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Caption Competition

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9 Apr 2006

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Tiberius I am the coolest member of the groovy Q continuum
I found some whacky outfits and decided to change into them
I play the trumpet beautifully and I can sing so lyrical
But when I popped onto the bridge, they found me so hysterical!

Special Mention

Name Caption
Lobster Q: "Ave, Picarde praefecte navis! Ego veni -"
Picard: "You mixed up Latin and Latin-American!"
N'tran Off screen Riker holds up his trombone:
"Mine's bigger."
DanielB John de Lancie, Fake Smile: "What do you mean I'll be infected by a Goa'uld??"
Jack Picard: No,Q, singing Serenata is not one of the tips to win the Caption Competition.
Mikey Riker, aside: "No, Q - I described the Captain as 'sombre,' not 'sombrero...'"
Schizo-Hal It's a Balding Contest!
Drake Zure "Captain, are my backup singers checking out my ass?"
"Yes, Q, I'm afraid they are."
Sir Joseph Bazooka Q: " Keep Your Communicator Jean-Luc, You forget I'm omnipotent, I therefor need NO Steeenking Badges"
CaptainGibbles "You're from France??? Really??? Now I just feel stupid."
captain pike Janeawway would not sleep with me
so I had to tequilla!
AJ Q: "Alright captain, I'll delete Wesley from the timeline. But ONLY if you'll allow my band to perform on the bridge."
Picard: "Tempting, so tempting...."
Q There once was fellow named Q
His friends really were few
so he got a sombrero
and continued to harrow
Picard and the rest of the crew
McFortner Picard: Q! What is the meaning of those costumes?
Q: Now you know why nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Jarno Miedema Picard: *Sigh* I can say one thing about you, Q.. You're omni-annoying..
Kevin P. I finally allow you grant me one wish, Q, and you insist on mis-hearing me. I said I wanted a STRUMPET.
McFortner Q: So, Earthlings, I present you with a simple choice. Think carefuly, for you hold your very lives in your hands. Now choose: Now die in the vacuum of space, or tell me how good you thought my trumpet playing was!

Entries : 407People : 145

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,977 Last updated : 9 Apr 2006