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Caption Competition

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25 Jun 2006

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Name Caption
Zeke Thorne Continuing the pattern she began with Curzon, Arandis' flourishing artistic career continued to be sidelined by her endless quest for hard liquor, seamy nightclubs and cheap Trills.

Special Mention

Name Caption
NomAnor15 Looks like Dax is about to have a "close encounter of the third base".
Kalor Jadzia appears to have confused her Horta with her Horga'hn
drow Dax: "Can I get more clay for a new sculpture? I think I've cocked this one up."
Hal 9000 So... this is what is meant by "Jamaharon."
Picky & the Brain Rolf Harris in the Background
Can you tell what it is yet?
N'tran DS 12 I, Mud.
Bill Ding Worf: Jadzia, you are making me a very merry man.
Captain Nathan Vanessa Williams: "You do know that's my cat's litter box you're playing in, right?"
Bryan Moore "Wow, I lost my Miss America crown for less than this!"
Lamont I said clear your mind. I'm pretty sure you are thinking about something!
ByAnyOtherName After 43 hours of labor, another Trill symbiont is born!
Captain Nathan Dax: "This reminds my trill of when its was a little tadpole swimming in the mud of the trill pond."
Spartan 114 On Klingon, they make a cast of your forehead when you reach the age of maturity. On Risa...
Mikey " I AM trying to clear my mind... but all I keep thinking about is rockets taking off, and trains going into tunnels... and cigars..."
The Wormhole Throw in blue lights, and you'd have one of Enterprise's decon chamber scenes.
Lucky Strike So you're sure this isn't the mirror universe?
Mikey Are you kidding? What could anyone say that would make this picture better than it already is?
Brian G "I know this sounds crazy, but ever since yesterday on the road, I've been seeing this shape. Shaving cream, pillows... Dammit! I know this. I know what this is! This means something. This is important."
4gitmeknot Freud should see this!

Entries : 195People : 94

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,136 Last updated : 25 Jun 2006