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Caption Competition

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25 Sep 2005

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Name Caption
Turgon Join Starfleet, they said... experience bold adventures, they said... explore the infinity of space, they said...

Special Mention

Name Caption
Daniel Anderson Damn A380! They said these things would have more legroom, but this is ridiculous!
Lobster This week´s ENT-episode: Hoshi has to find a certain inventor named Jefferies, who has lost his way in the tube labyrinth of his own invention!
Robert W Hoshi: "Hoshi to Captain Archer...I found your dog. Will you let me out now?"
Steve WD Damn, I know there is a decent plotline in here somewhere!
The Wormhole Little did Hoshi realize that crawling in this tube would be the last time she would have anything important to do on the show. But at least it's more attention than Mayweather got.
Griddles Hoshi: Sir! There's a plasma leak!
Archer: Yes, and you're wearing a low-cut outfit, thereby drawing more attention to your breas- oh, sorry. I thought we were having a state the obvious contest.
Griddles Hoshi: Well... this coulda been worse. I coulda been cast for a role in Stealth *shudders*
BikerWolf Hoshi: "I feel like I'm on an episode of 'Tripping the Rift'."
EMH_MkI Out of sheer boredom, Hoshi decides how many "The Rock" imitations she can do.
Pathfinder Hoshi's search for season five continues...
USS Weaseal This week on Lost....
Hoshi: Where the freck am I?!?
AJ Hoshi: "Note to self: If I ever become empress, I will have a long talk with those starship designers."
Lagamorph "I could've lived in a tropical paradise but noooooo, I had to decide I'd rather crawl through small tubes off in space somewhere...."
DBS "Sato to bridge - I think I may have found something...the plasma manifold subprocessor seems to have been replaced with an irregular black box with some sort of lens sticking out. There are also a bunch of unexplained lights and some guy gesturing at me to say...something else."
McFortner Hoshi: Captain, I've found the intruder, but you won't beleive me....
Archer: What is it?
Hoshi: It appears to be a large, grey, talking rabbit.
Archer: A talking rabbit?
Hoshi: Yes sir. It keeps muttering something about how it "should have taken that left turn at Albequerque."
Zeke Thorne Everything else on this ship is a hundred years more advanced than it should be; why couldn't we have Jeffries tubes with a little more bloody HEAD ROOM?
Swift Hoshi had to make 100% sure no-one would find the corpses of Rick Berman and Brannon Braga.

Entries : 344People : 125

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,136 Last updated : 25 Sep 2005