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Caption Competition

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1 Apr 2024

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Miss Marple Bones: Have you tried turning it OFF, and then turning it back ON again?
Both: Thank you, Spock.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Kirk: "My God... It's full of stars!"
Scotty: "Sir...?"
Kirk: "Stars, Mr. Scott. The universe is full of stars."
Scotty: "Aye, Captain... Stars..."
Scotty [under his breath]: "Putz!"
Captain 8472 Kirk: What is going on?
Scotty: It is some kind of musical performance from the 1980s.
McCoy: Khan got the last laugh. We have been Ric-Rolled.
Chromedome "NO CAPTAIN! Don't click the download button!"
The Geek The crew accidentally stumbles onto 4chan.
Frankie Chestnuts Internet Porn:
STILL popular well into the 23rd century.
Chromedome "Surely they didn't vote for him AGAIN!"
Chromedome "Ye cannae change the laws of TikTok, Captain!"
Captain 8472 Kirk: Scotty, how did my medical records make it onto the display?
Scotty: Alderan Herpes, Rigellian Syphilis, Bolian Chlamydia, Tortuga Warts… What is wrong you, Captain?
McCoy: That is only from his first semester at the academy.
Obama3rdterm Isn't it past your jail time?
Chromedome "Are you sure we'll be able to get dilithium crystals here?"
"Aye, captain. They say you can buy anything here."
"But how do we know they aren't fakes?"
"Och, captain, dinnae fash, this fella has loads of good reviews. And these Ebay people have a guarantee!"

Entries : 87People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 4,033 Last updated : 1 Apr 2024