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Caption Competition

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1 Jul 2022

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Name Caption
MLCoolJ *insert theme from "Chariots of Fire"*

Special Mention

Name Caption
Chromedome "Data, we're going to have to do much better that this if we're going to beat Frankie Chestnuts & Miss Marple on the dancefloor!"
Frankie Chestnuts Cue explosion in 3... 2... 1...
Frankie Chestnuts ♫ Been working,
so hard.
I'm punching,
my card.
Eight hours,
for what?
Oh, tell me what I got.
I get this feeeeling,
That times just holding me down.

I'll hit the ceiling,
Or else I'll tear up this town.

Now I gotta cut loose,
Kick off the Sunday shoes.
Please, Beverly,
pull me off of my knees.
Jack, come back,
come on before we crack.
Lose your blues,
everybody cut footloose! ♫
Captain 8472 Data challenged Dr. Crusher to a dance off. There were no survivors.
Chromedome "Reverse the gravity! We're meant to be dancing on the ceiling!"
=NoPoet= When you use photoshop to remove the hula hoops, it just looks weird.
Bird of Prey Dr. Crusher [as they slide backwards across the tilted floor]: "Let's try out the Titanic holoprogram, he said. It will be enlightening and interesting, he said..."
Horta not Vorta Come on baby do you do more than dance?
I'm hot blooded, check it and see,
AdmiralM "Doctor can you show me how to lap dance next?"
SlartyBardFast Lets get out of here Data, there are Khalass Witnesses coming to the door.
Miss Marple Beverly, while gasping for breath: No Data. I will not teach you how to do the fan dance.
Miss Marple Beverly: No Data. I will not teach you how to do the Fandango.
Miss Marple Often in a series, the directors will tap in to skills the actors already possess.
Sometimes not.

Entries : 123People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 7,145 Last updated : 1 Jul 2022