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Caption Competition

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1 May 2024

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Chromedome "I don't get it, Bill. We've come to Comic Con and NOBODY believes it is really us!"

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Quickly…
Who has worse hair??
Captain 8472 Spock is in shock. Kirk is confused. Kirk’s ex girlfriend has traded down.
Miss Marple Nimoy: "Photogenic wide body mammals. Hmmm... I have an idea!"
Chromedome Let's be honest - this is the least flattering picture we've seen of these two.
Chromedome "Do you know where the little Vulcan's room is?"
"From the smell, I think you're too late!"
Chromedome "Do you think our clothing makes us conspicuous?"
"Nah! This is the 1980's - the decade that fashion tries to forget - we'll fit right in!"
Captain 8472 This image was taken at the moment these two learned who would be directing the next Star Trek movie.
Captain 8472 Chromedome (left) and Frankie Chestnuts (right) have just been told they are not funny. Their reactions were captured in this image.
Frankie Chestnuts Chromedome (left): "Hookers?"
Frankie Chestnuts (right): "Hookers"
Chromedome Chromedome (left): "Hooker?"
Frankie Chestnuts (right): "You can call me T.J."
Horta not Vorta From the crowd comes the shout:
"Get a Life!"
Horta not Vorta From the crowd comes the shout:
"May the Fourth be with you."
N'tran DS 12 Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
recommends a towel as essential equipment.
Spock is prepared.
Captain 8472 Spock: I did not think it was possible.
Kirk: Spock, please…
Spock: Dr. McCoy needs to know about this.
Kirk: Spock, I’m begging you…
Spock: To think you would be shot down by a woman before you even said a word.
Chromedome Chromedome (left): "Pub?"
Frankie Chestnuts (right): "Pub."

Entries : 60People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 3,364 Last updated : 1 May 2024