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Caption Competition

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1 Jun 2023

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Lt Hey Lursa: That is all I hear B'etor, B'etor, B'etor, why is it always B'etor.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Lursa: “PetaQ!!! My breasts are down there!!”
Frankie Chestnuts The perils of being called to HR on DS9.
Frankie Chestnuts Auditions for the new spokesperson for Lume Feminine Deodorant... While completion was tight, there was always only a single choice.
Captain 8472 Someone just shouted’May the 4th be with you!’ It was at a Star Trek convention.
Bodhi Qapout!
MR. WORF Lursa was not impressed with the Non-Alcoholic Blood Wine.
Chromedome "Do you want fries with that? Sorry, I mean do you want to BE fried like that?"
Chromedome "...Put your hands on your hips, and pull your knees in tight, and do the pelvic thrust, that really drives you insane ..."
Captain 8472 It looks like someone could use cuddles from a kitten.
SlartyBardFast No Commander Data, "No Pants Wednesday" is NOT a Klingon holiday.
Chromedome "I am a Klingon warrior and you dismiss me at your peril! My batleth will be lodged deep in your guts!"
(Offscreen) "Yeah, yeah, whatever. We're breaking for lunch. Make sure you know your lines by the time we start again."
Frankie Chestnuts There are those restaurants where the staff is rude to the customers… Then there’s THIS place.
Bird of Prey Never talk to your Klingon girlfriend before she didn't had her first cup of raktajino in the morning!
Chromedome She looked at the disemboweled body of her agent - that was the last time he'd call anyone a "lousy method actor".
Miss Marple No Ma’am. That doesn’t make your ass look big, unless Yes? Is YES the right answer?!?!
Bird of Prey If looks could kill...
...not much would change in Klingon society, because they tend to kill people in a whim anyway.
Chromedome "And WHAT time do you call this?"
Horta not Vorta Accept Kahless as your personal savior... Or else.
Miss Marple Welcome to Kayl'ess shoe store. You WILL find something you will like. Today is a good day to buy!
Captain 8472 Regardless of the species or culture, the ‘angry girlfriend/wife’ trope never goes away.
Bodhi "Excuse me, my forehead's up here!"
Chromedome "This stuff may look sexy to a Klingon, but I have to walk sideways to fit through doors!"
MR. WORF Lursa didn't think Prune Juice was Warriors drink. She had to run to the lavatory.
Chromedome Things They Never Said #22: "I just want a hug!"

Entries : 152People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 4,651 Last updated : 1 Jun 2023