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Caption Competition

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7 May 2006

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Bryan Moore Working tiredlessly even into old age, William Shatner has become the new chair-person for the split personality clinic.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Roman Kirk (with chair): "The Captain's chair isn't big enough for both of us."
Spike Change falling down the back of chairs was still a major problem in the 23rd century...
Magoo Spock walked in and found Kirk "playing with himself."
Legion Finally, Scotty managed to change the laws of physics.
ExAstris "With my last breath, I chuck this chair at thee"
JilliBean Ohhh...Caption competition...I thought it said Captain competition.
Captain Nathan Kirk on right: "You look tired. Why don't!"
Thöme Kirk finally found a person with an ego as huge as his.
John Smith Spock, somethings wrong with this mirror!
Jack Kirk 1: Take this, you usurper!!!
Kirk 2: What? Where am I? Denny Crane!!
woodside First rule of moving furniture: make sure the egos of the movers can fit inside the same room.
McFortner Next on MTV's Celebrity Death Match, James T. Kirk vs William Shatner!
DanielB " can I stay mad at me? I *love* me."
Gil Rodriguez Kirk was always a soccer hooligan at heart...
Moose Shatner was so pleased when he read the script - he had even more screen time than usual.
BikerWolf Kirk 1: "His nose should pant..."
Kirk 2: "And his lip should curl..."
Kirk 1: "His cheeks should flame..."
Kirk 2: "And his brow should furl..."
Kirk 1: "His bosom should heave..."
Kirk 2: "And his heart should glow..."

Entries : 306People : 117

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,017 Last updated : 7 May 2006