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ENT Crew Manifest

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Name Description
Kes [1] The Ocampans lived for many generations within a sealed underground city, and this is where Kes was born and spent her early life. A naturally inquisitive person, she was fascinated by the tales of life beyond the city and sought to escape after the death of her father in 2371. She succeeded in finding a way past the force fields sealing the city, and after arriving at the surface she met Neelix, a trader who travelled extensively in the area. The two fell in love, but Kes was subsequently captured by a Kazon sect on the planet. Neelix searched for some time for a way to free her, finally finding a solution in the shape of Voyager. He convinced Captain Janeway to visit the Kazon camp and used the opportunity to rescue Kes from them. [1]

Both Kes and Neelix subsequently joined the ship in its journey back to the Alpha Quadrant. [1] Kes served a dual role with the crew; she ran an airponics area in one of the cargo bays to supplement the ship's replicators with natural food stocks [2], and also served in sickbay as a trainee nurse. Kes proved to be an extremely fast learner in the latter role, much impressing the ship's EMH. [3]

The Ocampans had many legends regarding the mental powers of their distant ancestors, and Kes was eager to explore these abilities. She sought the guidance of Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, who taught her various Vulcan mental disciplines with some success. In 2372 Voyager encountered Sisperia, a member of the Caretaker species, living with a small group of Ocampa on a space station. Under the guidance of Tanis, the leader of the Ocampa, Kes apparently developed her powers to an extraordinary level. She achieved a significant telekinetic ability, gaining control of matter on a subatomic level. Unfortunately, after Voyager departed it transpired that Tanis had been acting as some form of amplifier or focusing mechanism and once out of his influence Kes lost her new-found abilities. [4]

In 2373 Kes ended her relationship with Neelix, and shortly thereafter considered leaving Voyager altogether. By this time she had spent the majority of her life on board the ship and was feeling that she may have become stuck in something of a rut. Eventually, however, she chose to remain with the ship. [5]

Late in the same year, Voyager reached Borg space and encountered Species 8472 for the first time. Kes had brief telepathic contact with members of the species [6], causing a profound change in her. Her mental abilities began to increase by orders of magnitude and it gradually became clear that she was no longer able to control them. Voyager began to suffer considerable damage from her affects on the ships structure, and at her own request Kes was placed on board a shuttlecraft and moved to a safe distance from the ship. Almost immediately Kes underwent a metamorphosis into a non corporeal life form and ascended to a transdimensional state. Her last act before leaving was to throw Voyager almost ten thousand light years closer to home, placing it clear of the immediate Borg threat. [7]

In 2376 Kes returned to Voyager, but this was no friendly visit. She had come to feel furious at being cut off from her former life, and placed the blame on Voyager's crew for encouraging her to explore space. Kes used the energy of the ship's warp core to throw herself backwards in time, where she incapacitated the earlier version of herself then attempted to engineer a Vidiian ambush which would destroy the ship and so prevent her transcendence. Janeway discovered the plan and was forced to kill Kes. The Kes of the past then recorded a message to her future self attempting to reason with her and make her realize that the Voyager crew was not to blame. [8]

Back in the future, the message was successful in preventing Kes from attempting to destroy the ship. Janeway convinced her to go back to her home world and return to her people, reasoning that they would be best placed to help her. Kes departed the ship and has not been seen since.  [8]
Jonathan Archer [9] Archer joined Starfleet and became a test pilot with the Warp 5 project in the early 2140s. He was highly competitive with the other three pilots, and was also highly sensitive to any criticism of the engine system which his father had a large role in designing. When AG Robinson criticised the engine after a failure led to the loss of one of the prototype vessels, the two came to blows. Archer first befriended Charles Tucker in 2143 when Tucker spoke up in defence of the engine design. Despite this the loss of the prototype threatened cancellation of the whole design, and Archer and Robinson stole the second prototype and used it to become the first Humans to achieve Warp 2.5. Their success saved the entire project, and further records quickly fell. [10]

Archer and Tucker would serve together again whilst training to become crew on the NX-01. Whilst on Omega training mission on Titan, Archer saved Tucker's life when his environmental suit malfunctioned. [11] Archer also had the opportunity to travel aboard the Yarahla, a Vulcan Maymora class vessel. He helped the ship's crew to set up a graviton telescope and had a chance to go into space in a Vulcan EV suit, an item he was highly impressed with. [12]

Archer was ultimately appointed Captain of the NX-01, a position he held until the ship was retired in 2161. [13] The ship was launched in April 2151, whilst still not fully ready, in order to return an injured Klingon, Klaang, to his homeworld. The mission was complicated by the intervention of the Suliban [9], introducing Archer to the Temporal Cold War in which he would become a significant player for the next three years. Despite the interference, Archer was able to return Klaang to his planet. [9]

Other notable achievements for the NX-01's next two years would include solving the Terra Nova mystery [14], making first contact with the Andorians [15], the Kreetassans [16], and the Axanar [17], preventing the Malurians from poisoning the Akaali home planet [18], assisting Terran freighters against Nausicaan pirates [19], assisting the sentient Dakalan life form in evading the Eska hunting parties which were slaughtering them [20], releasing a group of Suliban prisoners from a Tandarian internment camp [21], becoming the first ship's captain to visit Risa [22], and many other noteable events. [23]

During his first years in command Archer had several further encounters with the Klingon Empire. His crew discovered a Klingon vessel trapped within the atmosphere of a gas giant planet, its crew incapacitated as a result of ingesting a neurotoxin. The ship was eventually rescued and the crew saved, though they showed little gratitude. [24] In 2152 Archer helped a deuterium mining colony to defend itself from Klingon marauders who had been preying on them. Since the Klingons were not conducting officially sanctioned raids T'Pol reasoned that this was unlikely to further enrage the Empire. [25] When the NX-01 assisted a group of Rha'daran refugees fleeing a Klingon colony world Archer was challenged by Duras, a Klingon captain, and managed to disable his vessel. Archer was subsequently captured by the Klingons and put on trial on Narendra III. Although convicted and sentenced to labor in the dilithium mines on Rura Penthe, his crew managed to bribe the prison guards to release him. [26] This led to the Klingons placing a sizeable bounty on Archer, and the Tellarite bounty hunter Skalaar captured Archer in 2153. Archer managed to convince Skalaar to assist in his subsequent escape from Klingon custody. [27] Angry at their continued failure, the Empire assigned Duras to capture Archer directly. Fortunately the now upgraded NX-01 proved to be a match for Duras's Bird of Prey, and Archer destroyed the Klingon vessel whilst en route to his mission in the Delphic Expanse. [28]

