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Caption Competition

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11 Dec 2005

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Mikey For Charlie, interpretive dance became an outlet for his thoughts, feelings, and aspirations. For Kirk, it was excuse #435 to take off his shirt.

Special Mention

Name Caption
McFortner Kirk: Boy, it's time to squeal like a piggie!
Ralph Cuaron Charlie: "Can't someone else be the christmas tree fairy this year!?"
Nari James T. Kirk, ladies man, Starfleet Captain, and riverdancer.
Sondak Eventually it dawns on Kirk that inviting girls to the ship's cheerleading try-outs would have been a wise choice.
Raziel Kirk: Very good "T". Unfortunately the song goes Y... M... C... A.
HJSalberg Oh goodness, looks like I dropped the bar of soap!
Mikey "BE the tree, Charlie - BE the tree!"
suxxxxxx Charlie:When I was told what I had to do to become a member of Red Squad, I thought it was just a metaphor!
Griddles Shatner: Concentrate, Striker... keep her steady... bring her in slow, DON'T LOSE HER! That's the way, Striker... you haven't changed since Macho Grande...
UnknownSample After viewing the last Hoshi picture, Charlie noticed certain "changes" about himself....
fluffy 200 years in the future, David Blaine's levitation trick still amazes many
Swift Guy on the left: Can someone give me a hand? My nunchucks are stuck in the wall...
Rob We're men - We're men in tights!
Swift When Klingons have grievances with each other they challenge each other to fights to the death; in the Federation, they have 'ballet dance-offs'...
Silent Bob Charlie's "Passion of the Christ" one man show was popular with the crew.

Entries : 312People : 121

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,251 Last updated : 11 Dec 2005