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Name | Caption |
Chromedome | "Thank you for breaking my fall, Captain." "Mmmmmmpppppphh!" |
Name | Caption |
AdmiralM | The Vulcan breast pinch. |
Miss Marple | Remember: The camera adds 10 pounds, so technically, Jolene probably has no junk in the trunk. Sorry. |
Captain 8472 | Broke Back Archer. |
Captain 8472 | The only way T’Pol will have plausible deniability regarding this event is to be the only person left alive. |
N'tran DS 12 | Booby Trap |
N'tran DS 12 | Where No One Has Gone Before |
Jonas Ryman | Archer: “Oh boy!” |
Captain 8472 | Frankie Chestnuts is losing an argument with Miss Marple. |
Chromedome | Lie back and think of Vulcan |
Silent Bob | T'Pol wasn't enjoying morning pushups as much now that Archer had joined the group. |
Frankie Chestnuts | Scotty [Yelling from off camera]: “She is one well-endowed lady. I'd like to get my hands on her "ample nacelles," if you pardon the engineering parlance." |
Miss Marple | For some reason, Archer starts discussing Lagrange points. |
Frankie Chestnuts | Archer: "MMMmmmffff mmmmff MMff. T'Pol: Pardon? |
The Geek | In the event of a water landing, T'Pol can be used as a flotation device. |
The Geek | Director: "C'mon, Jolene, you not just doing it for the money... you're doing it for a SHITLOAD of money!" |
Frankie Chestnuts | Archer, keeping abreast of the situation. |
Frankie Chestnuts | “Please keep it fairly clean…” . Really??! |
DBB | The Vulcan boob pinch was rare, but always very popular. |
The Geek | Reed: "We were in the nick of time. You were in great peril!" Archer: "I don't think I was." Reed: "Yes, you were. You were in terrible peril." Archer: "Look, let me go back in there and face the peril." Reed: "No, it's too perilous." Archer: "Look, it's my duty as Captain to sample as much peril as I can." Reed: "No, we've got to find the Holy Grail." Archer: "I thought I just did...?" |
Bird of Prey | Archer: "Captain's log - I find myself trapped in the gravitational field of two very huge orbs..." |
N'tran DS 12 | Encounter at Pon Farr Point |
Frankie Chestnuts | T’Pol: “Captain, is that a phaser in your pocket, or-“ Archer: “PHASER!! Yes Sub-Commander… it’s a PHASER.” |
Bird of Prey | Archer: "Okay yes, I admit that I'm envious of Vulcan superior anatomy! Stop rubbing it in!" |
Miss Marple | This is why they thought Human/Vulcan reproduction would be difficult. -But really, no one would mind trying. |
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 7,137 | Last updated : 1 Oct 2022 |