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Trouble With Tribbles
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Turnabout Intruder
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Omega Glory
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Friday's Child
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : The Gamesters of Triskelion
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Squire of Gothos
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : Day of the Dove
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : I, Mudd
Source : Real world
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Wolf in the Fold
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Conscience of the King
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Return of the Archons
Novel : Star Trek : Vanguard, Book 1 - Harbinger
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : The Alternative Factor
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Where No Man Has Gone Before
Comment : Many fans have speculated that the blonde lab technician could be Carol Marcus, the mother of Kirk's son David
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Where No Man Has Gone Before
Comment : The hard info about his vital stats and esper history come from the computer screen readout Spock was studying
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Mirror, Mirror
Series : TOS Season 2
Episode : Return to Tomorrow
Source : Star Trek Customizable Card Game
Series : TOS Season 3
Episode : The Lights of Zetar
Source : Speculative
Comment : This was not seen, but why restore one and not the other?
Novel : Ex Machina
Novel : Ex Machina
Comment : Note that the comic series Star Trek: Untold Voyages lists this officer as Ensign Omal
Series : TOS Season 1
Episode : Operation: Annihilate!

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 78,849 Last updated : 14 Mar 2025