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Caption Competition

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23 Jul 2006

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Name Caption
Bryan Moore Triumph of the Wills?

Special Mention

Name Caption
Bryan Moore "Menage a Troi you said?"
Hisrak Riker: You have passed on! You have ceased to be! You... are an ex Riker!
Merlin Riker on left: Dude, that beard makes you look sooo gay!
BikerWolf Tom: "...and you can go *bleep* yourself!"
Will: "Fine. Report to my quarters at the end of your shift."
Tom: "Hey wait, that's not what I meant..."
McFortner Both together: Dad always did like you best!
Jack This I stand engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing
To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosom's core;
This and more I sat divining, with my hand at ease reclining
On the golden console lining that the squematic gloated o'er,
But whose golden console lining with the squematic gloating o'er,
He shall press, ah, shave no more!
`Prophet!' said I, `thing of evil! - prophet still, if clone or devil! -
Whether Q sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore,
Desolate yet all undaunted, on this enginerring deck enchanted -
On this ship by horror haunted - tell me truly, I implore -
Is there - is there shaving cream in TITAN? - tell me - tell me, I implore!'
Quoth the clone, `Shave no more.'
Sondak They felt so alone, the Rikers. For who could possible relate to the doppelganger scenario? Except Data. And Picard. And Worf. And Data again. And Kirk. And Trip. And everyone on Voyager. And O'Brien. And...
Drake Zure If one kills the other, is that murder, suicide, or both?
unixrevolution Naturally when he found the problem with the warp engines, Riker was beside himself.
Q Ah, I see. It must be doubles month at DITL
Zeke Thorne You know, in the old days, the evil twin grew a beard. Now there seems to be some ambiguity.
Lobster The colour-blind Changeling was exposed rather quickly...
Will Deker Wow, Troi really did have a point, I DO look more...seasoned...sigh
Giuseppe Will Riker becomes the first human male to reproduce asexually.
Mikey Picard, from bridge: "Main engineering! What's going on down there? Self-importance and smugness are at critical levels!"
=NoPoet= "Odo, this is getting old."
Greger "What a gib. We all dress up for "Comander Riker Day" and he dosent even bother to show up!"
Sir Joseph Bazooka Red Ryker: " I come with a warning from the future...........DO NOT direct the Thunderbirds Movie...........It'll sink without a trace.......possably taking Your Carreer with it".

Entries : 370People : 133

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 13,583 Last updated : 23 Jul 2006