Archer initially had a somewhat uneasy relationship with the Vulcans, whom he blamed for stifling Earth's research into warp travel. [9] When the Vulcans asked for the NX-01's assistance in retrieving their Ambassador to Mazar, Archer was glad to be the one in a position to offer help to them for a change. [29] He was intrigued to meet a group of "V'tosh ka'tur", Vulcans who believed they could live without the severe restrictions on emotion that are the norm for their species. Archer helped one of the group to re-open his relationship with his father, but was dismayed when their leader attacked T'Pol when his emotions overwhelmed him. [30] In 2151 Archer visited the ancient Vulcan monastery at P'Jem, inadvertently walking in on a group of Andorians who were raiding the site. They believed that the Vulcans were hiding an intelligence gathering post there, and were highly suspicious of Archer's presence as they viewed Humanity only as allies of the Vulcans. Archer eventually discovered that the sanctuary was indeed a front to hide a sensor system, and he revealed this information to the Andorians. The incident greatly embarrassed the Vulcans and marked the beginning of Archer's friendship with General Shran. [15] When Archer and T'Pol were taken hostage on a visit to Coridan Shran insisted on assisting in his rescue, even though this put him on the same side as a Vulcan team also trying to rescue the officers. [31] In 2152 Shran chose Archer as a neutral negotiator to assist in finding a peaceful settlement to the hostilities between Vulcan and Andorian forces on Paan Mokar/Wheytan. [32]

Despite his increasing confidence and ability, the Vulcans demanded the cancellation of Archer's mission in 2152 when the Enterprise apparently caused the destruction of a Paraagan mining colony. [33] Archer was able to find evidence that exonerated the crew, and with the help of T'Pol convinced Starfleet to allow the ship to continue its mission. [34] Ultimately, Archer's involvement in the Vulcan civil war gave him a pivotal role in changing the whole of Vulcan society. [35]

Another recurring problem for Archer was his repeated involvement with the temporal cold war. After having learned of its existence shortly after beginning his mission, Archer would discover that on of his own crew, Daniels, was in fact a temporal agent from the 31st century. Daniels was working to combat a 29th century faction which was controlling the Suliban. Silik boarded Enterprise to attempt to steal equipment from Daniels, but was foiled by Archer. [36] In late 2152 the NX-01 discovered a temporal vessel adrift in space. Examination of Daniels' records indicated that it was a 31st-century timeship, and Archer found himself fighting against the Tholians and Suliban to retain possession of the craft. Although the Tholians did eventually capture the ship, Archer was able to activate a communications system found aboard and the vessel vanished shortly afterwards, presumably being retrieved by its original owners. [37]

When an alien probe weapon attacked Earth in April 2153, the NX-01 was recalled from its mission. En route to Earth Captain Archer was abducted by the Suliban and introduced to their mysterious leader, a being who issued orders to them via a temporal communications device. Archer was informed that the attack on Earth was caused as part of the temporal cold war and that it had been initiated by the Xindi, a species originating in the Delphic Expanse. The Xindi planned a much more serious attack on Earth, one which would completely destroy the planet. Archer was able to confirm this information when quantum dating the wreckage of the weapon revealed some elements had come from centuries in the future.

The NX-01 was sent into the Expanse to contact the Xindi and prevent a further attack on Earth. [28]
The mission was a long and difficult one, a full year in which the ship battled various enemies whilst trying to survive the varied anomalies which littered the Expanse long enough to locate the elusive Xindi. Archer was finally able to contact Degra, the designer of the weapon project, and eventually convinced him that Earth was not an enemy of the Xindi. Together Degra and Archer built a base of support amongst the Xindi ruling council and convinced them to rethink their decision to destroy Earth. [23] Unfortunately two of the five members of the ruling council chose to steal the final version of the weapon and attack independently. [38] Archer was able to board and destroy the weapon moments before it fired on Earth. [39] In the aftermath of the battle the NX-01 found itself thrown over two centuries into Earth's past, where it found itself involved in an alternate version of the events of World War II. Yet another temporal cold war faction, the Na'kuhl, had become stranded on 1940s Earth and had interfered in the timeline in an attempt to build a time portal to return home. [40] Archer was able to destroy the portal, restoring the original timeline and ending at least a large section of the war. The NX-01 was returned to Earth orbit in its proper time and place. [41]

After the Xindi mission, Captain Archer began to play a far more active role in galactic politics. He and the NX-01 were able to intervene in the Vulcan civil war of 2154 [42], and Archer was a major driving force behind the multi-species alliance which was formed to deal with the drone weapon ships attempting to stir up conflict amongst various powers. [43] By the end of 2154 Archer's efforts had made Earth a significant focal point for inter-species co-operation, and a major conference was held on the planet. Although a group of Human terrorists threatened the conference by hijacking the Verteron array on Mars [44], the NX-01 was able to defeat them and restore order. [45]

Archer continued in command of the NX-01 until the ship was retired in 2161. On her final journey home to Earth he diverted the ship to Rigel X to help Shran recover his kidnapped daughter. Unfortunately the kidnappers were able to board the NX-01 afterwards, leading to the death of Commander Tucker. Archer completed the journey to Earth and attended the signing ceremony of the United Federation of Planets constitution. The speech he gave at the ceremony was considered to be one of history's great addresses, and was required learning for schoolchildren even centuries later. [13]

Archer continued in Starfleet for a further eight years, rising to Chief of Staff before retiring in 2169. After leaving Starfleet he became Ambassador to Andoria, a position he held for six years. He then served eight years as a Federation Councilman before leaving that post in 2183. In 2184 Archer rose to the post of President of the United Federation of Planets. He remained in the presidency for a further eight years, finally retiring in 2192. [46]

His many accomplishments made Archer one of the most famous names in Federation history. Historian John Gill referred to him as 'the greatest explorer of the 22nd Century', and he earned a list of commendations which included the Medal of Valor, the Star Cross, the Ribbon of Commendation and the Federation Citation of Honor. He was also appointed an honorary member of the Andorian Guard by General Thy'lek Shran in 2164. As of the 23rd century he was the only Human being who had two planets named after him; Archer IV in the 61 Ursae Majoris system was the first M-Class world to be explored by the NX-01 on her first mission of exploration. Although it was M-class, it was found to be uninhabitable as a result of pollen in the atmosphere which caused severe hallucinogenic effects on Humanoids. [46] In the 2190s [47] an antidote was discovered which neutralised the effects of the pollen and allowed colonisation to finally begin, and by the 2260s the population of Archer IV numbered almost three quarters of a billion. The second world, Archer's planet, is in the Gamma Trianguli sector. [46]

Archer retired to his birthplace in upstate New York. In 2245 he attended the christening ceremony of the first Federation Starship Enterprise, the NCC-1701. Jonathan Archer died peacefully in his sleep on the following day. [48]
Charles Tucker III [9] Charles Tucker, better known as 'Trip' to his friends, is the chief engineer of Enterprise. [23] A friend of Archer's for eight years [49], Trip is naturally friendly and has a very easy-going manner and good sense of humour. Nicknamed "Trip" - short for "Triple", since he is the third generation of his family to be named Charles - Tucker is one of Archer's most trusted officers. [23]

All Enterprise crewmembers are naturally interested in exploration, but Trip seems to derive great pleasure from the travels of Enterprise. He is often to be seen waving a camera around [11], and especially enjoys meeting new species and exploring their differences - though he sometimes finds himself struggling to cope with those differences. During a visit to a Xyrillian ship he became the first Human male to become impregnated, though he maintained that he was innocent of any improper behaviour during the contact and that there had been a simple misunderstanding. Fortunately the Xyrillians were able to remove the embryo safely. [49]

