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Caption Competition

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1 Mar 2023

Caption comp image


Name Caption
The Geek Mick Jagger: "Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name,"
This guy: WOOT WOOT
Mick Jagger: "But what's puzzling you is the nature of my game."
This guy: WOOT WOOT

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts The latest college craze:
Miss Marple Sneaking booze onto cruises required more and more intricate efforts.
Frankie Chestnuts Prior to discovering snails and frogs legs, the early French considered poodle brains a delicacy.
Captain 8472 ‘Keep it fairly clean,’ they say. Then we get this image.
Bird of Prey I never understood the appeal of those novelty mugs...
Frankie Chestnuts If there were ever a need for a loofah treatment, here we see it...
Chromedome (offscreen) "No! Suppositories go in the OTHER end!"
AdmiralM Hopefully she'll be able to pull the rest of it out.
Frankie Chestnuts Fraternity Brothers [offscreen]: “DRINK, DRINK, DRINK, DRINK…”
The Geek After many attempts, he had no choice but to concede that duck calls never sound fierce.
Frankie Chestnuts In his later years, Crusty the Clown had to resort to working kiddie birthday parties.
Chromedome "And we'll be saying a big hello to all intelligent life forms everywhere. And to everyone else out there, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys!"
Miss Marple Corgis - Always in good taste.
N'tran DS 12 Faith of the Heart versus Taste of the Skull
Chromedome The props department and a tube of super glue take revenge on an actor who dared to complain about their makeup & costume.
Captain 8472 To whistle, put the skull to your lips and blow.
Chromedome (Kirk, offscreen) "Sulu, when I said 'Get Bones', I meant get the doctor!"
AdmiralM "What a bonehead"
Miss Marple Starfleet Academy Cadet Health Education Class, Slide #1:
The importance of Hand Hygiene
Chromedome "I say, I say, I say. My dog's got no nose."
"How does he smell?"
"He doesn't, he's a skeleton."
The Geek Boy, middle age sure hit Peter Pan like a ton of bricks.
Chromedome When the wardrobe & makeup budgets run low, it is the extras who get the hit.
SlipperyStream4747 ♪"A Spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
The medicine go dooowwn
The medicine go down
Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
In a most delightful way"♪
The Geek "The more difficult the task, the sweeter the victory. For example, I shall now carefully prepare this skull for full insertion into..."
Director: "CUT! CUT! CUT!"

Entries : 126People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 6,433 Last updated : 1 Mar 2023