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Caption Competition

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24 Jul 2005

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Matt Groenig You haven't seen an oversized lobster, robot and someone comforting his grandma around the place have you

Special Mention

Name Caption
James Man in suit: "Do YOU know where we can find Osama bin Laden?"
Fizzle The new Star Trek series has been revealed to be a prequel to the Enterprise series.
Fizzle Tell us what we want to know or we'll kill the ceiling.
DanielB " women, you say?"
FL Nog: Humans. Let's talk to them
Quark: Talk to them? Have you not seen the historical documents of Galaxy Quest? They're carnivores!
Rom: Too much Holosuite...
Nick C. 20th Century grunts didn't know how good they had it, what with their shirts being the same colour as everyone else's.
AJ Suit: "Listen up in there! You got three seconds to return Elvis, or there will be hell to pay!"
Stan Officer: Now Mr Shatner just come quietly and sign this deceleration that you won't do any more singing or bad breakfast cereal commercials!
Guard: I say we shoot him now just to make sure...
Silent Bob Man in suit : "Graham Kennedy!"
Man on left : "Biggus dickus!"
Woman : "Priceless!"
MP 1 : "DITL!"
MP 2 : "Green!"
Mikey "We don't know - how DO you keep five idiots in suspense?"
Merlin Suit: Nobody move! This is a raid! Hand over all your redskirts, Orion dancing girls, yoga-performing Trill, fur-bikini-wearing space babes, Betazoid ambassadors -
Girl: If you're going to list all the scantily-clad women from this compo, we could be here a while...
=NoPoet= Terra Prime: The Beginning.
McFortner Suit: No, I wouldn't believe that his ears got that way from a mechanical rice picker!

Entries : 346People : 96

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 13,910 Last updated : 24 Jul 2005