This tenancy to get "hands on" with alien cultures came to a head during Enterprise's encounter with the Vissians, when Trip encouraged a Vissian cogenitor to rebel against her culture by learning to read and question its limited role in society. Captain Archer felt that on this occasion Trip had overstepped the boundaries of interference, and refused the cogenitor asylum on board Enterprise. Both Trip and Archer were devastated when they learned that the cogenitor had subsequently committed suicide rather than continue with its restricted lifestyle. [50]

Early on during his time in Starfleet Trip lived near to the Vulcan compound, and in 10th grade at school he had a Vulcan teacher, Mr. Velik. Despite this he shared Archer's distrust of the Vulcans, whom he saw as arrogant and close-minded concerning Earth's ability to handle interstellar travel. [11] Like Archer, he has mellowed somewhat towards the Vulcans through his association with T'Pol - though the two have argued fiercely on more than one occasion, and Trip even once threatened mutiny rather than obey orders from T'Pol that he disagreed with. [31] His attitude was further mellowed by his meeting with the "V'tosh ka'tur", Vulcans who believed that they should experience their emotions. [30]

Trip has become a good friend of Malcolm Reed, though his optimistic stance towards life tends to clash with Reed's pessimism. [23] The two have managed to get through more than one difficult situation together - vacationing on Risa the officers were mugged by some alien shapeshifters who stole literally everything but their underwear. [22] The two once spent several days together in a shuttlepod, during which time they mistakenly believed that Enterprise had been destroyed by an accident of some sort. Trip tried to sacrifice his life to allow Reed more time to be rescued, but fortunately both men survived the incident and came to a mutual understanding that has stood them in good stead ever since. [51]

Trip's sister was one of the seven million killed by the Xindi attack on Earth in 2153. Although he denied that her loss meant any more to him than any of the other victims, he suffered from repressed guilt for a long time afterwards. This manifested itself as insomnia, which T'Pol treated with Vulcan neuropressure. [23] Trip and T'Pol became attracted to one another and slept together in December 2153, though the next day T'Pol claimed that she had only done this as an experiment in Human sexuality. [52]

Trip eventually managed to face up to his sense of loss over his sister's death when he had to write a letter to the parents of an engineer killed in the battle of Azati Prime. [53] He even managed to overcome much of his hatred for the Xindi, to the extent that he was able to work alongside the weapon designer Degra. [54]When Archer led the team which destroyed the Xindi weapon as it approached Earth, Trip remained with Enterprise in the Expanse in order to attack the Sphere network. The attack was successful and the entire network was destroyed, ending the Sphere Builder's attempts to invade the Milky Way galaxy. [39]

Trip accompanied T'Pol to the the Vulcan homeworld in 2154, where he reluctantly attended her wedding to Koss. [55] Shortly afterward Trip took command of the Enterprise whilst Archer investigated the Syrrannite's possible involvement in the bombing of the Human embassy on Vulcan. [42] When he found that the bombing had been arranged by the High Command as part of their plan to invade Andoria, Trip took the Enterprise to inform the Andorians of the attack and took part in the defence of the planet. [35]

When Emory Erickson visited the Enterprise to test the prototype of a new transporter system, Tucker assisted him with adapting the ship's transporter for the test. He later discovered that Emory was in fact lying about the new technology as part of an elaborate deception intended to allow him to recover his son, who had been lost in a transporter accident years before. [56]

Whilst visiting a planet to investigate some Klingon materials, Trip and Hoshi were both infected with a silicon-based virus. Despite the best efforts of Doctor Phlox the pair both died of the infection. However, an Organian who was investigating the crew's reaction to the virus decided to intervene after Captain Archer chose to sacrifice himself to assist in their treatment. The Organian felt that this unique trait of self sacrifice made the Humans worthy of special treatment, and resurrected Trip and Hoshi. Afterward their memories of the Organian intervention were erased. [57]

When the NX-01 was forced to combat a Romulan drone ship which was terrorising the shipping of several different species, Trip and Reed were beamed over to the ship to investigate. He was almost killed whilst trying to incapacitate the vessel when its controllers exposed him to high levels of radiation. Although he ordered Reed to abandon him, Reed instead managed to rescue Trip and disable the ship. On their return to the Enterprise Trip jokingly threatened to put Reed on report for disobeying an order. [43]

Trip struggled with his emotional attachment to T'Pol both during and after her brief wedding. Eventually he reached a point where he no longer felt that he could continue aboard Enterprise, and he requested a transfer to the Columbia. [58] Although the engineering crew found it hard to cope with his demands, he helped to get the ship ready in time to meet her launch date. [59] Trip returned to the Enterprise when the ship's warp drive was sabotaged by Klingon agents, transferring between the ships by the hair raising means of climbing across a cable whilst the ships were travelling at high warp speed. [60] He remained on Enterprise to help in repairs to the engines, much to the dismay of his replacement Commander Kelby. When three Orion women came aboard Enterprise in an attempt to subvert the crew by the use of powerful pheromones, Trip remained unaffected because of the telepathic bond he continued to share with T'Pol after their earlier romantic encounters. He managed to use this immunity to prevent the women from taking command of the ship. He found himself unable to leave the Enterprise, and officially transferred back after the crisis was resolved. [61]

In 2155 Trip and T'Pol were amongst the Enterprise officers who attended the inter-species conference on Earth. They were surprised when Susan Khouri delivered a sample of hair which genetic analysis revealed to be the offspring of himself and T'Pol. Trip and T'Pol travelled to a Lunar mining colony to investigate Terra Prime, a terrorist organisation led by John Frederick Paxton which Khouri had been a member of. Both officers were quickly captured [44], and Paxton attempted to force them to assist with his takeover of the Verteron array on Mars. Trip refused, and was ultimately able to target the array on an uninhabited area of the ocean when Paxton tried to fire it. The child, Elizabeth, had been created by Paxton through genetic engineering as an example of what interspecies breeding might result in - it was Paxton's hope that Humanity would be disgusted by the idea of a Human/Vulcan hybrid. Unfortunately the genetic engineering techniques used were flawed, and Elizabeth did not survive. Ironically her death served to bring the mixed -species crew of the NX-01 crew together in precisely the opposite effect to that which Paxton had hoped for. [45]

Trip and T'Pol did not pursue a romantic relationship after Elizabeth's death, though both remained aboard the NX-01 for the next six years. Whilst the ship returned to Earth in 2161 for the signing of the Federation Constitution it made a brief detour to Rigel X to help Shran recover his kidnapped daughter. Unfortunately the kidnappers were able to board the NX-01 afterwards; fearing that they would kill Captain Archer and other crewmembers, Trip caused an explosion which incapacitated the kidnappers and mortally wounded himself. He died shortly afterwards. [13]
T'Pol [9] T'Pol was a reluctant member of the crew of Enterprise. Although Starfleet, and especially Captain Archer, wanted to crew the ship exclusively with Humans, they were forced to add a Vulcan officer in order to obtain the Vulcan star charts which allowed them to complete their first mission. T'Pol was highly dubious as to whether Humanity is capable of achieving their aim of exploring the galaxy, but she nevertheless committed herself to assisting Enterprise to the best of her abilities. [9]

