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Caption Competition

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16 Apr 2006

Caption comp image


Name Caption
BikerWolf Sisko: "EX-TER-MIN-ATE! EX-TER-MIN-ATE!"
Kira: "Captain, we've been on pest-control duty all day, and your impression of a Dalek is getting old."
Sisko: "Sorry."

Special Mention

Name Caption
Draco It took Kira some time to figure out why Sisko reacted bad to her referring to the procedure as "Giving the changelings a golden shower"
Sakurabisu Sisko: Set phasers to... erm... Computer, access full Federation linguistics database. Search for terms meaning to paint, ranked by decreasing inherent humour with regards to Terran mentality.
Lazar Sisko and Kira deplore
Dust, grime, and tacky decor.
If it takes phaser beams
To make this place gleam,
Then you can rely on them to do the chore.
Q Kira does love her phaser
although it really does seem to craze her
so they took it away
and would not let her play
with anything except an old blazer.
JHD4 The real reason Ira Steven Behr wears sunglasses when he's around these two...
Lister Respect our authoritah!
Wacky "See the Galaxy!, they said. "Oh no, you won't be doing demeaning things like repainting the admiral's quarters!", they said."
Coen Kira: Sisko, is this the setting you use to shave your head?
Randy Houle Lifeforms,
You tiny little lifeforms,
You precious little lifeforms,
Where are you?
CaptainQuantum This is exactly why Holiday Inn doesn't host Trek conventions anymore.
Roman Sisko: Are you sure you saw a mouse in here?
TThomaso "We'll sweep every room! We'll find that intruder eventually!"
"Why not just use the interal sen-"
RV "We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill!!!"
Bryan Moore "So let me get this Captain... we could be using wide beam phasers like this any given time, but we continue to take single shots at the Jem'Hadar while they decimate our forces"
"That's correct, Major, but think of the plotlines we've created!"
David Salberg The DS9 Laser Tag game was cut short when Kira and Ben forgot to set their rifles to stun.

Entries : 395People : 170

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,172 Last updated : 16 Apr 2006