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Caption Competition

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12 Mar 2006

Caption comp image


Name Caption
drow Jake: "Hey, is this ferengi boring you? Why don't you come with me, I'm from a different universe."

Special Mention

Name Caption
Captain Feedback Girl on Nog's arm: (thinking "Well it could be worse, I could be out on a date with Wesley Crusher!")
Juan C Jake: My father thinks I am a writer.
Nog: Mine thinks I attend Starleet Academy.
Black Dress:*And he thinks I´m a girl.*
drow Mirror Quark's "Buy a Drink, Get a Free Girl" promotion was a big hit. Oddly, even among the ladies.
CaptianGibbles The smiles stopped when "she" introduced herself as Steve.
Jazzman Nog: Ya see Jake? I've finally found a girl I can see eye-to-eye with!
Dabo Girl: Honey, those aren't my eyes....
Combat Carl See Nog, and you thought that "Buy one get one free" was a scam.
Kevin P. Welcome to Stavromula Beta. What could possibly go wrong?
Thöme The sequel of Vulcan love slaves, Bajoran love slaves matched up to most of the expections. Only few people pointed out that the pointy ears were indeed missing.
Q The writer of this caption regrets not being able to think of anything funny..... there were to many........distracting things.
Wiech Nog: O hi jake i was just on the way to borrow some "items" from worf and garak
Dante Sometimes it's really good to the short one.
William Barbie Barbarella, by Mattel
Zeke Thorne Nog: Dude...that's your MOM. This universe is morally depraved and all, but that's just GROSS.
Wubbzy Quark was adamant that Nog finish cleaning the glasses, but Nog's attention was firmly upon the jugs.
Aitrus Girl: I wish you would stop staring at my chest...
Nog: It would be a lot easier if you didn't keep it at eye level.
Daniel Once someone wrote a bad limerick
Their keyboard went tick-tick-tick-tick
They sent it right in
And the contest did win
And everyone was quite dyspeptic
Gil Rodriguez Jake: "'Leeloo'? Nog, that's not a Bajoran name..."
Big Bear And they said horgons only worked on Risa
SilentEd Beaten by the score of two to one, Nog still found the game very entertaining

Entries : 190People : 96

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,959 Last updated : 12 Mar 2006