Although stoic by Human standards, T'Pol is actually more emotional than most Vulcans. When she encountered a group of Vulcans who believed that logic and emotion must be balanced, she experimented with her own emotions briefly. Ultimately she decided to remain committed to the normal Vulcan way of life. [30]

T'Pol was ordered back to Vulcan in 2153 when Enterprise was sent to the Delphic Expanse. She instead resigned from the High Command to stay with the ship. [62] Whilst aboard the ship T'Pol began treating Trip for insomnia with Vulcan neuropressure. [23] The two became attracted to one another and slept together in December 2153, though T'Pol would claim the next day that she was only investigating Human sexuality. [52]

When Enterprise discovered a Vulcan vessel adrift an asteroid field rich in Trellium-D, a substance which can protect vessels from the anomalies common in the Expanse, T'Pol was part of the party which boarded the ship. She found the crew had succumbed to violence and paranoia as a result of their exposure to the Trellium-D, and began to experience the effects herself. [63] After this experience T'Pol began to crave the emotions provoked by the substance, and began injecting small amounts on a regular basis. Although she desisted in 2154, the effects of the drug are likely to be permanent. [64]

Whilst Archer led the team which eventually boarded and destroyed the Xindi weapon which threatened to destroy Earth, T'Pol remained with Enterprise in the Expanse. She used the ship to instigate a chain reaction which destroyed the sphere network which was maintining the anomalies in the Expanse, destroying them and ending the Sphere Builder's attempts to invade the Milky Way galaxy. [39]

After the mission was completed T'Pol returned to Vulcan to visit her mother, accompanied by Trip. She discovered that her more controversial actions had created considerable difficulties for her mother T'Les, leading to her losing her position with the science ministry. T'Pol agreed to fulfil her marriage to Koss if he would extend his protection to her mother in return, which he duly did. [55] T'Les herself gradually became interested in the Syrrannite cause, eventually joining their group in the Vulcan desert known as The Forge. She left T'Pol a message designed to lead her to the Forge; unfortunately, the Vulcan High Command launched a major effort to exterminate the Syrrannites shortly afterwards, and T'Les was killed. [65]

Whilst she was with the Syrrannites, T'Pau was able to use a mind meld to cure T'ol's Pa'nar syndrome. In the aftermath of the Vulcan civil war, Koss and T'Pol divorced. [35]

T'Pol and Trip struggled with their emotional attachment both during and after her brief wedding to Koss. Eventually Trip reached a point where he felt that he could not continue to work alongside T'Pol, and he left the ship to transfer to the Columbia. [58] He returned to the Enterprise when the ship was sabotaged by Klingon agents. [60] He remained on board for several weeks to assist in repairs, and T'Pol once again found herself struggling with her attraction for him. She asked Trip to stay on board, prompting him to reveal that he had already asked for a transfer back. [61]

In 2155 T'Pol was among the Enterprise officers who attended the inter-species conference on Earth. She was surprised to be approached by Susan Khouri, who delivered a sample of hair which genetic analysis revealed to be the offspring of T'Pol and Trip. She travelled to a Lunar mining colony with Trip to investigate Terra Prime, a terrorist group led by John Frederick Paxton which Khouri had been a member of. Both officers were quickly captured. [44] Paxton introduced T'Pol to her daughter, whom she named Elizabeth after Trip's sister. Paxton had created Elizabeth by genetically engineering samples of Trip and T'Pol's DNA. It was his hope that Humanity would be disgusted by the idea of a Human/Vulcan hybrid, boosting support for Terra Prime. Unfortunately the genetic engineering techniques used were flawed, and Elizabeth did not survive. Her death served to bring the mixed-species crew of the NX-01 crew together, the exact opposite of the reaction which Paxton had hoped for. [45]

T'Pol did not pursue a romantic relationship with Trip after Elizabeth's death, though both remained aboard the NX-01 for the next six years. She was greatly saddened when an attack on the Enterprise by a group of criminals led to Trip sacrificing himself to neutralise a boarding party. T'Pol continued on to Earth with the NX-01, where she attended the signing ceremony of the United Federation of Planets constitution. [13]
Malcolm Reed [9] Reed is English, and posseses the reserve and dry wit typical of many from that part of Earth. [23] His considerable talents have been hard pressed to get Enterprise's weapons systems working at full capacity. [66] His family have traditionally joined Britain's Royal Navy, a tradition Reed broke by joining Starfleet. [67] His parents live in Kota Baharu, Malaysia. His family includes a sister, an uncle and two unmarried aunts. Reed is allergic to pollen, oak, dust mites, tropical grasses and various plant enzymes, including bromelin. His favourite food is pineapple. Reed can be a very stubborn person, and once went without food for a week as part of a bet. [66] He is something of a pessimist, although he describes himself as a realist. [51]

Reed struggled to deal with the stationing of a squad of Military Assault Command Operatives on board Enterprise during its mission against the Xindi during 2153/4. He believed that Major Hayes thought Enterprise's security force inferior to his own troops, and the two had a difficult time working together. [62] The situation eventually grew so bad that the two engaged in a fistfight, prompting a reprimand from Captain Archer. Fortunately this incident seemed to clear the air between the two a little. [52]
Travis Mayweather [9] Mayweather is one of the few officers of Enterprise who has extensive experience of space. As a "Boomer", he spent considerable time travelling the stars in his youth and has visited several systems. [19] As helmsman of Enterprise, he is now crossing space nearly one hundred times faster than before. [9]
Hoshi Sato [9] A Human, Hoshi was born in Kyoto city, Japan, on 9th July 2128. She was the second of three children. [68] A highly intelligent woman, Sato had an incredible gift for languages - she could learn a new language in a matter of hours. She was a very isolated child who spent her days with private tutors studying linguistics. She even came to believe that it was normal be alone. Her grandfather Michio was the last person she really felt close to. [69]

Sato went to school to further study linguistics, graduating second in her class before going to Starfleet academy. [17] A black belt in Aikido, in her second month she was expelled for breaking her commanding officer's arm after an argument over a poker game. She was readmitted because Starfleet believed it needed her expertise in languages. [57]

In 2151 Sato agreed to join the NX-01 as communications officer. She found space flight difficult, and after a few weeks requested a transfer back to Earth duty after she discovered a group of corpses hanging off hooks on an Axanar vessel. She subsequently overcame her fears and withdrew her transfer request. [17]

Sato was also afraid of the transporter system. When she was forced to use the device for the first time in 2152, she experienced a hallucination during the rematerialisation process. Although this only lasted for seconds in objective time, she experienced over a day of subjective time in which she battled the steadily escalating effects of the transport on her body whilst attempting to prevent an alien plot to destroy Enterprise. [70]

