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Caption Competition

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3 Oct 2004

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Ensign Pryce I've got no trouble with these tribbles

Special Mention

Name Caption
Bryan Moore Despite his insistance at being a well-trained, highly professional doctor, the ladies couldn't help but feeling McCoy was just a dirty old man.
Lord David McCoy: "I know it's only an illusion, but we ain't got holodecks back on the Enterprise!"
AHHHRNOLD "I guess tribbles are fond of breast milk..."
Basosz McCoy: "Jim... I'm beginning to think I could cure a hairy day!"
Silent Bob Two escorts for the evening - £3000, a can of instant fur desolver... Priceless
Chad McCoy: "I see the new nurses uniforms have arrived."
Drewbacca In the future, the teletubbies will be much sexier.
Admiral Q The guys didn't have the heart to wake McCoy up....
SlideMan "Gee, I sure hope you two are a lot more flexible than that Trill gymnist I met in college."
3of9 I know they're not real... but they're so much FUN!!!!
Dwarfer "I'm usually a doctor,not

Entries : 269People : 108

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,111 Last updated : 3 Oct 2004