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Caption Competition

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26 Sep 2004

Caption comp image


Name Caption
John Luc Trip: "Okay, as long as I don't end up pregnant this time."

Special Mention

Name Caption
Silent Bob "Never mind Trellium-D, I think you're contaminated with Silicone!"
The Wormhole Trip: "Oh boy!" T'Pol: "I suggest you get your eyes checked, Commander. Clearly I am not a boy."
SlideMan "So this is what they mean by, 'To Bodily Go Where No Man Has Gone Before!'"
Tremor3258 My face is up here.
Admiral ED Men are from Mars.... WOMEN from Vulcan....
A. Kar Boy, it sure is hooter, er, hotter in here than in the rest of the ship
Lobster Trip: "Unbelieveable that I used to hate Xenobiology back at the academy..."
Silent Bob At last, a scene from "Vulcan Love Slave"!
Lord David First we had "The Naked Time" Then we had "The Naked Now" And now we have "The Naked WOW!"
Bryan Moore "I walked in on grandma Tucker when SHE was 65, and boy she looked NOTHING like this."
Galen Schwing!
Spasekace007 :instruction manual: incert tab A into slot B. Repeat.
Craig So this is what Q meant about wonders to satiate desires subtle and gross
Drewbacca Tucker tended to fall asleep at the most inopportune moments.

Entries : 349People : 104

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,384 Last updated : 26 Sep 2004