In 2153 an alien named Tarquin contacted Sato telepathically, offering to assist the NX-01 with the Xindi mission if she would agree to live with him as his companion. She declined, leading Tarquin to attempt to force her to remain. She ultimately convinced him that he had no right to compel her to remain and he agreed to release her and to assist Captain Archer. [69]

In 2154 Sato was kidnapped from the NX-01 by Commander Dolim after he and the Insectoids stole the final version of the Xindi weapon. [54] Dolim tortured her and implanted neural parasites in order to force her to decode the access codes for the weapon. She attempted suicide but was unsuccessful, and eventually did break the access codes. [38] A MACO team from Enterprise rescued her, and although still feeling the effects of her treatment she was able to assist Captain Archer in reboarding the weapon and sabotaging it as it approached Earth. [39]

Hoshi attended a celebration held for the NX-01's senior officers after the ship returned to Earth. [55] She returned to duty after a short break, assisting with the Augment crisis [71] and the Vulcan civil war [35] Both Hoshi and Trip were infected with a silicon based virus whilst investigating a new planet. They were killed by the virus, but thanks to the intervention of an Organian observer who was studying the crew's reaction to the virus they were both revived. Neither Hoshi nor any other member of the crew retained memory of the incident afterwards. [57]

Hoshi designed improvements for the universal translator which helped to make the inter-species conference held on Earth in 2155 a success. She also discovered tampering to the devices which uncovered Gannet Brooks, a covert operative spying on the delegates. [44] She took command of the NX-01 whilst Archer and his officers attempted to prevent the terrorist organisation Terra Prime from threatening Earth with the Verteron array on Mars. She resisted pressure to destroy the array because of the collateral damage this would involve. [45]

In 2161 Hoshi and the crew of the NX-01 travelled to Earth, where she attended the founding ceremony of the United Federation of Planets. [13]

Hoshi retired from Starfleet in her late thirties with rank of Lieutenant Commander. She went on to develop the Linguacode translation matrix which remained in use aboard Federation Starships until at least the 2260s. [72]

Hoshi eventually moved to the Tarsus IV colony. When a fungus destroyed much of the planet's food supplies in 2246, Governor Kodos ordered four thousand colonists murdered in order to ensure that the rest had enough food to survive until rescue arrived. The 118 year old Hoshi and her family were amongst those murdered. She was buried in Kyoto with her husband, Takashi Kimura. [73]
Phlox [9] Phlox is one of the few alien members of Enterprise's crew. A jovial figure, he is delighted at the opportunity to study both Humans and the alien species they are encountering as they explore space. [23]

Daniels [36] A member of the NX-01 crew, unbeknownst to Captain Archer or Earth Starfleet Daniels was actually an undercover operative from the 31st century. [33] He was apparently killed by Silik whilst Enterprise was exploring a dangerous nebula; nevertheless he returned to help Archer when the ship appeared to have destroyed an alien mining colony. He gave Archer information which allowed him to attack and board a Suliban cruiser, recovering proof that the Suliban had in fact been responsible. [33]

Daniels brought Archer into the future only to find that there had been major changes in the timeline, but he was able to return the Captain and restore the proper flow of history. [34]

In 2153 Daniels informed Archer that a group of Xindi had been discovered creating a biological weapon on early 21st century Earth in order to wipe out Humanity. Daniels sent Archer and T'Pol back in time to foil the plot. [74] When Archer attempted to launch a suicide mission against the Xindi weapon, Daniels attempted to convince him to send another officer in his place, arguing that Archer was too important to history to sacrifice himself. Archer was unconvinced, but did use the information Daniels provided in his efforts to secure a peace with the Xindi after his mission failed. [75]

When the various factions in the Temporal Cold War began openly changing history, Daniels sent the Enterprise back in time to 1944 in an attempt to stop Vosk, leader of one of the factions, from disrupting earth's history. Daniels was appeared on the ship, very badly injured and disfigured. [40] Although he apparently died shortly afterwards, when Archer successfully reversed Vosk's changes to the timeline it returned Daniels to life. [41]


Name Description
Alison [70] A member of the NX-01 crew, Alison was aboard the ship during its historic exploration mission in the 2150s. [70]
Ensign Almack [23] A member of the NX-01 crew, Almack was an engineer who worked on C deck. [49]
G. Austin [76] A member of Earth's MACO force, Austin was part of the detachment assigned to the NX-01 for the Delphic Expanse mission. He was one of those who responded to the Xindi incursion on the ship which rescued their agent Rajiin. [76]
Crewman Baird [70] A communications specialist, Baird took over from Hoshi when she proved unable to translate an alien language. He was successful in establishing communication, much to Hoshi's surprise. In actuality, the incident had occurred purely in Hoshi's imagination. [70]
Crewman Bennet [17] A member of the NX-01 crew, Phlox believed that Bennet was about to mate with Crewman Hayden in 2151. [17]
Billy [49] A member of the NX-01 crew, Billy was an engineer. When the ship suffered various minor problems, Tucker ordered him to purge the aft manifold. [49]
Ensign Burrows [56] A member of the NX-01 crew, Burrows was killed when he encountered the semi-materialised transporter pattern of Quinn Erickson in the Barrens in 2154. [56]
Corporal Chang [62] A MACO, Chang was part of the complement carried aboard the NX-01 during the mission into the Delphic Expanse. [62]

When Captain Archer relieved T'Pol of her position and confined her to quarters, Chang stood guard at her door. Commander Tucker was able to talk his way past him by claiming he needed to see T'Pol for his neuropressure treatment. [77]
Amanda Cole [52] A member of the MACO team on board Enterprise in 2153, Cole held the team record for sharpshooting. She found Lieutenant Reed difficult to work with, as she had the feeling he regarded the MACO team as an enemy of his own security force. [52]

She was originally from Florida, growing up less than fifty kilometres from Commander Tucker. They both attended rival high schools and even went to the same movie theatres, though they never met until she was assigned to Enterprise. Her home town was destroyed in the Xindi attack on Earth, although her family had moved away by the time it happened. [52]

Tucker began to give Cole Vulcan neuropressure sessions, though his poor technique started to cause headaches after a short while. Cole visited T'Pol for a remedial session. She expressed a romantic interest in Tucker, though the situation was complicated by his mutual attraction to T'Pol. [52]
Cole [78] A member of the NX-01 crew, Cole was aboard the ship when it encountered a non-corporeal species in 2152. [78]
Ensign Cook [78] A member of the NX-01 crew, Cook was called in by Trip to help repair the engines when the ship was threatened by non-corporeal life forms. [78]
Ensign Culhane [79] A member of Voyager's crew, in 2374 Culhane notified Janeway of a distress call which she had recieved from Dejaren. [79]
Cunningham [80] A member of the NX-01 crew, Cunningham was a cook in the ship's galley. Cunningham assisted Ensign Sato when she briefly took over from the Chef in 2152. [80]

Later that year he helped Ensign Mayweather in locating Commander Tucker during the crew's stay in the Nacelle catwalk. [78]

In 2153 he was still working in the ship's galley. [81]

