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Caption Competition

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1 Sep 2024

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Name Caption
Horta not Vorta While programmed in multiple techniques, this one was not a favorite.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Chromedome Data takes one for the team.
The Geek Q: "If the continuum has told you once they have told you a thousand times. DON'T PROVOKE THE BORG!"
Silent Bob One small step for an Man,
One giant xxx for an Android!
Captain 8472 Data: I am curious. Is this the activity known as ‘death by snu-snu?’
Horta not Vorta "Kiss my shiny metal ass!"
Captain 8472 Bite my shiny metal ass!!
Chromedome "Captain, please save me! They are planning to overwrite my personality with one taken from Wesley Crusher!"
Horta not Vorta As you can plainly see, my ass is not grass.
Captain 8472 Data possess the true embodiment of the term ‘buns of steel.’
Captain 8472 After roughly 8 years an numerous failed attempts, it takes the knowledge and technology of the Borg to remove Yar’s ‘favorite toy’ from Data’s posterior.
McFortner Data: Thank you, sir! May I have another?
Horta not Vorta Arsloch.
Arse lock?
Grab Key.
Captain 8472 Data demonstrating to the Borg how he earned the nickname‘Thunder Butt.’
Frankie Chestnuts Borg in Starfleet uniform: “Lt. Commander! I feel like I should be saluting or something…”
Miss Marple Data [to self]: Next time I’ll just order Cologuard… but I gotta get me some of what Woody Harrelson had.
Captain 8472 I like android butts, and I cannot lie!
You other brothers can’t deny!
Miss Marple Data engages his "Hip-Hop Subroutine":
"I HATE Big Borg and I cannot lie..."
Frankie Chestnuts Data: "Dear God... Why does August have to have 31 days???"
Horta not Vorta Android Death Fart ineffective.
Horta not Vorta After the spanking comes the oral sex.
Captain 8472 Data now understands why Yar demanded lubricant.
Horta not Vorta Borg putting the ass in assimilate.
Miss Marple Data [to self]: Next time I’ll just order Cologuard…
Captain 8472 This scene made Bret Spiner question his career choices.

Entries : 77People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 2,459 Last updated : 1 Sep 2024