Elizabeth Cutler [11] Cutler was a member of the NX-01s crew in the early 2150s. She participated in the exploration of Archer IV, chosen to do so by T'Pol as a result of her knowledge of insect life, which was abundant on the planet. Whilst on the planet Cutler fell victim to the effects of the pollen there, which caused paranoia and delusions. [11]

She also trained as a medic; she accompanied Dr. Phlox to Valakis to assist him in the treatment of the illness affecting the population there. She disliked the way that the Valakians treated the less sophisticated Menk who also lived on the planet. [82] In 2152 Cutler filled in as Chief Medical Officer whilst Phlox entered his yearly period of hibernation. Her limited abilities as a doctor led her to awaken Phlox in order to treat an injury sustained by Ensign Mayweather. [22] Cutler continued aboard the ship during the mission into the Delphic Expanse, suffering a broken arm as a result of a spatial anomaly which the ship encountered. [76]

Cutler was surprisingly cosmopolitan for a Human of the mid 22nd century, seeking friendship with both Commander T'Pol and Dr. Phlox aboard the Enterprise. She tried Plomeek soup, which she described as "interesting", in an attempt to find something to talk about with T'Pol. However, T'Pol rebuffed her attempts at forging a relationship with typical Vulcan unemotionalism. [11]

With Dr. Phlox Cutler exhibited some signs of romantic attraction, accompanying him to the regular movie night and seeking excuses to spend time with him. She was given pause when Phlox revealed that he already had several wives, though neither one outright dismissed the possibility of romance between them because of this. [82]

Dillard [49] A member of the NX-01 crew, Tucker berated Dillard about safety concerns regarding the personnel lift in Engineering. [49]
Dorado [83] Dorado was a member of Voyager's crew. She was one of those who recieved a letter from home through the Hirogen communications array in 2374. [83]
Crewman Fisher [84] A member of the NX-01 crew, Fisher caught Rigelian fever on Tessik Prime. [84]
Crewman Fletcher [85] A member of Earth Starfleet, Fletcher was a crewman aboard the NX-01 during its first mission. [9]
Forbes [39] A MACO, Forbes was part of the complement carried aboard the NX-01 during the mission into the Delphic Expanse. He was part of the team which boarded the Xindi weapon as it approached Earth; Forbes was killed by a Xindi-Reptilian during the mission. [39]
Crewman Fuller [34] A member of the NX-01 crew, Fuller spotted Tucker entering T'Pol's quarters for Vulcan neuropressure sessions but T'Pol assured him that she tended to be discrete. [34] Fuller knew the ship's torpedo systems better than anybody else aboard. He was killed by Ossarian raiders in 2153. [86]
Ensign Hart [49] A member of the NX-01 crew, Hart distressed a pregnant Tucker by pulling a chair out for him to sit in. [49]
Corporal Hawkins [23] A MACO, Hawkins was part of the detachment carried aboard the NX-01 during the mission into the Delphic Expanse in 2153/4. He was one of those who boarded the Vulcan ship Seleya in 2153, and favoured using lethal force against the insane crew of the vessel. [63] He was also part of the group which was ready to attack the kemocite processing facility discovered by Archer. [87] Hawkins was an expert in EV, with more than a thousand hours of experience including combat training as a result of six months he spent on the Janus loop. He was killed shortly before the Xindi mission was completed by a defence system aboard on of the Spheres to be found in the Expanse. [54]
Crewman Hayden [17] A member of the NX-01 crew, Phlox believed that Hayden was about to mate with Crewman Bennet in 2151. [17]
Major Hayes [23] Commander of the MACO assault team aboard Enterprise in 2153, Hayes was a tough leader who liked to run things exactly his own way. This caused considerable friction between himself and Reed, though the two were eventually able to reconcile their differences. [52] Hayes was killed whilst rescuing Hoshi from a Xindi-Reptilian vessel. [38]
Crewman Hayes [84] A member of the NX-01 crew, Hayes reported that she had seen Travis the night before he was apparently killed during repairs to the ship. [84]
Lieutenant Hess [51] A member of the NX-01 crew, Lieutenant Hess was an engineer. Tucker left her in charge of Engineering while he was away from the ship. [51]
Ensign Hutchinson [67] A member of the NX-01 crew, Hutchison was suggested as a relief for Ensign Mayweather at the helm. [67]
Kamata [53] A member of the NX-01 crew, Kamata was killed at Azati Prime. [53]
Ensign Keeley [61] A member of the NX-01 crew in 2154, Keeley was one of the first women who suffered headaches as a result of exposure to the pheromones of the Orion women who were aboard the ship towards the end of the year. [61]
Commander Kelby [59] An Earth Starfleet officer, Kelby replaced Commander Tucker as Chief Engineer on the NX-01 Enterprise in 2154 when Tucker transferred to Columbia. [59] He was not as experienced as Trip and when Klingon agents sabotaged the NX-01 Trip returned to assist in repairs. Kelby felt frustrated at having Tucker back; when three Orion slave women came aboard Enterprise they used this frustration to encourage him to sabotage the ship. [61] Kelby was suspected of being a supporter of Terra Prime when a shuttlecraft was sabotaged whilst on a mission to fight the organisation's attempt to use the Verteron array on Mars in 2155. In fact he was innocent of the charge. [45]
Corporal Kelly [23] A MACO, Kelly was part of the complement carried aboard the NX-01 during the mission into the Delphic Expanse. Kelly was one of those who rescued Hoshi from the Xindi Reptillian ship. [38] He was one of those who fought against the Sphere Builders who attacked Enterprise as it tried to destroy the Sphere network. [39]
Kelly [16] A member of the NX-01 crew, Kelly discovered the web creature which had stowed away aboard the ship in 2152, after it attacked Rostov. [16]
Sergeant Kemper [23] A MACO, Kemper was part of the detachment carried aboard the NX-01 during the mission into the Delphic Expanse in 2153/4. He found it difficult to adjust to life in space and was often space sick. He grew up in Duluth, Minnesota and served in Atlanta. Kemper was amongst those who rescued Archer, Tucker and a Xindi from a mining planet in the Expanse. [62] He also participated in the mission to recover NX-01 property from the Ossarian pirates who attacked the ship. [86]
Ensign Kimball [12] A member of the NX-01 crew, Kimball was suggested by Phlox as a confidant for T'Pol concerning her marriage problems, since Kimball was married. [12]
Ensign Masaro [45] A member of the NX-01 crew, Masaro was wounded at Azati Prime, but returned to duty shortly afterwards. [64] He developed sympathies for Terra Prime, and supported their capture of the Verteron array on Mars in an attempt to force all aliens to leave Earth in 2155. Masaro sabotaged the shuttle Captain Archer used on his mission to stop Terra Prime, though this was unsuccessful thanks to Ensign Mayweather's flying skills. On being discovered, Masaro committed suicide with a phase pistol. [45]
Ensign McFarlane [62] A member of the NX-01 crew, McFarlane was somewhat injured by cargo containers flung around by an anomaly. [62]
Corporal McKenzie [23] A MACO, McKenzie was part of the detachment carried aboard the NX-01 during the mission into the Delphic Expanse in 2153/4. Although not greatly experienced in zero gee conditions, she did serve a six week tour on Jupiter where the grav plating failed a few occasions. [86] In an alternate timeline, she married one of the crew and had children. [88] Major Hayes suggested McKenzie as his successor when he was killed rescuing Hoshi from a Xindi ship. [38]
S. Money [23] A MACO, Money was part of the team which was assigned to the NX-01 during its mission into the Delphic Expanse in 2153/4. [23] She was part of the first MACO action when she assisted in the rescue of Captain Archer, Commander Tucker and a Xindi from an alien mining camp. During the action she was tackled by a guard but quickly subdued him with a combination of hand to hand moves and her electro-shock baton. [62] When a group of Xindi boarded the NX-01 to recover Rajiin, Money was one of those injured attempting to fight them off. [76] She was also chosen to accompany Archer to the Skagaran planet, where she engaged several of the Humans who attacked the party. [89] When a group of Triannon seized the ship she helped Captain Archer to retake it [90]; ironically she later stood ready to defend the ship from takeover by the Starfleet crew under T'Pol when they judged Captain Archer to have become incompetent to command as a result of exposure to Xindi chemicals. A tense stand-off between the MACOs and regular crew on the bridge led to a brief exchange of fire in which she was stunned by Lieutenant Reed. [77] She was part of the team which rescued Ensign Sato from a Xindi-Reptilian vessel after she was kidnapped. Money was wounded on the mission but survived. [38] The following day she was shot again as she defended against the Sphere Builder's attack on the NX-01. [39] She again survived, and stayed with the ship during its unplanned journey to 20th century Earth and subsequent return to its own time for refit and repair. She was present when Archer took the NX-01 back out to confront the Augment situation in 2154. [71]
Crewman Naiman [34] A member of the NX-01 crew, Naiman was known for being one of the smaller crewmembers. He size led to her being considered for a job crawling through cramped ductwork on the NX-01 after the Suliban captured the ship. [34]
Crewman Namod [17] A member of the NX-01 crew, Namod ate a surprising amount of food according to Phlox - though he did not specify whether he considered the amount surprisingly large or surprisingly small. [17]
Ethan Novakovich [11] A member of the NX-01 crew, Novakovich was part of the team which studied Archer IV in 2151; he began to hallucinate as a result of exposure to the pollen from the plant life on the planet and became deranged. The NX-01 attempted to beam Novakovich up to the ship, making him the first person to use the ship's transporter system. Unfortunately he was also the first victim of a transporter accident on the ship, as the stormy conditions resulted in leaves and pebbles becoming intergrated with his body. Although this was not fatal, Novakovich subsequently died of poisoning from the pollen. [11]
Corporal O'Malley [23] A MACO, O'Malley was part of the complement carried aboard the NX-01 during the mission into the Delphic Expanse. O'Malley was wounded at Azati Prime, but was returned to duty shortly afterwards. [64]
T. Palmer [91] A MACO attached to the crew of the NX-01 for the Delphic Expanse mission. In 2153 he accompanied Tucker on a rescue mission to the Loque'eque home planet to rescue Captain Archer and Hoshi Sato. [91]
Parson [23] A MACO, Parson was part of the complement carried aboard the NX-01 during the mission into the Delphic Expanse. She participated in the raid to steal a warp coil from an Illyrian ship, and was wounded in action. [64]
Pierce [71] A member of the NX-01 crew, Ensign Pierce joined the ship whilst it was at Earth being refitted after the mission to stop the Xindi weapon. He was one of the crewmembers abducted by Orion slavers when the ship entered the Borderland in search of rebel Augments, something he found to be a highly traumatic experience. [71]
Ensign Porter [23] A member of the NX-01 crew, Porter agreed to swap quarters with Hoshi when she was uncomfortable with the direction the stars moved past her window. [17]
R. Richards [62] A member of Earth's Military Assault Command Operations, Richards was part of the team assigned to the NX-01 during it's mission into the Delphic Expanse. He took part in the mission to recover Cpatain Archer from the trellium mining facility early in that mission. [62] He fought against the Xindi boarding party which recovered their agent Rajiin from the ship [76], and was shot by one of the Triannon hijackers who briefly captured the ship. [90] As part of the joint training exercises held between Enterprise crew and the MACO team, Richards sparred with First Officer T'Pol. Although she knocked him to the floor several times, Richards took advantage of a momentary distraction on her part to punch her in the face, flooring her. [52]

After Enterprise was badly damaged at the battle of Azati Prime, Richards took part in the raid on an Illyrian ship to steal its warp coil for use on Enterprise. He was able to use a stun grenade to gain access to the chamber holding the coil. [64]

Richards was also one of the MACOs who rescued Hoshi Sato when she was abducted by the Xindi. He assisted his fellow MACO S. Money when she was wounded on the mission, and the two beamed back to Enterprise together. [38] He also fought against the Sphere Builders which boarded Enterprise when it attempted to destroy the Spheres. [39]

Richards survived the Delphic Expanse mission and remained aboard the NX-01. He was wounded when a group of Augments boarded Enterprise in 2154, though he again survived. [71] Later this year he stood guard over Shran and Talas whilst they were aboard the ship. Talas tried to seduce Richards as a distraction, and was able to knock him out and escape her quarters. [92]
Ensign Rivers [53] An Earth Starfleet officer, Rivers was an engineer. He served as an engineer on the NX-01 during the mission into the Delphic Expanse during 2153/4. [53] Later he transferred to the NX-02, again serving under Commander Tucker when he also transferred to the ship in 2154. [59]
Corporal Romero [23] A MACO, Romero was part of the detachment carried aboard the NX-01 during the mission into the Delphic Expanse in 2153/4. He was one of those who rescued Archer, Tucker and a Xindi from a mining planet in the Expanse, and was injured in action during the mission. [62] He took part in the final mission to destroy the Xindi weapon as it approached Earth, and was one of those to survive to return to Enterprise. [39]
Crewman Rossi [78] A member of the NX-01 crew, Rossi was one of those possessed by non-corporeal entities in 2152. [78]
Rostov [23] A member of the NX-01 crew, Rostov was the leader of an engineering team. In 2152 he was captured by the web creature which was stranded aboard the ship. [16] Crewman Jane Taylor was on his team. [53]
Ensign Sator [38] A member of the NX-01 crew, Sator was injured in the fighting the ship engaged in whilst attempting to stop the Xindi weapon. Phlox expected a full recovery. [38]
Ensign Socorro [17] A member of the NX-01 crew, Phlox believed that Socorro smelled like the adrenal gland of a Nausicaan after she exercised. [17]
Stron [93] A Vulcan, Stron was one of those who became stranded on Earth in the 1950s. He was unimpressed with the planet and its inhabitants, considering them savages on the edge of self-annhilation. [93]
Ensign Tanner [23] A member of the NX-01 crew, Tanner worked on torpedo upgrades aboard the ship. [67]He was suggested to relieve Mayweather from the helm position when the ship had to ride out a neutronic wavefront. [94]
Crewman Jane Taylor [53] A member of the NX-01 crew, Taylor worked in engineering. She was killed at the battle of Azati Prime. Captain Archer asked Commander Tucker to write a letter to her parents; the process of writing the letter forced Trip to finally come to terms with the loss of his sister in the Xindi attack on Earth. [53]
Walker [39] A MACO, Walker was part of the complement carried aboard the NX-01 during the mission into the Delphic Expanse. He fought the Sphere Builders when they attacke dthe ship, and was able to hamper their efforts thanks to weapon modifications provided by Phlox. [39]
Private Woods [23] A MACO, Woods was part of the complement carried aboard the NX-01 during the mission into the Delphic Expanse. He assisted Captain Archer in retaking the ship after it was captured by Triannon religious fanatics. [90] In 2154 he was one of those who boarded the Xindi weapon as it approached Earth. He survived the mission. [39]

Colour key

Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 VOY 1 Caretaker
2 VOY 1 Phage
3 Various Voyager episodes
4 VOY 2 Cold Fire
5 VOY 3 Darkling
6 VOY 3 Scorpion, Part 1
7 VOY 4 The Gift
8 VOY 6 Fury
9 ENT 1 Broken Bow
10 ENT 2 First Flight
11 ENT 1 Strange New World
12 ENT 1 Breaking the Ice
13 ENT 4 These Are The Voyages...
14 ENT 1 Terra Nova
15 ENT 1 The Andorian Incident
16 ENT 1 Vox Sola
17 ENT 1 Fight or Flight
18 ENT 1 Civilization
19 ENT 1 Fortunate Son
20 ENT 1 Rogue Planet
21 ENT 1 Detained
22 ENT 1 Two Days and Two Nights
23 Various Enterprise episodes
24 ENT 1 Sleeping Dogs
25 ENT 2 Marauders
26 ENT 2 Judgment
27 ENT 2 Bounty
28 ENT 2 The Expanse
29 ENT 1 Fallen Hero
30 ENT 1 Fusion
31 ENT 1 Shadows of P'Jem
32 ENT 2 Cease Fire
33 ENT 1 Shockwave, Part 1
34 ENT 2 Shockwave, Part 2
35 ENT 4 Kir'Shara
36 ENT 1 Cold Front
37 ENT 2 Future Tense
38 ENT 3 Countdown
39 ENT 3 Zero Hour
40 ENT 4 Storm Front, Part I
41 ENT 4 Storm Front, Part 2
42 ENT 4 The Forge
43 ENT 4 United
44 ENT 4 Demons
45 ENT 4 Terra Prime
46 ENT 4 In A Mirror, Darkly Part II From his onscreen biography
47 Speculative The In a Mirror, Darkly biography actually says 2290s, but this is impossible as the Defiant was lost in 2268. I have arbitrarily assumed that the 22 should be a 21
48 Mike Sussman This was a part of Archer's biography unseen in the episode
49 ENT 1 Unexpected
50 ENT 2 Cogenitor
51 ENT 1 Shuttlepod One
52 ENT 3 Harbinger
53 ENT 3 The Forgotten
54 ENT 3 The Council
55 ENT 4 Home
56 ENT 4 Daedalus
57 ENT 4 Observer Effect
58 ENT 4 The Aenar
59 ENT 4 Affliction
60 ENT 4 Divergence
61 ENT 4 Bound
62 ENT 3 The Xindi
63 ENT 3 Impulse
64 ENT 3 Damage
65 ENT 4 Awakening
66 ENT 1 Silent Enemy
67 ENT 2 Minefield
68 ENT 4 Demons Seen on her onscreen biography
69 ENT 3 Exile
70 ENT 2 Vanishing Point
71 ENT 4 Borderland
72 ENT 4 In A Mirror, Darkly Part II Part of her onscreen biography
73 Mike Sussman This was a part of Hoshi's biography unseen in the episode
74 ENT 3 Carpenter Street
75 ENT 3 Azati Prime
76 ENT 3 Rajiin
77 ENT 3 Hatchery
78 ENT 2 The Crossing
79 VOY 4 Revulsion
80 ENT 2 Singularity
81 ENT 2 Regeneration
82 ENT 1 Dear Doctor
83 VOY 4 Hunters
84 ENT 2 Dead Stop
85 From the episode script
86 ENT 3 Anomaly
87 ENT 3 The Shipment
88 ENT 3 E2
89 ENT 3 North Star
90 ENT 3 Chosen Realm
91 ENT 3 Extinction
92 ENT 4 Babel One
93 ENT 2 Carbon Creek
94 ENT 2 The Catwalk
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Caretaker
Series : VOY Season 1
Episode : Phage
Series : VOY Season
Episode : Various Voyager episodes
Series : VOY Season 2
Episode : Cold Fire
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Darkling
Series : VOY Season 3
Episode : Scorpion, Part 1
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : The Gift
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Fury
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Broken Bow
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : First Flight
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Strange New World
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Breaking the Ice
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : These Are The Voyages...
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Terra Nova
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : The Andorian Incident
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Vox Sola
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Fight or Flight
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Civilization
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Fortunate Son
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Rogue Planet
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Detained
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Two Days and Two Nights
Series : ENT Season
Episode : Various Enterprise episodes
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Sleeping Dogs
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Marauders
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Judgment
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Bounty
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Expanse
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Fallen Hero
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Fusion
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Shadows of P'Jem
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Cease Fire
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Shockwave, Part 1
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Shockwave, Part 2
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Kir'Shara
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Cold Front
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Future Tense
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Countdown
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Zero Hour
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Storm Front, Part I
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Storm Front, Part 2
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : The Forge
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : United
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Demons
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Terra Prime
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : In A Mirror, Darkly Part II
Comment : From his onscreen biography
Source : Speculative
Comment : The In a Mirror, Darkly biography actually says 2290s, but this is impossible as the Defiant was lost in 2268. I have arbitrarily assumed that the 22 should be a 21
Source : Mike Sussman
Comment : This was a part of Archer's biography unseen in the episode
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Unexpected
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Cogenitor
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Shuttlepod One
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Harbinger
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Forgotten
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Council
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Home
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Daedalus
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Observer Effect
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : The Aenar
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Affliction
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Divergence
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Bound
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Xindi
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Impulse
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Damage
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Awakening
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Silent Enemy
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Minefield
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Demons
Comment : Seen on her onscreen biography
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Exile
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Vanishing Point
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Borderland
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : In A Mirror, Darkly Part II
Comment : Part of her onscreen biography
Source : Mike Sussman
Comment : This was a part of Hoshi's biography unseen in the episode
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Carpenter Street
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Azati Prime
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Rajiin
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Hatchery
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Crossing
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Revulsion
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Singularity
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Regeneration
Series : ENT Season 1
Episode : Dear Doctor
Series : VOY Season 4
Episode : Hunters
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Dead Stop
Source : From the episode script
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Anomaly
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : The Shipment
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : E2
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : North Star
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Chosen Realm
Series : ENT Season 3
Episode : Extinction
Series : ENT Season 4
Episode : Babel One
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : Carbon Creek
Series : ENT Season 2
Episode : The Catwalk

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 67,504 Last updated : 14 Mar 2025